soc 101 Online Latestart



DISTANCE EDUCATION Fall 2020 Late Start 1&2

SECTIONS 1822 and 1827

Dates: Oct 19 - Dec 16

Updated last on 10/3/20 Note if changed since your last login.


HOURS: WEDS 2:15-3:15 and by appt. Virtual Office Hrs (on-line only) M & Th 9-11am


PHONE: 651- 5879

TEXTS: See below and/or order @

OPENSTAX, Sociology 2nd Ed

You can purchase (recommended) or download a free pdf here

AND ... Free!

Manis, Social Reality Workbook


(Available for free download in Canvas)

Course Description:An overview of the sociological principles that shape the development, structure and function of societies, cultures, human interactions, groups, self-image, and social change.

Course Objectives: By the end of this course, a student should:

-1. Describe and discuss the "sociological imagination."

-2. Differentiate and apply the major theoretical perspectives in sociology.

-3. Define and utilize basic sociological concepts, including social institutions, roles, norms, sanctions, social locations, statuses, cultural diversity, and social change.

-4. Analyze the role social forces play in shaping human behavior and life chances.

-5.Describe & compare social science research methods, with an emphasis on identifying basic methodological approaches concerning data collection, analysis and interpretation, as well as basic ethical considerations.


Quizzes open on Sunday 9am and close Saturday 11pm (most weeks). You may do them anytime during the week. System maintenance closes the Canvas Website between 12:01 and 5:00 AM Saturday Morning.

Week starts Sunday...

quiz 1,2- Oct 19 Introduction. Theory Methods. READING: OPENSTAX Ch 1 & 2.2, MANIS ch 1. Cultures, subcultures, READING: OPENSTAX ch. 3, MANIS ch.2 Syllabus quiz due.

quiz 3, 4 Oct 25 Socialization READING: OPENSTAX ch. 5. Interaction READING: OPENSTAX CH 4.

quiz 5,6 –Nov 1 Religion READING: OPENSTAX ch 15 Family READING: OPENSTAX CH 14, MANIS ch. 5

quiz 7, 8 - Nov 8 Groups READING: OPENSTAX CH 6; MANIS p ch 3 Intro Paper DUE. Deviance READING: OPENSTAX ch. 7 ; MANIS ch. 4

quiz 9, 10 Nov 15 Stratification READING: OPENSTAX ch. 9; MANIS ch. 6 ,Racism READING: OPENSTAX ch. 8; MANIS chapter 7.

quiz 11, 12 Nov 22 Sexism READING: OPENSTAX ch 12, MANIS ch. 8. Economics READING: OPENSTAX ch 18. Thanksgiving Nov 26

quiz 13 Nov 29 Politics MANIS ch.9. , READING: OPENSTAX ch 17 MANIS ch 10 MEDIA: READING: OPENSTAX CH 8 MANIS chap 11 (not on quiz, covered on Final -- Environment READING: OPENSTAX ch 20 (not on quiz, covered on Final ). Extra credit due Dec 3.




Reading assignments should be completed before Wednesday on the week assigned. Written assignments must be sent in by 11pm of the date specified. Written assignments will be submitted via OnlineCampus (Canvas) course dropbox. No attachments, please cut and paste into the dropbox. Late papers will be accepted only for 72 hours and will receive half credit if turned in within 24 hours. Following the weekly schedule below is suggested:


You should also post at least 3 messages to the bulletin board per week (not per discussion) to pass, MORE if you want a better grade. This can be based on:

[1] any discussion topics I might post,

[2] the lecture or video from that week's chapter in the lecture/video link in the course website:


[3] an article on that weeks subject from a newspaper website ( include a summary and URL).

Do not wait until the last day to post.


This is a critical thinking course. The bulletin board postings you submit might address one or more of the following questions

about the topic:

[1] causes and consequences,

[2] similar and/or dissimilar situations, and

[3] who benefits from the situation ("hidden agendas") ,

not simply your emotional reaction.


Grades will assigned according to standard criteria from A to D- and F. 90% is A, 80% B, etc. Students who drop are responsible to officially withdraw, otherwise they risk getting an F instead of W.


All tests will be done on-line. They may be done in the lab or at home. Quizzes must be completed weekly by Saturday Night at 11pm with the exception of the first week and Thanksgiving. They will become available each week on Sunday morning. Canvas is closed for maintenance weekly between 12:01 and 5:00AM Saturday for maintenance.

All tests and quizzes will be open book and open note, BUT don't be fooled - that doesn't mean they will be easy. The first 4 quizzes may be taken 2 times. There are NO MAKEUPS but you may drop three quiz scores. All other tests will be taken once weekly starting on Sun 9AM. The Final Exam will also be given on-line and covers the final chapters plus lecture Powerpoints.

Tests will be accessed via our Online Campus website: http://csn.instructure.comYour login name will be your NSHE#, and your password will be the last 4 digits of your SS# or a password you created\. You do NOT need to come to CSN to take any tests.

WORKBOOKS: There will be a number of questions regarding the workbook on the final exam. It is recommended that you fill out the definitions and questions for reference while taking the exam.


The Final will cover, covering all readings in the workbook, the PowerPoints, syllabus outcomes and will ALSO cover the last weeks readings in OPENSTAX. It will be taken online ONLY on the days offered: Dec 6-7.

School Policies

Academic Integrity

Taking the words of others or presenting the ideas of others as your own not only limits your academic research skills, it also violates the CSN’s Student Academic Integrity Policy. Cheating on exams or other course work also violates the CSN Student Academic Integrity Policy. You can find more information about CSN’s Academic Integrity Policy at The minimum penalty for such offenses in this course is to fail the assignment. Failing the course will also be considered as an option. Infractions of the CSN Student Academic Integrity Policy may lead to suspensions, expulsion, transcript notations or other sanctions. Typically, in this class the penalty is a zero plus lowering the semester grade by one letter.

Disability Resource Center (DRC) – The College of Southern Nevada is committed to making physical facilities and instructional programs accessible to students with disabilities. If you have a disability that may have some impact on your work in this class and for which you may require accommodations, please visit the Disability Resource Center (DRC) so that such accommodations can be considered. All discussions will remain confidential. The Disability Resource Center (DRC) has offices at all three campus locations as the focal point for coordination of services for students with disabilities. If you have a physical, emotional, or mental disability that “substantially limits one or more major life activities (including walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working),” and will require accommodation in this class, please contact the DRC at WC (702) 651-5644 , or email at at NLV (702) 651-4045, or email at and at HNC (702) 651-3795, or email at For Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services contact (702) 651- 4448, or email at Students that receive accommodation letters, please meet with me to discuss the provisions of those accommodations as soon as possible.

Students’ Rights and Responsibilities

When you choose to become a student at CSN, you accept the rights and responsibilities of membership in CSN’s academic and social community. You can find policies covering students such as the Student Conduct, Students’ Right to Know, Students’ Academic Integrity, and Disruptive and Abusive Student in the following locations:

• Catalog and Student Handbook: in the Policies and Procedures section.

• CSN Website: under the heading “Student Policies.”

CSN Libraries

CSN Libraries provides support for students completing assignments that require research and the use of information. Librarians are available to students for one-on-one assistance locating and citing quality information either online ( or at one of our campus libraries. Find more information on our website (

Objectionable Materials

Some students may find some material presented in class to be objectionable. The instructor has the discretion to choose to remove it or not. Students may not engage in activity the instructor deems disruptive or counterproductive to the goals of the class. Instructors have the right to remove offending students from class.

Recording Class

There are no recordings of the class allowed without the explicit permission of the instructor.

Centers for Academic Success

Centers for Academic Success (CAS) provides quality DROP-IN academic assistance to all students enrolled in for-credit courses at CSN. CSN CAS Tutors are available online through Smarthinking, which is accessed in the Canvas online learning management system. View a tutorial video on how to access CSN Tutors/Learning Assistants online at How to Access CSN Tutors in Smarthinking. You may choose “Submit a Question” if you don’t have time for a live session. A Tutor responds to offline questions within 24 hours. Contact us at one of campus phone numbers, and we will assist you with accessing all learning support. Academic learning support includes assistance with placement test preparation, learning strategies, Canvas, Smarthinking online tutoring, Microsoft Office, reading, writing, oral presentations, math, and science. CAS Tutors also provide support in facilitating study groups. You may experience embedded learning assistance in one of your first-year courses. Professors and CAS Staff will make you aware of how to access services as part of your course curriculum. CAS is open Monday through Sunday to be more accessible to all students – Monday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Friday – Sunday 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Smarthinking tutors are available 24/7. You may visit for more details or contact us at one of our offices during our regular operational hours: Charleston Centers (702-651-5732), North Las Vegas Learning Commons (702-651-4232), Henderson Learning Commons (702-651-3125).

*Students will receive notification as on-ground tutoring services resume.

Early Alert Syllabus Statement

Early Alert Referral Program (MyCoyotePLAN) – A referral program to connect students with college resources when assistance is needed to achieve success. Referrals may be initiated by faculty and staff as well by students through MyCoyotePLAN. After a referral is submitted, students will receive an email notification and will be contacted by the department to which they were referred to offer assistance.