Soc 101  Summer


DISTANCE EDUCATION   Summer I Session 2024

Introduction to Sociology SECTION  1402

Dates: June  3- June 30

Updated last on May 29, 2024. Note if changed since your last login.


HOURS:  Virtual Office Hrs (on-line only) M & Th  9-11am


PHONE: 651-5879

TEXTS: See below and/or order @


OPENSTAX, Sociology 3rd Ed 

You can purchase book (recommended) or download a free pdf here 

Download here (Link) 

Manis, Social Reality Workbook 

   Download for free here (Link)

Course Description: 

Sociological principles underlying the development, structure and function of culture, society, human groups, personality formation and social change. 


Teaching Philosophy: My Philosophy is to try to make the course content as interesting as possible but understanding that the burden is on the student to motivate themselves to learn. Online classes especially require self discipline on the part of the students. I will try to grade assignments within 5 days if possible.


WEEK 1    JUNE 3-9

       - These quizzes are open Monday to Saturday:

quiz 1-  Introduction.  Theory Methods. READING: OPENSTAX Ch 1 & 2.2, MANIS ch 1. 

quiz 2 - Cultures, subcultures, READING: OPENSTAX ch. 3, MANIS ch.2  

       - The following quizzes are open until Sunday: 

quiz 3,    Socialization READING: OPENSTAX ch. 5.  

quiz 4 - Interaction  READING: OPENSTAX CH 4.

       - All subsequent quizzes are Sunday to Saturday. 

WEEK 2  JUNE 9-15

quiz 5,–  Religion READING: OPENSTAX  ch 15 

quiz 6 - Family READING: OPENSTAX CH 14, MANIS ch. 5 

quiz 7 - Groups READING: OPENSTAX CH 6; MANIS p ch 3  Intro Paper DUE. 

quiz 8 - Deviance READING: OPENSTAX ch. 7 ; MANIS ch. 4

WEEK 3  JUNE 16-22

quiz 9 -  Stratification READING: OPENSTAX ch. 9; MANIS ch. 6

quiz 10 Racism READING: OPENSTAX ch. 11, MANIS ch. 7

quiz 11,   Sexism  READING: OPENSTAX ch 12, MANIS ch. 8.

quiz 12 Economics READING:  OPENSTAX ch 18  MANIS ch.9.

WEEK 4  JUNE 23 - 29

quiz 13        Politics, READING:  OPENSTAX ch 17  MANIS ch 10 

- Media : READING: OPENSTAX CH 8 MANIS chap 11 (not on   quiz, covered on Final  -- 

- Environment READING: OPENSTAX ch 20 (not on  quiz, covered on Final ). Extra credit due June 28. 


FINALS:    JUN  28- 29 - (2 DAYS ONLY).


10 Points of extra credit are available


Reading assignments should be completed before Saturday on the week assigned. Written assignments must be sent in by 11pm of the date specified. Written assignments will be submitted via OnlineCampus (CANVAS Learning) course dropbox. No attachments, please cut and paste into the dropbox.  Late papers will be accepted only for 72 hours and will receive half credit if turned in within 24 hours.  Following the weekly schedule below is suggested: 




 There is one graded discussion and one ungraded each lasting two weeks. For the graded one, you should also post at least 3 messages to the bulletin board per week to pass, MORE if you want a better grade.  This can be based on: 

[1] any discussion topics I might post, 

[2] the lecture or video from that week's chapter in the lecture/video link in the course website: 


[3] an article on that weeks subject from a newspaper website ( include a summary and URL). 



This is a critical thinking course. The bulletin board postings you submit should address one or more of the following questions

about the topic: 

[1] causes and consequences, 

[2] similar and/or dissimilar situations, and 

[3] who benefits from the situation ("hidden agendas") , 

not simply your emotional reaction. 



Grades will assigned according to standard criteria from A to D- and F. Students who drop are responsible to officially withdraw, otherwise they risk getting an F instead of W. 



All tests will be done on-line. They may be done in the lab or at home. Quizzes must be completed weekly by Saturday Night at 11pm. They will become available each week on Sunday morning. 

All tests and quizzes will be open book and open note, BUT don't be fooled - that doesn't mean they will be easy. The first two quizzes may be done at any time before Jun 8 and may be taken 2 times. The next 2 are due Mon June 10.  All other tests will be taken once weekly starting on Sun 9AM.   The Final Exam will also be given on-line and will include workbook, Powerpoint lectures, the final chapter (s) and the syllabus outcomes and is given in 3 parts

There are NO make ups - but you may drop your 3 lowest quiz scores. Tests will be accessed via our Online Campus website: Your login name will be your  NSHE#, and your password will be the last  4 digits of your SS# or a password you created\. You do NOT need to come to CSN to take any tests.



  Assignments must be submitted via the DROPBOX  in the CANVAS (Online Campus) system. No attachments or Google Docs. 


The Final is comprehensive, and will ALSO cover the last weeks readings in Openstax , and ALL readings in MANIS.  It will be taken online ONLY on the days offered: Jun 28-29 .


Academic Dishonesty/Cheating Policy:

Academic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, falsifying research data or results, or assisting others to do the same on the part of students, being incompatible with the purposes of an academic community, is prohibited and shall constitute cause for discipline and may lead to the procedures and disciplinary sanctions established in section 6.3 of the NSHE Code. Cheating will be automatically subject to a zero and lowering of your grade and will be reported to the school.



If you have a documented disability that may require assistance, you will need to contact the Disability Resource Center located in the Student Service Center on each campus before the instructor can make accommodations. 

Cheyenne- 651-4045, Henderson- 651-3795 and West Charleston- 651-5644.           

College Library Services:


College Library Services offers ongoing research workshops throughout the semester.  Bring your topic or assignment to one of the workshops on the basics of locating and citing quality information and receive in-depth assistance with a librarian.  Check out the schedule or call 651-5729 for more information.


Advising & Coaching Services:


Advisor/Success Coaches help students assess academic strengths and limitations, learn academic success strategies, explore careers, declare a major, navigate the educational system, access campus and community resources, and connect to campus life. The department also manages the CSN Faculty E-Alert System assisting instructional staff by working with students on strategies and interventions that lead to successful course completion.


Charleston Campus- Bldg. D – Student Services Area- 702- 651-7367

Cheyenne Campus- 1100 Student Services Area- 702- 651-2626

Henderson Campus- Bldg. B – Room 120- 702- 651-3103