Hermosa Mujer de la Selva (Excerpt 1)

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Hermosa Mujer de la Selva

By Crag Jensen

(Excerpt One)


When I met her she was a singer, a beautiful singer in a band that played in a dimly lit bar on the outskirts of San Juan. Her long black hair flowed down, almost touching her most lovely and well-proportioned waist; her eyes flashed in the colored lights that illuminated her astounding and charismatic presence on stage. I fell in love with but only the very sight of her that night. And that vision of her on that long-ago night, that ever-so haunting vision still permeates my consciousness to the very core, to the very center of my being.

The crowd broke into a wild round of unrestrained applause after she finished her first song. “Bravo, bravo” they chanted as I, myself, felt then compelled to do as well. Her performance had been astounding, her voice, so clear, so puissant and so undeniably seductive. I moved closer to the stage and found an empty table only several yards from where she stood.


Narration & background music by Crag Jensen