EFT Therapy

What is EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique?

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique is a simple and empowering tapping technique that can be used together with a therapist/coach or by yourself. It effectively forms the bridge between talking therapies and body therapies and has its roots in meridian therapies such as acupuncture and shiatsu.

EFT uses words to tap into an emotional disturbance which is then transformed using gentle tapping on various acupressure points around the body and on the hands (see diagram left). It is often called "the tapping therapy"

The results are very quick and generally lasting. Strong feelings such as fear, anger, shame and sadness reduce into clear thinking, enabling a fresh view and an ability to move forwards.

How I use EFT

When my clients are stuck with hard to shift emotional responses to certain situations or have fears or phobias which cannot be eased by talking therapies then EFT can offer a solution. EFT can help to identify the root cause of the problem or fear and has surprising and rapid results. EFT is safe for all ages and once I have used EFT on a client I teach them to do it themselves so they can use EFT at home whenever they need to. It is simple to learn and can be taught to young children. If individuals don't feel comfortable with being tapped by me then I simply tap on myself and ask them to copy me.

What can EFT help with?

    • Anxiety

    • Phobias

    • *Pain

    • Trauma

    • Obsessions

    • Negative beliefs

    • Low self esteem

    • Depression

    • Positive thinking

*EFT should not be used for pain relief unless the cause of pain has been established by your GP. This is because pain is an important indicator that something is wrong and can help the GP to diagnose the problem.