ITALY Guideline

- Ministry of education  Ministerial directive n° 30/2007 on the use of cellphone and internet at school

Ministerial Directive n. 104, 30th  November 2007  - “DEFENCE OF PERSONAL  PRIVACY AT SCHOOL”

Type of guideline:   recommendations -  legislation



- Ministry of gender equality, Ministry of economical development, International Telecommunication Union (ITU),

Guarantor for the protection of personal data, the National Center for Fighting Child Pornography

on the Internet of postal and communication police; Observatory against pedo-pornographic crimes,

Save the Children, Adiconsum, Associazione Italiana Internet Provider (AIIP),

Associazione Editori Software Videoludico (AESVI), Telecom Italia, Vodafone, Facebook, MySpace,

Netlog, Virgilio, Google/Youtube, Microsoft con Windows live,, La7. Mail with the head


- Advertising campaign for Safe internet day  - February 9th 2010  advices for children  and parents