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COST ACTION IS0801 Cyberbullying: coping with negative and enhancing positive uses of new technologies, in relationships in educational settings.
4th MC meeting in Antwerp, Belgium
5th MC minutes in Florence, Italy
5th world conference
6th MC meeting in Turku, Finland
7th MC meeting in Dublin, Ireland
7th MC meeting minutes in Dublin, Ireland
8th MC meeting minutes in Paris, France
9th MC meeting in Vienna, Austria
A reference list of national guidelines
Associate Professor Dr. Marilyn Campbell
Associate Professor Dr.Ruthaychonnee (Ruth) Sittichai
Australia Guideline
Austria Guideline
Aysun Dogan
Aysun Dogan : CV
Background Training School in Australia
Belgium Guideline
Book Index
Books and publications
Books and publications
Call for Paper Ortega
Call For Papers:
COST IS0801 : Conference Paris files
Cybersafety Poster
DENMARK Guideline
Document Files
document files for Vienna : October 2012
Dr Barbara Spears
Dr Berry Bonenkamp
Dr Carl Senior
Dr Carl Senoir : CV
Dr Giulia Mura : STSM report
Dr Jacek Pyżalski : Belgium STSM Report
Dr Katya Mihailova STSMS
Dr Piotr Plichta
Dr Piotr Plichta CV
Dr Piret Luik
Dr Stephanie Pieschl
Dr Vera Boronenko : Russia ; STSM Report
Dr. Ales Zavrsnik
Dr. Catarina Katzer
Dr. Conor McGuckin
Dr. Dagmar Strohmeier
Dr. Dagmar Strohmeier : Finland STSM Report
Dr. David Smahel
Dr. Dorit Olenik Shemsh
Dr. Ergyul Tair Redzheb
Dr. Francine Dehue
Dr. Gaute Auestad
Dr. Gitte Bang Stald
Dr. Haukur Arnthorsson
Dr. Heidi Vandebosch
Dr. Hildegunn Fandrem
Dr. Hildegunn Fandrem CV
Dr. Iain Coyne
Dr. Isabel Correia
Dr. Jacek Pyzalski
Dr. Janis Vandans
Dr. Joaquin Mora-Merchan
Dr. Katya Mihaylova
Dr. Luca Pisano
Dr. Marta Fulop
Dr. Mitja Mursic
Dr. Monika Finsterwald
Dr. Natalia Dmitrenko
Dr. Nelli Tolmacha
Dr. Orly Shapira-Lishchinsky
Dr. Pernille Due
Dr. Roma Simulioniene
Dr. Rosario Del Rey
Dr. Tali Heiman
Dr. Tali Heiman STSM Report 2011
Dr. Trijntje Vollink
Dr. Vera Boronenko
Dr. Vera Boronenko : Lithuania
Dr. Vera Boronenko : Poland STSM Report
Dr. Vera Boronenko Publication
Dr. Virginia Sanchez
Dr. Yair Amichai-Hamburger
Dr. Zehra Ucanok
Dr.D’Jamila Garcia
Dr.Yair Amichai-Hamburger CV
Email of the WG 1 members
Email of the WG 5 members
Emeritus Professor Peter Smith
ESTONIA Guideline
FINLAND Guideline
First workshop in Vilnius, Lithuania
Flyer DigitalYouth
Full program for MC members
General work plan Training School in Australia
GERMANY Guideline
Gie Deboutte
Goals and outcomes Training School in Australia
GRRECE Guideline
Guidelines for preventing cyber-bullying in the school environment
HUNGARY Guideline
ICELAND Guideline
International Conference : Bullying and Cyberbullying: The Interface between Science and Practice
International Conference on Cyberbullying, Paris, June 2012
IRELAND Guideline
ISRAEL Guidleine
ITALY Guideline
Journal of Community & Applied Social
Lucie Corcoran : STSM report
Management Committee Meetings
Management Committee Members
Maritta_CV and Publications
Meeting and Conference in Lodz, Poland
Meeting and Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria
Minutes of the first meeting of the Management Committee
Minutes of the second meeting of the Management Committee
Minutes of the sixth meeting of the Core Group
Minutes of the third meeting of the Management Committee
Minutes WG 1 Meeting
Minutes WG 3 Meeting
Miss Lucie Corcoran : STSM Report 2011
Miss Palladino Benedetta Emmanuela : STSM report 2011
Mr. Robert Slonje : Lithuania STSM Report
Mrs. Tarmar Taralus STSM Report 2011
Mrs. Vasiliki Gountsidou STSM Report 2011
Ms Karin Naruskov
MS Lucie Corcoran
Ms Marjo Kurki
Ms Marjo kurki cv
MS Rasa Erentaite
Ms Rasa Erentaite : Sweden STSM Report
MS Simone Paul : Lithuania STSM Report
Ms Sofia Berne
Ms. Anastasia Kapatzia
Ms. Anja Schultze-Krumbholz
Ms. Anja Schultze-Krumbholz : Lithuania STSM report
Ms. Anna Sevcikova
Ms. Annalaura Nocentini : Lithuania STSM report
Ms. Dorothy Grigg
Ms. Dorothy Grigg : Lithuania STSM
Ms. Laura Ustinaviciute : Lithuania : STSM report
Ms. Magdalena Marczak : Lithuania STSM report
Ms. Nika Skvarca
Ms. Simone Paul STSM Report 2011
Ms. Vasiliki Gountsidou
Ms. Vladimirs Mensikovs : Israel STSM report
Ms.Nathalie Noret
Organizing Committee Training Shool Australia
Paris files
Poster : Cyberpsychology and Computer Psychology Conference (CyComP 2012)
Poster file
Presentation of WG 6
Professor Ana Almeida
Professor Angela Costabile
Professor Ann Frisen
Professor Antonella Brighi
Professor Bassam Aouil
Professor Catherine Blaya-Debarbieux
Professor Christiane Spiel
Professor Christina Salmivalli
Professor Dobrinka Chankova
Professor Donna Cross
Professor Efthymia Sygkollitou
Professor Efthymia Sygkollitou CV
Professor Erilia Menesini STSM Report 2011
Professor Erling Roland
Professor Ersilia Menesini
Professor Francoise Alsaker
Professor Georg Spiel
Professor Georges Steffgen
Professor Helen Cowie
Professor Helen Cowie : CV
Professor Herbert Scheithauer
Professor Jette Kofoed
Professor Maili Porhola
Professor Maritta Valimaki
Professor Mona O'Moore
Professor Peter Smith CV
Professor Phillip Slee
Professor Rita Zukauskiene
Professor Rita Zukauskiene : Italy STSM report
Professor Rita Zukauskiene :STSM Report
Professor Rosario Ortega
Professor Seraphin Alava
Professor Sonja Perren
Professor Sonja Perren : Australia STSM report
Professor Tolya Stoitsova
Professor Tolya Stoitsova CV
Program for Paris
Rosario Ortega’s team
SLOVANIA Guideline
STSM Report 2012 files
SWEDEN Guideline
The address of the conference
The address of the conference
Training School Proposal
Training Schools
Traning School Vademecum
TURKEY Guideline
UKRAINE Guideline
Vilnius file : Abstract Book
Vilnius file : Abstract Book
What is COST?
Working Group 3
Working Groups
Workshops and Conferences
Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
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