GERMANY Guideline

- Cybermobbing-Medienkompetenz trifft Gewaltprävention (Cyberbullying-Media Competence and Prevention work),

Landesstelle Jugendschutz-Niedersachsen (Country Institution for Youth Safety Niedersachsen) (Eds.), 2011.

Guideline especially for Cyberbullying, including prevention work at schools, peer to peer education

and online help for victims. Target Group: Teachers, Psychologists, people who work with youth.Type: Book.


- ( Landesanstalt für Medien NRW and

Deutsche UNESCO Kommission e.V. (Institution for Media Nord Rhine Westfalia and

German Unseco Kommission e.V.). General Guideline for safe Internet use and some Guidelines

for Cyberbullying for children, parents, teachers/ schools. Type: website