

NB - clicking on to an image produces in most cases a larger version (or use to - but probably not now since the "upgrade". )

Copthorne Dancing Club

This ticket /programme for a dance in 1962 was sent to me by Linda Hooper (nee Bassett). By clicking on to each image a larger version should be obtained. The entrance fee is remarkably priced: one shilling and tuppence ha'penny!

Prize Day

In September 1952 Graham Ryder received "The Wonder Book of the Navy" as a school prize - possibly it was the first school prize ever awarded. Graham still has the book and kindly scanned its cover and the inscription written inside so it could be shown here. Click on each image to view a larger version.

No doubt on the same day was awarded "The World's Railways - and How they Work" to Gordon Haughton one of the school's first intake, who left in 1953 to start an apprenticeship at the Alvis. He still has a copy of the book he was awarded - with a similar inscription page. But where Graham's prize was awarded for "Merit" Gordon's was awarded for 'service'.

Exercise Books (courtesy of Christopher Wilson)

School tie and badges (courtesy of Christopher Wilson)

click for larger image

Technical Drawing Set (courtesy of Christopher Wilson)

Handicrafts (courtesy of Christopher Wilson - click on image to obtain larger version)

School Satchel (courtesy of Christopher Wilson)

School Report (courtesy of Christopher Wilson)

Exam Papers (courtesy of Christopher Wilson)

Mock Pre - Tech - Mathematics.

O Levels - Physics

O Levels - English

“A Portrait of Britain 1688 - 1851” by Donald Lindsay and E.S. Washington

The book above is a 1966 edition of the book I used when studying for my History 'O' level which I took in 1963. I obtained this copy last month - Dec., 2018

I’ve long been wanting to make myself familiar with it's pages once more as often I’ve come across illustrations that reminded me of the ones in this book. Were they done by the same illustrator? It is quite possible they could have been, for I now know his name to have been R. S. Sherriffs - and he was very prolific. Most of his work, though, seems to have been for theatre reviews rather than illustrating history books.

The cover of the book bears the image of Dr. Samuel Johnson an Englishman I've read more about than any other. Sadly I can’t claim it was this book that sparked my interest in him - that came long after. Dr. Johnson appears in a section of the book I didn’t study.

I did study, however, chapter 19. (see below) And the headpiece of this chapter features Robert Owen. Last year I paid a visit to New Lanark Mill and the model village Owen set up. I’d long wished to do this, and I’m sure now it was this book that prompted me to have this desire.

Paul Buttle, Jan., 2019

"A Sketch-Map History of Britain 1783 - 1914" by Irene Richards and J.A. Morris

I recently acquired: “A Sketch-Map History of Britain 1783 - 1914” another book I vividly recall using when studying for my History 'O' level

I’d long wished to have sight of a copy again - but couldn't recall what it was called - until recently. I then soon acquired a copy through

I was intrigued to see what I would find in it for I couldn’t recall a single specific map I must have once poured over. I was sure, however, it would have maps showing Britain's early transport system. And one showing the distribution of rotten boroughs! And it does. The map relating to rotten boroughs - "Parliamentary Reform 1832"- is quite informative and is appended below.

Overall, though, I now find the maps fairly crude. They were, I think, simply knocked out by a school geography teacher. No publisher's art department had a hand in producing them

Perhaps I’ve become too use now to the glamour of colour!

The book was first published in 1938. The copy I have belonged to a school library. It was only issued once - on the 10th October, 1973.

Paul Buttle, Feb., 2019

A letter from the Head (click on images to obtain larger ones)


The autographs below were collected on Malcolm Johnson's last day at school - 11th July, 1963. They include the signatures of those in hin his fifth form and the signatures of staff member. One of them is in Welsh! - that of Byron Davies. Can anyone offer a translation - and can anyone recall what subject Mr Davies taught. Click on each image to obtain a readable version - clicking on which might produce a large image still.

A letter of recomendation from Mr Hall.

The Last Copthorne/Kennedy Timetable ?

The above timetable belonged to Janet Robb, who was in form 1Q from 1978-79 There was a Week 1 and a Week 2 - four periods in each day, with lunch break in between. I,S, was a combination of English, History and Geography. Below each subject is the room number where the lesson took place. The girls had P.E. on Monday and Wednesday, where as the boys would have P,E, on either Monday or Wednesday at Kennedy, or Games at Copthorne. It is probably the only copy of a timetable from when I was there that still exists.

Information supplied by Richard Clark

If you have any memorabilia of your days at Copthorne School that you think should go on this website please email or write to the address given on the Contact Page

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Below: a 3d programme going back to 1967. The play was written by the writer of "Howard's End" first performed in 1948 and on television n 1950 (information from Wikipeadia).