Steak on tomato salad

This is a salad based on ripe summer tomatoes, with steak tips and greens with vinaigrette and feta.


In a big bowl, whisk together:

1 minced shallot

1 tsp lemon juice

½ tsp kosher salt

¼ tsp pepper  

About a half cup EVOO

Any fresh herbs, basil is recommended


Original recipe calls for 1 ½ lbs sirloin, cut into 2 inch cubes. I used 2 rib eye steaks, trimmed of all leaf fat, salted, rested and then add pepper and sear/saute using the leaf fat from the steak or if you prefer, olive oil.

Roasted chickpeas

Original recipe calls for crisped chick peas seasoned with any curry powder and/or paprika... whatever. I didn't have great success with this, as methods vary. 

Get the canned chick peas very dry, roll in olive oil and kosher or sea salt and roas on convection at 400° for 12-16 minutes-ish. Stir or shake part way through. Toss with seasoning.

Salad and Assembly

3-5 large ripe tomatoes

lettuce or spinach, whatever you choose

Feta, crumbled or cubed or fresh mozzarella

torn fresh basil leaves

Fairly thick slice tomatoes, lay out on a platter and add kosher salt and fresh ground pepper.

Toss lettuce in the vinaigrette, and place atop the tomatoes, add basil, drizzle the rest of the dressing on top of everything, then slice steak pieces and arrange on top, then come the chick peas and cheese.

From America's Test Kitchen youtube video