Lyndon words

In this page you wil find the code in GAP necessary to load Lyndon words in until degree... 27.

Please run the following before loading the files:

f := FreeGroup("x", "y");;

r := GroupRing(Rationals, f);;

s := FreeSemigroup("a", "b");;

x := f.1;; y := f.2;;

e := Identity(r);

a:= s.1; b:=s.2;

allpoly :=[[]];




The read each one of the files:

    • lyndonwords.txt use Read("lyndonwords.txt"); to load the lyndon words from degree 1 until degree 15 in the arrangement lyndonlopy.

    • degree16 use Read("degree16"); to load the lyndon words od degree 16.

    • degree17 use Read("degree17"); to load the lyndon words od degree 17.

    • ...

    • degree23 use Read("degree23"); to load the lyndon words od degree 23.