
The Cochise County Rock

Monthly Newsletter of the Sunsites Gem & Mineral Club

“Finding and Grinding Rocks in Cochise County, Arizona since 1967”

April 2010

This issue edited by Don Hammer


The next General Meeting of the Sunsites Gem & Mineral Club is on Monday April 12 at 7 pm at the Sunsites Community Center. Our program will be one of the Renton Geology Series on DVD. We will resume the best specimen contest so bring your best jasper and/or one of Paul’s rocks to the April meeting. Mike Roegner donated the suberb Clovis point that he made during the February meeting so that will be the only item on the raffle; bring your wallets.

General Meeting March 8, 2010

Vice President, Jack Light called the meeting to order at 7:05

After welcoming visitors of which there were several, Jack called for a motion to accept the previous meeting's minutes as published in the

news letter. The motion was so moved and seconded, and approved by voice vote.

Walter gave the Treasurer's report which was approved by voice vote.

Field Trip report by Henri.

Those who attended the February outing to the Rosemont mines reported that the trip was very educational and were able to bring home some

fine specimens.

The March field trip will be to the Commonwealth mine on Saturday the 13th. Club members will meet at the Pearce General Store at 8:45, leaving

at 9:00. High clearance vehicles will be necessary and bring heavy tools.

Larry reported on some changes regarding the facility for lapidary and silver smithing. Because of lead contamination of the room due to

lack of proper ventilation of the Ceramic Club kiln, all Gem and Mineral Club activities at this facility will be suspended until this problem is taken care of. Further news concerning these activities will be forthcoming.

Jack extended a thank you to Joan Hammer and Helen Hobson for providing refreshments and a sign up sheet was passed around for providing refreshments for next month.

Jack brought the business meeting to a close at 7:30.

Following intermission, former Club member, Doug Bundy told of his adventures in mining for gold on his land in Canada. Doug explained

the challenges of gold mining commercially as well as his dreams of potential riches. Doug very generously donated several slabs of rich gold ore

from his mine which were raffled off after his presentation adding $67 to the raffle jackpot.

March Field Trip

Twenty nine members and three guests met at the vacant lot north of the Old Store in Pearce 8:45 and departed at 9:00 for the Commonwealth mine. But someone (Ann calls him the claim jumper) had installed a new fence and locked gate between Monday and Saturday so we couldn’t get to the amethyst. But we diverted to Mexican Hat and hunted jasper that was not abundant but most members found some very nice pieces. We thank Henri van den Bos for quickly modifying the field trip to an excellent location.

April Field Trip

On Saturday April 17 we will go to the Commonwealth Mine for amethyst and lacy agate. Meet at 8:15 am in the vacant lot at the intersection of Highway 191 and Treasure Road in Sunsites to leave at 8:30 am for the collecting site. Henri has arranged a key to the new gate. The mine is under contract so this may be the last opportunity to collect there. High clearance vehicles are needed but not 4WD. Plan to bring heavy rock breaking and digging tools, buckets or bags, drinking water, lawn chairs, lunch and sun protection. Bring safety glasses even if you don’t plan to break rocks since others nearby will be breaking rocks. If we have rain the trip may be postponed or canceled so check your email and the Web site and/or call Henri or Don.


Since we have many new members that may be new to this area, a safety reminder is in order. Rattlesnakes may be active at any time of the year in this part of the state. I’ve seen them out in December and January. Although other species occur in the mountains, I’ve only seen Mojaves in the valleys. Mojaves are not always greenish but may be tan, brown, yellow, etc. The identifying characteristic is that on Mojaves the dark bands on the tail are much narrower than the light bands. And depending on whether you ask the herpetology people or the medical folks, Mojave venom is 10-20 times more potent than the other rattlesnakes. Apparently Mojaves have a very high proportion of neurotoxin. Never put your hands or feet where you cannot see and don’t walk around in the dark. We had one on the front porch on October 27 and the morning temperature was 22 on October 29 and one in the utility shed on Halloween morning a few years ago.

Lapidary and Silversmith Classes

Our lapidary, silver soldering and silver smithing classes are on hold until the ceramics people remove the lead contamination from the lapidary shop. We are still able to hold wire wrapping since it is held in the Community Center so if you’re interested call Larry Strout at 826-3991.

Dues are due. The Board proposed and the members approved an increase to $15 for individuals and $25 for a family. Bring your dues to the next meeting or mail your check to Sunsites Gem & Mineral Club, PO Box 87, Pearce, Arizona 85625. Unpaid members were dropped on March 31.

Club Calendar:


12 General Meeting

17 Field Trip

29 Board Meeting


10 General Meeting

15 Field Trip

27 Board Meeting

June 5 Picnic

Upcoming Regional Events

April 8th –11th, Treasures of the Earth Gem & Mineral Show Albuquerque, NM. Fri & Sat 10-6,

Sun. 10-5. Admission $3.00, except Friday is dollar day! All kids under age 13 are free. Over 40 dealers, Minerals & Lapidary. Creative Arts Center @ the NM State Fair Grounds. San Pedro entrance, north of Central and South of Lomas. Contact: Paul Hlava (505) 255-5478.

June 18-20th 8th Annual Tombstone Gem & Mineral Show. Tombstone Territory RV Park, 2111 E. Highway 82. Free Admission and parking. 520-457-9505.

Club Officers for 2010

President: Paul McKnight 520-824-4054

V-President: Jack Light

Secretary: Jim Brower

Treasurer: Walter Sigel

Delegate at Large: Glen Wirshing

Hospitality Coord: Zoe Schnabel

Field Trip Coord: Henri vanden Bos

Past President: Don Hammer