Moonlight Madness Safety Requirements
Moonlight Madness Safety Requirements:
The following SAFETY rules will be enforced for each run, and there will be NO exceptions to vehicles not meeting the safety requirements.
Certain runs may require additional equipment or have special restrictions. Be sure to check prior to attending the event.
Mandatory Safety Requirements for All Vehicles: - NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
o Roll Bar or Hard Top
o Seat Belts for ALL Occupants
o First Aid Kit
o Properly stored Fire Extinguisher with Gauge indicating good/full
o Working Headlights and Brake Lights
o Battery properly mounted and secured (no bungie cords, bailing wire, etc.)
o Tire Pressure Max 15 PSI
o Tow Strap or Tow Rope (recommended rating of 2 times the vehicle weight)
o Properly mounted tow hook attachment points front and rear (no tow balls)
o Current vehicle registration and proof of insurance; Rock Buggies Must have Green Sticker
o NO ANTENNAS OVER 60 INCHES; Committee on Channel 3 only please!!!
Additional Safety Requirements for Car/Truck based vehicles and for Rock Buggies
o Jack capable of lifting vehicle and tools to change tire
o Functioning low range in transfer case
o Service Brakes must be able to stop the vehicle in 1st gear
o Parking Brake must be able to stop the vehicle in 2nd gear
o Properly mounted spare tire within 3 inches diameter of other tires and minimum 3/32" tread, or for tires 37" diameter and larger, run-flats and/or tools to repair and inflate the tire (no temp spares)
Additional Safety Requirements for all ROV/UTV/Side-by-Sides:
o 4 Wheel Drive
o Off road tires with minimum 25% tread
o Current Green Sticker DOT approved safety helmets required for all passengers
o Front and Rear Marker Lights. Front light bar strongly recommended, but not required as long as both Headlights are in working condition
Additional Safety Requirements for Extreme Day Run:
o Minimum tire diameter 35”
o Front and Rear Lockers
Tech committee has final ruling over any questionable issues regarding vehicle inspection.