ADOPT-A-TRAILS: Sierra National Forest OHV

The Bald Mountain Base Camp Area and Trail System is our club's Adopt-A-Trail location. We have a volunteer agreement with the Sierra National Forest. Our Adopt-A-Trails are Bald Mountain OHV, Brewer Lake OHV and South Fork Tamarack OHV Trails.

We open the trails at the beginning of each season in June. We clear trees that have fallen across the trails as well as along Rock Creek Road from the lower green gate to the upper green gate.

Check out our 2017 Trail Work Season on Bald and Brewer

Trail Conditions: CLICK HERE

Road Conditions: CLICK HERE

MVUM .. Motorized Vehicle Use Maps: CLICK HERE

Trail Opening Schedule: CLICK HERE


It's going to be very interesting how this is going to work out..

Trail clearing and opening will soon begin. How will Covid-19 effect volunteers? I was sent the new Covid-19 JHA and policy from the Sierra National Forest. The good news is that we’re considered essential services to perform trail maintenance for natural resource protection. The bad news is there is this JHA policy with will require us to perform this work in a manner we’ve never seen before. The guidelines include the symptoms of COVID-19 and what to do if infected. It describes the general household barracks precautions ie. Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces. Then it gets interesting. “Working in the field”: All CDC guidelines of course. All crew members keep 6 feet from one another at all times. Field gear should not be shared by more than one person, even when they are cleaned and disinfected. If signature is needed, bring your own pen. Where possible, limit the number of people in the vehicle so that all riders can remain a minimum of 6 feet apart. It is recommended that the same people share the same vehicle to minimize exposure. Minimize side stops to only gas up the vehicle. Minimize trips to public spaces, such as grocery stores. When needing to go out into the public, always wear a mask and frequently wash/sanitize your hands. The JHA goes on.

This is just a small portion mainly to describe their policy for working in the field. Every volunteer must agree and sign the JHA acknowledging the procedures and understanding the provisions within. Volunteers will sacrifice and do what is needed to make sure our trails are open.. We also agree that Volunteering under these procedures does not sound enjoyable. Part of why we volunteer for trail maintenance is the social part; however the trails need to be maintained and opened, so we’ll always step up and do our part.

Hope everyone has a safe and healthy summer. We are all praying for our small businesses, stores, restaurants, barber shops, etc.. to reopen. We are all ready to get back to our “normal” lives. Get out there and explore the trails. Go do some OHV wheeling, socializing, camping and normal stuff again!

Hang in there everyone and hope to see you soon!!


Do you know you can use your cell phone to track where you are in the Sierra National Forest? Just download the free app: Avenza PDF Maps. Once you have the app, then download the .pdf map of the area you are going. Here is the link to the .pdf map of the MVUM, High Sierra Map 5; which has the Bald Mountain OHV trails. You do not need cell service. This app uses a satellite (GPS) to track you on the MVUM.…/0B8RLcrNHno9RcWFFdm5DdXhxd…/view… ...

Go to the Sierra National Forest website for more maps:….

Enjoy!! Please share and please stay on trail!!



Click Here to Watch our YouTube Video of the Bald Mountain OHV Trails.

Bald Tower Renovation Project 2013-14