Here are the 2024 routes:
Here are the routes on ONXMAPS... If you do not have ONXMAPS, you can download and purchase your desired subscription. Enter "CORVA20" to receive a 20% discount.
Night Run:
Day Tower Run:
Day SXS Run:
Moonlight Madness
Presented by the Clovis Independent Four Wheelers by special use permit from the Sierra National Forest. Join us and see the stars at ‘Hollywood Hill’, enjoy the view overlooking the San Joaquin Valley from Check point #1 (elevation 7862 ft.) at Bald Mountain look-out tower.
Base Camp is large enough for RV's, trailers and tent camping. There is no water or garbage services, so pack everything in and out. Port-A-Potties will be available the weekend of the event. Bald Mountain is a great place to just relax in the great outdoors or enjoy in some great fishing opportunities at Shaver Lake. Don’t delay, make your plans today!
Participation in Moonlight Madness is open to anyone having a valid driver’s license and whose vehicle is insured and currently registered to drive on California roads (or has a valid Green Sticker for OHV use). Participation is limited and participants are selected on a first-come, first-served basis.
Here is a map to Base Camp: Base Camp can be accessed either 168/Tamarack Pass (if you're not towing a trailer) or Rock Creek Rd off of Dinkey Creek Road (this is the smoothest road into base camp).. GPS Coordinates: 37^07'26.90"N 119^10'27.82"W
On of the crowd favorites is our Raffle we have on Sunday Morning of the event. Our raffle prizes are the best you'll find at any poker run! We are now accepting Raffle Prizes from local businesses or anyone wishing to donate!
Our Poker Run SHIRTS have been as much as a participant favorite as the run itself!
CLICK HERE to view all our Poker Run Shirts.
CLICK HERE for Mandatory Safety Requirements:
Documents: Members Only