
  1. Membership is open to owners of 4 wheel drive Vehicles/SXS/UTV, by invitation , who have participated in at least 3 club activities, one of which the prospective members vehicle must be used on trail, and attended 3 meeting all within a 6 month period.

  2. After prospective members have met the requirements they will be voted on, by closed ballot, for membership at a club meeting by majority vote of the members present, dues must be paid at the time of joining the club.

  3. Membership is unlimited.

  4. Each member must hold a valid drivers license and have adequate insurance coverage.

  5. Members must show proof of a valid driver’s license and insurance coverage if asked to do so by any club officer at any time. If the member fails to show proof, then he/she will not be allowed to participate in any club run until they can show proof.

  6. Rollbars and seatbelts are mandatory in soft top vehicles; seat belts in hard top vehicles. Each person in a vehicle must have a seat belt. Fire extinguisher and a shovel are also mandatory.

  7. To remain in good standing, a club member must attend 3 meetings and 3 club activities a year.

  8. All members must conduct themselves in a responsible, respectable, and orderly fashion at all times.

  9. Upon resignation of a club member or the sale of a vehicle, club stickers must be removed from the vehicle.


  1. Club dues are $10.00 a year (July 1 to June 30). These dues are to be paid to the treasurer at the June 1 membership meeting. These dues must be paid on time to remain in the club.

  2. Club membership requires that each member also be an active member of a Land Advocacy Organization ie: CORVA, CAL4WHEEL, Friends of Oceano Dunes, Blue Ribbon Coalition or United Offroad Association.

  3. Club membership Includes (1) Club Decal for your rig.

  4. Additional Club Decals are available for $5.00 each for current members.

  5. Club Windshield Decals are available for $15.00 each for current members.

  6. Club Apparal: Shirts, Sweatshirts and Hats are available to current members.

Any member who does not pay their dues by June 1 will not be allowed to attend any club activities and will not be allowed to vote until dues are paid in full. These members’ dues will not be pro-rated.

Club Roster: Members Only