FreeSurfer Surface Reconstruction

This guide provides links to FreeSurfer's Recommended Reconstruction guide, along with some notes, examples, and screenshots describing common issues that come up.

Surface Reconstruction

It is generally recommended that you follow FreeSurfers' Recommended Reconstruction as this document is updated as Freesurfer itself is updated.  They are the true experts in this field.  But note the following (updated Feb 2014):


and tells you "This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates."  You can find the page you really want by adding "_tktools":

You'll also see, on the invalid page, a big list of pages in their wiki.  You can find what you are looking for by searching for the last part of the URL, and you should find the _tktools version. There are also pages for "_freeview", which you are welcome to familiarize yourself with and then tell the lab whether we should be using that instead.  But most of us are familiar only with the original "tktools" at this point.

Skip Steps 1 and 2 (setup):

Step 3 (initialize and copy T1):

Step 4 (run recon-all):

Step 5 (check Talairach):

Step 6 (check skull strip):

Step 7 (check white and pial surfaces):

Step 8 (check segmentation):


Other parts of the Freesurfer wiki may be of help.

Next Steps

After creating a new surface, you'll need to Set up the Subject's SUMA Directory.

To Add