Quick Reference

Regions of Interest (ROIs): Labels and Indices

Finalized surface-based ROIs are located in each subject's surface directory, e.g.,


The following is a list of ROI files, the ROI labels and indices contained in each file, and a description of how that ROI was defined (i.e., what contrast was used).  Note that if an ROI is missing from a file for a particular subject, it is possible that it could not be defined from the data collected.

ToDo: add link or PDF for Wang et al. (submitted) as a general reference for ROI border definitions, original references, and example subjects.  Paper is currently under review.

Retinotopy-based ROIs

Retinotopy ROIs are defined based on polar angle and eccentricity representations.  For a general reference on how these ROIs are defined, along with original references and some example phase maps, see Wang et al. (under review) and see Wandell and Winawer (2011, Neuron) and Silver and Kastner (2009, TICS) for general reviews.  Retinotopy ROI files are labeled like



and contain the following ROIs:

All of these ROIs contain a full representation of the contralateral hemifield, except V2v/d and V3v/d, which represent the upper (ventral ROIs) or lower (dorsal ROIs) quadrant of the contralateral hemifield.

MT-Object ROIs

MT-Object ROIs are defined based on contrasts between different categories of objects or by motion (for hMT+).  Our object localizer includes Faces, Houses, Objects, and Scrambled Objects.  The MT localizer includes Motion and No-Motion conditions.  MT-Object ROI files are labeled like



and contain the following ROIs:

Future Section Header

ROI Super-Quick Reference


1 = V1

2 = V2v

3 = V2d

4 = V3v

5 = V3d

50 = hV4

51 = VO1

52 = VO2

53 = PHC1

54 = PHC2

100 = LO1

101 = LO2

102 = TO1

103 = TO2

150 = V3a

151 = V3b

152 = IPS0 (V7)

153 = IP1

154 = IP2

155 = IP3

156 = IP4

157 = IP5

158 = SPL1

200 = hFEF


1 = FFA

2 = PPA

3 = LOC

4 = pFS

5 = LOF (???)

6 = hMT+