
ToricCam is a C++ library I have developped for my research. It provides a starting point to using the Toric Space viewpoint representation [Lino & Christie, SIGGRAPH 2015]. It also implements our preliminary work published

at SCA 2012. The library is released under the GNU General Public License version 3.

ToricCam relies on the Toric Space, which provides a novel and more compact representation of the space of camera configurations. It is aimed at simplifying the way one can position and orient a virtual camera for implementing a number of very classical single- or two-target configurations, by accounting for exact constraints such as targets' screen positions, view angles, or sizes. It also eases a number of other camera control tasks (e.g. manipulating the visual composition, or computing evolved camera trajectories) by reducing the common 7 degrees of freedom problem to a 3 degrees of freedom problem. It integrates well with any 3D rendering engine; some utility classes are provided for connecting to OGRE for illustration purposes. It also comes with a demo project providing a number of sample examples which aim at demonstrating how one can easily implement some classical camera viewpoints.

Have a great time playing with it !

NB (sep. 2016): I am considering providing a C# wrapper for Unity 5 in a future release.

For researchers who want to use the library for their work, please quote the papers as follows:

  • Efficient Composition for Virtual Camera Control. C. Lino, M. Christie. In ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Intuitive and Efficient Camera Control with the Toric Space. C. Lino, M. Christie. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) - Proceedings of SIGGRAPH, Vol. 34 (4), pp. 82:1-82:12, 2015, ACM New York, NY, USA.

Download link:

ToricLib 1.0.0

Current release: ToricCam 1.0.0

Screenshots and videos