Job Offers

My research activities are currently on pause. Therefore, I will not propose any internship or PhD thesis subject in the coming months.

However, the IPI research team (Image, Perception, Interaction) strongly encourages spontaneous applications of talented, self-motivated, students with a background in Computer Graphics.

The following webpage references available positions in the team :

Below is a list of internships or theses that I have (co-)supervised in the past :

(Ecole Polytechnique / Inria)  PhD Thesis "Efficient Visibility Computation in Toric Space Coordinates" (L. Burg, from Univ. Rennes)

(Ecole Polytechnique / Inria) 5-months Master Thesis "Understanding the movie style or what else can we learn from a movie?" (R. Courant, from IMT Atlantique)

(Ecole Polytechnique) 2-months B.S. project  "3D visual summary of a journey through time compression" (C. Sterlin, from Ecole Polytechnique)

(Ecole Polytechnique) 2-months B.S. project  "3D visual summary of a journey through non-linear editing" (S. Wang, from Ecole Polytechnique)

(Ecole Polytechnique) Master Thesis "Expressive overview of the flight of a group of vertical-takeoff vehicles" (V. Sungeelee, from Univ. Grenoble Alpes)

(Télécom Paris) 2-month M.S. Project "Playfull Palette for 3D Painting", inspired by Adobe's paper Playfull palette: An Interactive Parametric Color Mixer for Artists

(Télécom Paris) 2-months M.S. project "MatCap Decomposition (Appearance Editing)", inspired by Inria's paper MatCap Decomposition for Dynamic Appearance Manipulation 

(Télécom Paris) 2 months M.S. project "Inverse-lighting with environment maps", inspired by two papers: Real Shading in Unreal Engine 4 and Illumination Brush.

(Inria Rennes) Master Thesis "Assisted lighting design from photographic rules" (F. Brillat, from Univ. Limoges)

(Inria Rennes) M.S. internship "Screen-space manipulation of filmic drones" (M. Riand, from Univ. Rennes)

(Inria Rennes) M.S. internship "Coordination of filmic drones" (N. Jouneau, from Univ. Rennes)