Political Economy


Austerity and the Rise of the Nazis (with Gregori Galofré-Vilà, Martin McKee, and David Stuckler)

The Impact of International Trade on Democracy: A Long Run Perspective, 1870-2000 (2008) (with J. Ernesto López Córdova) World Politics (Lead article).

On the Looting of Nations (2011) (with Erwin Bulte, Mare Sarr, and Tim Swanson) Public Choice.

    • A short summary appeared on Vox EU 27 September, 2008

Riding the Wave of Trade: The Rise of Labor Regulation in the Golden Age of Globalization (2010) (with Michael Huberman) Journal of Economic History (Winner of the Arthur H. Cole prize for the best article in the previous year in the Journal of Economic History.)