Exchange Rate Regimes


The Limits of Bimetallism (2015) in Federal Reserve Policy Seen Through the Lens of Economic History: Essays to Commemorate the Federal Reserve System’s Centennial. pp.194-216. editor Owen Humpage. Cambridge University Press.

Why do Countries Peg the Way they Peg? The Determinants of Anchor Currency Choice with Nienke Oomes (2009) Journal of International Money and Finance 28 (3) pp. 522-547.

A New World Order: Explaining the International Diffusion of the Gold Standard, 1870-1913 (2005) Journal of International Economics vol. 66 pp. 385-406.

Systemic Changes in the International Monetary System and the Need for Coordination, Cooperation and Enforcement A short paper prepared for the book 'A Twenty-First Century International Monetary System’ published by Chatham House and the UK's ESRC World Economy and Finance Programme.

Competing International Currencies? The Dollar and the Euro in Long Run Perspective. A presentation given in Braga, Portugal (University of Minho) at a conference marking 10 years of the Euro

The Evolution of the International Monetary System: A Long-Run Perspective on Exchange Rate Regime Choice (forthcoming- probably never) Advancing East Asian Economic Integration editor. Timo Henckel