Below find links to download data sets from some recent papers.

Upstart Industrialization and Exports: Evidence from Japan, 1880–1910 with John Tang

  • Data (.dta) and do file (.do) available from the ICPSR

Fiscal and Financial Crises with Michael Bordo

Market Potential and the Rise of US Productivity Leadership with Dan Liu

Does Inequality Lead to a Financial Crisis? Michael Bordo and Christopher M. Meissner (forthcoming) Journal of International Money and Finance

  • Stata data set
  • Do file (thanks to Damir Cosic for finding a small error in our do file. The regression from Table 2 column 4 has been re-specified in this update.

Trade Booms, Trade Busts and Trade Costs David Jacks, Christopher M. Meissner, and Dennis Novy 2011. Journal of International Economics 83(2), 185-201.

  • Stata data set
  • Do file
  • UPDATES: This site uses a similar methodology to that used in Jacks, Meissner and Novy (2011) to calculate trade costs for a large sample 2000-2009.

The Impact of International Trade on Democracy: A Long-Run Perspective J. Ernesto Lopez-Cordova and Christopher M. Meissner. 2008.World Politics 60 pp.539-575.

Business Cycle Co-movement: Evidence from the Great Depression Gabe Mathy and Christopher M. Meissner. 2011. Journal of Monetary Economics 58 (4) pp. 362-372.