Colonization of Mars

When sending people to Mars we need to consider many variables. Going underground to be protected from sand storms, temperature swings, and solar radiation (which is worse on Mars because it doesn’t have a strong magnetic field to protect it) is a good idea. Living in Lava Tubes inside of Mars has been suggested and they are all over Mars in different locations. We may even find life in the lava tubes. We also may have a "hub and spoke" type of design for a living biosphere bubble on the surface that we live in.

Terraforming Mars will take a long time in which to transform it into a blue marble that is earth-like. But who knows? If we get started now perhaps in a few centuries the temperature and early transformed atmosphere may be safe enough for people to walk around with minimal gear and tanks of air to breathe. We may invent a possible breather mechanism instead of air tanks that can convert martian air into human breathable air via chemical reaction that is lightweight. What great technologies will develop when we go!

Psychological issues and having medical professionals present for the people that live there is key. Engineers that keep the equipment running that is required to stay alive is also important. Scientists to explore and experiment should will be part of the pioneer population. There have been books written about how to live on Mars from experts such as Robert Zubrin.

A human being should have some room to move around. If we're sending people there give them something to do. What do humans do well? BUILD! Over time, by using the landscape of Mars for raw materials, the pioneers can create a civilization where they can have stores, gyms, theatres, labs for experimentation and sporting events. This could be the next Giant Leap for humankind!

* Image source is from NASA