
"Case for Mars" Video by

Colonizing Mars: The Future Belongs to SpaceX and Elon Musk

The Mars Curiosity Rover landed August 5, 2012. Here is a webcast of the landing.

Mars Direct is a proposal for a manned mission to Mars that is both cost-effective and possible with current technology. It was originally detailed in a research paper by NASA engineers Robert Zubrin and David Baker in 1990. The website for Mars Direct - Mars Society

When we went to the moon we had to travel 238,900 miles from Earth, Mars is around 250 million miles away for human space travel. It's been about 50 years since the beginning of the space race. It would be awesome if we could have the funding of our governments to spend more on learning and exploring the Universe. This science often suffers from budget cuts. Is it our destiny to never reach for the stars? To be sedentary and anchored to the Earth for all time? I think it's time for us to raise the bar to the next challenge! Let's Go To Mars!!! Mars 3D Images Space X Inspiration Mars

Astronaut Abby's Journey to Mars Mars Direct - 1st Public Presentation

Underground Colonies on Mars

Elon Musk wants to send 1 million people to Mars! Martian Chronicles

NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity catches its own late afternoon shadow. (In false color)

NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander observed clouds drifting across the horizon

Currently we have eyes in the sky and rovers on the ground on Mars. The sunrise above was taken by the Surface Stereo Imager on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander. It shows the sun rising on the morning of the lander's 101st Martian day after landing.