Standard Dubrovnik

It is not a staunton set, due to the opposite color finials in Bishops, although it is in fact very similar.

The design is from eastern europe with lot of similiarities with russian sets.

It is a modern update of the Dubrovnik set.

The set is a simplification of the "Modern Dubrovnik". The modern Dubronik knights have been changed by a "German" Knight.

The manufacturer of this set is Kasa Commerc.

It has been used in some tournaments, as for example, the European 2016 championship celebrated in Gjakova.

This is one of the set widely used in the side events and the "low" ranking tables.

Bought in 2015 in Chess Muba (Slovenia)

Hornbeam wood.

This set has a king of 87mm-34mm and a pawn of 50mm-26mm. It suits best in 50mm chessboards.