About Us

To all Coordinators and Deputies


Please join us for: -

Our Bi-annual General Meeting (BGM) once every two years is on: -


Wednesday 15th May 2024 at 6:30pm


held at


Municipal Offices in Montpellier, Cheltenham; The Pittville Room

This is not a Police Website it is Cheltenham Neighbourhood Watch Association

and only updated by it's members

Early in 1999 all Co-ordinators in Cheltenham were canvassed as to the formation of a NHW Association based on the Cheltenham Borough Council area.  116 Co-ordinators expressed an interest in attending a meeting and of those, 31 indicated that they were willing to serve on or assist on a Committee.  Because of the logistic problem of finding a suitable venue, only the latter 31 were invited to the inaugural meeting of what was to become the Cheltenham District NHW Association, on 21 April 1999.  The direct result of this meeting was that Officers were elected and a Committee was formed.

The main reasons put forward for forming an Association were:

·         An Association would be responsible for promoting the welfare and development of NHW schemes and would assist individual schemes where necessary.

·         An Association would be the liaison point between schemes and the Police.

·         An Association would promote Crime Prevention and complement the work of the Crime Prevention Panels.

What does your Committee do? 

·         The most visible product of our efforts is the production of the quarterly newsletter “The District”.  In practice, most of the content of the newsletter is provided by the NHW Officer, but it is an Association newsletter, so if you have something you think would be of interest to the Neighbourhood Watch membership, please submit it either the the NHW Officer or the Association Secretary.  A small sub-committee parcels up some 8000 copies of the newsletter which members of the Committee distribute to Co-ordinators for them to pass on to the members of their scheme.

·         We mount displays of home and personal security devices, such as alarms, smart water and security marking equipment, at school fetes, superstores and INA Safety Committee sponsored events.

·         We assist the NHW Officer in the resurrection of lapsed schemes by leaflet drops to find a new Co-ordinator.

·         We supply NHW street signs to mark the boundaries of schemes.

·         We arrange free Public Liability Insurance to cover all Co-ordinators in the Association.

·         We try to obtain sponsorship for specific activities and/or initiatives.

The present Committee consists of 17 Co-ordinators plus the Neighbourhood Watch Officer and our meetings are also attended by the Chairman of the Tewkesbury NHWA and a Police Sergeant from the Local Policing Teams.

The Cheltenham District NHW association currently includes over 400 schemes including over 13,000 properties . We are a member of both Gloucestershire County NHW Association and the National NHW Association.


Cheltenham Neighbourhood Watch in the press:



  All coordinator data migrated from March 2018 to Your Community Alerts.                                                Current schemes can now be found on the Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network          


 16 July    - "Ridiculous" plans to change neighbourhood watch groups into care status


 30 September  - Group’s key role in fight against crime

 31 May           - Record numbers sign up to Neighbourhood Watch Schemes

                      - Keep Neighbourhood safe

 9 May            - Residents to keep eye out for crime together

 19 April         - Watch Scheme launched

 25 March       - Top marks for posters

 11 March       - Young artists show how to tackle crime


 31 December  - Look out for crime