CISV & Safety

Your Child – Our Priority

Taking part in a CISV educational program is an experience that will have a powerful and positive impact on your child for life. They will have the opportunity to make lasting friendships with other children from around the world in a fun, safe environment.

The positive impact of meeting and making friends with children from other countries and cultures cannot be overestimated. Your child will gain a global perspective and come to understand their part in our global community.

While we put an emphasis on fun and friendship, at the core of everything we do is our aim to educate and inspire young people to realise their full potential. The curriculum in each of our programmes is age-appropriate and delivered using our informal, 'learning by doing' approach. We will help your child to develop an 'anything is possible' attitude, leadership and communication skills and an understanding of the world around them.

CISV has over 60 years experience of organizing camp-based programs for children and young people. You can be assured of the high quality of supervision and care we take with our youngest participants. Read about our child safety and protection below.

CISV is committed to ensuring that the safety of each child in our care is paramount. We have been organizing camp-based programs and family-hosted exchanges for decades and child safety and protection remain our highest priorities. Going to a CISV camp abroad for one month is an exciting prospect not only for the children who will participate – but for their parents as well. We understand. And we understand you want to be sure that your child will be looked after before, during and after the program.

We consider participants to be a part of our family. Many of our volunteers are parents themselves who are sending their children to CISV programs in other countries – or may have done so in the past. Many have been to a camp when they were young and understand how important it is to provide ongoing support to all participants. They share our commitment to, and your concern for, the welfare of your child.

All leaders receive leadership training, using standardized training manuals, to prepare them to take care of your child and deliver our educational philosophy. Training includes risk management. A full risk assessment is conducted at the start of every program. Furthermore, participants are required to carry insurance and provide detailed medical and health information on standardized forms.

Our child protection and risk management procedures ensure that:

  • All children (under 16) travel with an adult leader over 21
  • Staff and leaders are locally selected and trained to international standards
  • Confidential references are reviewed locally
  • Hosting families are carefully screened CISV members.
  • Our educational philosophy is to give priority to children.

Child Protection

CISV believes that the welfare of children is paramount - that is, that their safety and protection always come first in everything we do. CISV International has a comprehensive Child Protection Policy and Procedures document, which is essential to anyone working with CISV in any role. It is important that we all read and understand this policy and the part we each must play to keep children, and each other, safe. The Child Protection Policy includes a Code of Conduct for Adults, which offers us all clear guidance on working with children safely. Understanding of the Child Protection Policy and Procedures and Code of Conduct for Adults is part of the essential training for CISV volunteers. CISV International has comprehensive child protection policy and procedures, which are reviewed and updated regularly. Our National Associations additionally have their own child protection procedures, which are in line with their national legislation and requirements. All of our program staff and leaders receive child protection, risk management and leadership training to prepare them to take care of your child.

Health and Safety

A full risk assessment is conducted at the start of every program and our program staff are supported by our local, regional and international network of experienced Risk Managers. All of our participants are required to carry insurance and to provide detailed medical and health information. At every program there is a qualified first-aider.They are responsible for any basic first aid, the organization and distribution of medicines, liaising with local doctors and hospitals as necessary and keeping all records relating to any illness or accident. Medical care is always within easy reach. In the rare event of illness or accident, parents are called at the first opportunity and updated with full information on what steps have been taken to help their child.