With Ukrainan Analysts presents: 

Journeying Within: 

Partaking in Communitas with the #WUJ

Tuesday, 21 May, 2024 13:00 - 14:45 GMT-4

Registration Link:


Led by Ursula Wirtz

Chaired by Murray Stein

Under the stewardship of Ursula Wirtz, we traverse the landscape of guided imagination, placing our trust in the conviction that envisioning a tomorrow steeped in promise bolsters our faith in its attainability.  Constrained to glimpse the future solely through the prism of imagination, we persist in dreaming of a world bedecked in the vestments of freedom, peace, and equity— a grand vision firmly rooted in sagacity. In the crucible of her guided Active Imagination, we endeavor to unearth timeless reservoirs of sagacity amidst the tumultuous seas of adversity, unlocking reservoirs of resilience hitherto unbeknownst to us. By plumbing the fathomless depths of our collective consciousness, we may lay claim to an immutable facet of our being.

The efficacy of Active Imagination finds its genesis in Jung's own crucible of personal tribulation and inner discord, wherein he transmuted turbulent emotions into a mosaic of images—a cathartic experience. that not only assuaged his spirit but also facilitated profound self-healing. By allowing the nebulous currents of the subconscious to unfurl before us, it proffers spiritual succor amidst the crucible of atrocity.

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

“The Spirit of this time has condemned us to haste. You have no more futurity and no more past if you serve the spirit of this time. We need the life of eternity. We bear the future and the past in the depths. The future is old and the past is young. You serve the spirit of this time, and believe that you are able to escape the spirit of the depths. But the depths no longer hesitate any longer and will force you into the mysteries of Christ. It belongs to this mystery that man is not redeemed through the hero, but becomes a Christ himself.”

C. G. Jung, The Red Book, A Reader’s Edition (Liber Primus, Resolution, p. 202)

Not only is the Russian invasion of Ukraine sadly ongoing but Russia has been making significant gain on the Ukrainian territory in recent days. Israel continues to kill Palestinians and at the time of writing there is not much hope of a resolution. China is flying in closer and closer circles over Taiwan. Tens of thousands of Sudanese have been killed since 15th April 2023 in a third civil war in a generation.

We dream of a future where our Ukrainian colleagues live in peace in their own sovereign country, where extremisms in Palestine and Israel become moderate, where Taiwanese remain in charge of their country, where arms are lain down in Sudan and the thirst for power is resolved around a table…  we dream, yet we live in the haste of this Time: Yesterday’s news has already fallen into oblivion, Social Media has become the place to debate and winning the Eurovision, the Olympic Games or the football World Cups the new Grail.

In this final webinar, it was decided that we would slow down. Ursula Wirtz will invite us to dive into the depths via an active imagination, where we can bear both the future and the past and meet an individual figure of wisdom that will sustain us on the difficult path ahead. We are confident that this will be a safe space given Ursula’s tremendous experience, where we once again can create a “Communitas” by being present to ourselves, to everyone present, and to the wider community. Murray Stein says that Communitas means “connectedness in depth, a deep dialogue which allows the freedom to speak and where one is required to listen to the Other”.

We also hope to have a surprise from Catherine Cox. Catherine may have had to focus her energy and time towards family matters, yet she has always been present in thoughts and prayers with us all, and especially our Ukrainian colleagues.