The Self-Esteem Trap

Polly Young-Eisendrath (2008)

The following is an excerpt of a book review that was written in our Jung Society newsletter. To read the rest of this review, please inquire about a membership.

The Self-Esteem Trap:

Raising Confident And Compassionate Kids In An Age Of Self-Importance

Polly Young-Eisendrath

New York, Little Brown, 2008, 248 pp.

This book is rich in wisdom, replete with psychological research, and based on a strong foundation of years of experience by a most extraordinary Jungian. Polly Young-Eisendrath has written a book for all of us who have wondered about the generation of young adults, now in their twenties and thirties, who seem to take a very long time to grow up, that is, accept their career paths or choose a life partner or, more importantly, become authentic members of our communities. The book is addressed to both the older generation who may be scratching their heads trying to make sense of what is going on (because, after all, didn’t they give their children everything to ensure their success?), as well as to the younger generation who feels lost, depressed, and anxious.

Dr. Young-Eisendrath instructs us that we are all caught in a self-esteem trap. Born in the late 60’s and 70’s, the GenMe or GenX have been idealized by their Boomer parents, who have repeatedly told them that they are special, that opportunities will open up for them. However