C. G. Jung Society of Montreal

Stay tuned for next year's program. It will feature such veteran luminaries as Henry Abramovitch, John Beebe, James Hollis and Ann Ulanov! A rising star in the Jungian firmament will open the year on September 28. 

       Stefano Carpani  came to our attention during the pandemic when he hosted the podcast "Breakfast at Kusnacht," where he interviewed many prominent Jungian analysts. 

   Last year saw the publication by Routledge of two anthologies edited by Carpani: Anthology of Contemporary Theoretical Classics in Analytical Psychology: The New Ancestors and Anthology of Contemporary Clinical Classics in Analytical Psychology: The New Ancestors.

  The Montreal Jung Society hosted a successful four-week ZOOM reading seminar on the Contemporary Theoretical Classics, using four selections from this comprehensive volume.

This year will see the publication of Carpani's next book: Absolute Freedom–Individuation and Individualization in Second-Late-Modern Societies.

  We are delighted to have Stefano Carpani launch our next season on September 28. He will be discussing the contents of this book which focuses on  the intersection of psychology and sociology. This work offers a comparative analysis of C. G. Jung's individuation process and German sociologist Ulrich Beck's individualization theory. He has called his talk "Individuation & Individualization." 

The link for this event is forthcoming.