C. G. Jung Society of Montreal

                         WINTER/SPRING 2024-25 

On the Dynamics of Relationship:

If Only the Kids Would Pipe Down, I Could Hear the Other Relatives Complain

A Lecture by Jungian analyst James Hollis of Washington D.C.

Saturday, March 15

1 p.m.- 3 p.m. (EDT)

     Members: $15; Non-Members: $20

       Students/Senior Members: $10

       By ZOOM

       Registration Link: https://jameshollis.eventbrite.ca

James Hollis previews his talk: 


For into please call (514) 971-8664.

Our psychic life is swarming with clusters of energy. Jung called them "splinter personalities." Is it any wonder, then, that our relationships with others can be so fraught, so troubled, when we have only begun to approach the many presences within each of us that are from time to time acting out? Even our sense of self is subject to which "noisy kid" within is remonstrating the loudest at the moment.   

     This presentation will explore the dilemma and point to the on-going assignment we all face if we are ever to improve our relationships. Ultimately, no relationship with another can ever exceed the measure of our monitoring and integrating the relationship with the noisy folks within each of us.


James Hollis, Ph.D. is a Jungian Analyst in Washington, D.C., a long time visitor to the Montreal Jung Society, and author of twenty books, the latest being Living with Borrowed Dust: Reflections on Life, Love, and Other Grievances.