Past Presidents


Karen Dunnett has a B.A. and a B.Ed. (‘73)  from Mount Allison University. She was a high school teacher at the beginning of her career, followed by many years as a working partner in private business. Presently, she teaches part-time. In Moncton, she has served on the Home & School Committee, Downtown Residents’ Association, Board of Directors of the Beaver Curling Club,  and was local and national President of Save the Children Canada (1990s). 

Karen has been an active, contributing member of CFUW since joining in 1981. She has held all club executive positions, and has served on CFUW national committees for Board Governance, Finance, Risk Management, Advocacy and Human Resources. She has been Regional Director of New Brunswick, VP Atlantic (2010-14) and VP Membership. In 2013, Karen was part of the CFUW delegation to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in New York, as well as a delegate on the International Federation of University Women’s Friendship Tour of Turkey. In June 2016 Karen was elected as President of our national organization,  and headed the Canadian delegation to the international conference in South Africa.

 Karen was our Moncton club president in 1984-85 and again 2018-20.   With her special talent for organization,  she created a national “Club-in-a-bag”, created the first website for Atlantic Regional Council,  spear-headed the review of the Club’s scholarship resources,  and continues  to this day as an active and dedicated member of CFUW.                                                              


Bernadette started  her Education at Teachers’ College in Fredericton (’61),  then continued at College Notre-Dame d’Acadie in Moncton (BA ’65),  and U de Moncton (B.Ed ’71 and M.Ed ’78).     After a brief 3 years teaching in the public school system,  she took time out for child-rearing.    In 1975 she began her career at U de M, first teaching French as a Mother language, then rose to Director of the Language Sector,  Dean of Arts Faculty.   By the end of her career in 2001, she was Director of Multidisciplinary BA for the 3 U de M campuses (Edmundston, Moncton and Shippagan).

Bernadette has many publications pertaining to teaching French as a Mother language, placement tests; more than 40 registered courses for TV (adult education). She was a workshop animator for High School and CCNB teachers (The intelligence of the “Petit Robert” dictionary); and has also done some research for the NB Department of Education and Francophone Universities outside Québec (RUFHQ).

In 1971 Bernadette joined CFUW Moncton and became President in 1973.   From 1982-85 she was the Provincial Director for NB. Her leadership skills were put to good use as Chair of the Organizing Committee for the 1990 national CFUW AGM hosted by Moncton.    In 2008-10 she was club president for the second time.  Over the last 47 years of membership, Bernadette has generously shared her translation skills with CFUW national’s Journal and well as all of our Moncton Club letters, documents,  scholarship applications,  membership applications,  press releases,  and book sale posters.   She’s a great editor in both languages!    

From 1996 to 1998 Bernadette was a member of the CFUW National Scholarships & Awards Committee                                                   Since 2004, she has been either Chair or member or translator of our CFUW Moncton Scholarships Committee.

In the 1970s  Bernadette was a member of the committee preparing the creation of the Provincial Council for the Status of Women.  In the 1980s and 90s she was a member,  then Chair, of the Moncton Public Library Board   -   the first woman and the first francophone to hold that position !!                                                      



Roberta Pollock was born in Moncton and has had quite a circuitous educational route back to her hometown. Launched by Moncton High in 1958 with the University Women’s Club scholarship, Bobby headed to UNB Fredericton for her B.Sc. Honours in Biology (’62) and with a National Research Council scholarship her M.Sc. in Insect Behaviour (’67). 

While at UNB she worked as a lab demonstrator and lab technician and met her future husband Tom.   Going with Tom to the University of Alberta in Edmonton, she was a lab technician in the Zoology department and later as an Electron Microscope Technician and a zoology lab instructor.  

With their family of two children, the Pollocks returned to the Maritimes in 1971, with Bobby working as a biology (Physiology) lab instructor at Dalhousie University before they returned to Moncton in1976. In 1982 she received her B.Ed in Science Methods from Mount Allison. She joined the Mount A Biology Department as a Lab Instructor in 1984 until 2000. She continued as a lecturer in Moncton for Mount A courses until retirement in 2003. While at Mount A she served on the Job Evaluation Committee and on the President’s Committee for Women.  

In 1977 the Moncton area had no city-wide youth soccer, so Bobby and Tom organized Moncton & District Youth Soccer which became Codiac Soccer in1982 which continues to this day.  Tom was President and later President of Soccer New Brunswick and a director of Soccer Canada. Bobby did all the others jobs – fields, registration, teams, uniforms, coaches, treasurer, etc.  In 2017 she shared her expertise with the NB Special Olympics Committee by organizing the Special Olympics Soccer at the U de M field. 

From 2009-2017 bobby volunteered with Diabetes Canada and was Coordinator of the Diabetes Support Group of Greater Moncton. In 2014 she received the NB Volunteer of the Year Award from Canadian Diabetes Association.  

Bobby has been involved in a variety of community Groups – as a member of Women’s Probus Club, the Co-Op in Moncton, Mayor’s vitality committee, and on the Moncton committee of the Tantramar Seniors College, where among other things she taught Human Physiology and organized a course on the History of Moncton. 

Bobby joined CFUW Moncton in 1977 and has served in most executive positions including Club President 2006-2008. She has been working the Book fair since the 1980s and was instrumental in fine-tuning the whole set-up. As an avid environmentalist, she ensured that most of the leftovers were either reused or recycled. 

Education has always been an interest for Bobby In 2002 she served on the CFUW National Education Committee and, locally has been on the Scholarship Committee for several years. Since 2012 she has co-ordinated the Codiac Book Club and has been Chair of communications since 2014. In 2016 Bobby was presented with a certificate for 40 years of service to CFUW Moncton.




A native of Winnipeg,   Laura (MacKenzie) Leighton graduated from Dalhousie University in 1944 with a Bachelor of Science degree. In her early years she worked as a medical lab technician at Camp Hill Hospital, before coming to Moncton where she raised her four children. 

Laura joined CFUW Moncton in 1952 and held most positions in the Club,  including President 1970-71.    She has been an active member for 66 years!

 Her major interest was in Education,  with a focus on Learning Disabilities which needed to be recognized in the classroom and in the universities.   She was elected president of the Moncton Association for Adults and Children with Learning Disabilities.   In the mid-60s she served on the NB Curriculum Committee and in early 70s served as Chair the Provincial Education Committee.    

Laura served on the Board of NB Community College,  and was chair of the Regional Library Board in Moncton.    In 1994 Laura was recognized for her community involvement by being awarded a Paul Harris Fellow from Moncton Rotary Club.    

Among her memorable highlights was her trip to Alaska and to Holland for the 50thcelebration of Peace after the Second World War.


A native of PEI,  Etta graduated from Prince of Wales College (now UPEI ) with her Teaching Certificate (1966).    She continued her education at Acadia U  in Wolfville  NS  (BA ’71  and B.Ed ’71).    Her long career as an Elementary School teacher ended in 2000 with her retirement from Arnold H. MacLeod School.   A generation of Monctonians still remember Etta as one of their favourite elementary teachers! 

Etta has been involved in an interesting variety of community activities.   She sang in the Greater Moncton Chorale,    was UCW – St. Mark unit secretary of Central Church for 25 years, and is a member of Central quilters.   

 Etta was a long-time member of Community Concert Board;  a member of the Retired Teachers Association,  and a charter member of the Women’s PROBUS Club of SENB.      

Etta  has been an active member of CFUW Moncton since 1976,  serving as President in 1982-83 and again 2002-04.    She chaired the Telephone Committee for several years until 2010 and served on the Book Sale Committee for many years.   When CFUW Moncton hosted the Atlantic Regional Council Conferences in 2013 and 2017, Etta was on the organizing team as “Head of House”.       She was in the thick of the organizing action  for our 75thAnniversary in 2008-09.     Etta came back on the Executive in 2012-13 when a new position “Executive-at-Large” was created.     

All this and a cook extraordinaire!


 Maureen A. Whelly Mills, QC, was one of 5 female graduates of UNB class of 1972 with an LLB.  She opened her own practice in May 1974 to become first female practicing lawyer in Moncton.  During this time, she served for several years on the Board of Examiners for Social Workers for the Province of New Brunswick, on the Area Legal Aid Committee from 1975 until 2012 and was on the Board of the Canadian Bar Association for several years, serving in various capacities including President and on the National Board of Canadian Bar Association.  She was also elected to serve on the Council of the Law Society of New Brunswick and Chaired the Admissions Committee from 1984 until 2011. In 2001 she was appointed Queen’s Council, in 2009  received the Distinguished Service Award from Canadian Bar, New Brunswick Branch.  For four years, she served on the Advisory Committee for Judicial Appointments for the Province of New Brunswick.  Her position with Service New Brunswick was Deputy Registrar General Land Titles. 

Maureen is a Past President of the Ladies’ Division of the Moncton Golf and Country Club; a Past President of the Frank L. Bowser Home and School Association, a Past President of the Riverview Junior High School Association; a Host Parent for four Rotary Exchange Students, two from France, one from Australia and one from New Zealand.  She is Chair of the Local Parish Council of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church and Chair of the Regional Parish Council of Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity and a Eucharistic Minister.  

Maureen served as President of CFUW during 1981-1982as member of the Executive presidential team  2012-2013and as President from 2014-2016; she chaired the CFUW Book Fair for two years. In 2018 she is really busy on the Anniversary Committee,  Investment Committee,  and has just become CFUW Moncton’s new Membership Chair.   Maureen has been a member of CFUW Moncton for 43 years! 

One can clearly see that Maureen has dived right into her work and community activities whole-heartedly and has not been shy of taking on leadership roles.     


Pat McGinn started her career in Social Work shortly after completing both degrees (B.A. 1960 & Master of Social Work 1963) at Acadia University in Wolfville, NS.      Pat worked primarily with the NB Provincial government social services and in the mental health field,  and also provided counseling services with Family Enrichment.  In the 1980s she ran a program at the Moncton YWCA for girls 16-18 at risk.    

Pat was well aware of the Canadian Federation of University Women early.   She checked out the Club in Fredericton in 1963,  then soon moved to Saint John (’64-‘66).   When life took her to Moncton she joined the Club (’71-85) and served as President in 1978.   When she relocated to Newcastle, there was no Club there so she became a Charter member of CFUW Miramichi (’89-91).     CFUW Moncton was happy to have her return as a member in 1993,  and she again served as President 1996-98.    

As her children grew,  so did Pat’s involvement in her community.   She served on the board of Support to Single Parents,   was President of the Figure Skating Clubs in both Newcastle and Riverview,  and for 10 years was a Cub leader with Scouts Canada.    

Pat held all positions in CFUW Moncton except Treasurer,  and has served on the Scholarship committee, Nominating Committee,   Book Sale Committee, and the Executive.   She served as Chair of the national Nominations Committee (‘96-‘98), attended the national AGMs in Kelowna (’97) and Sudbury (’98).    Pat has shared herself generously with CFUW over the past 50 years.   


Audrey Lampert is a native Monctonian and 1962 graduate of “old” Moncton High School.  She retired in 2009 from a 40-year career in teaching and school administration.  Involved at many different levels of the education system, she has taught in both Ontario and New Brunswick.    As well, she has worked as a high school  and middle-school vice-principal, and as a K to 8 principal.  She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Dalhousie University (1967), her Education credentials from the Ontario College of Education in Toronto (1969), and a Master degree in Education Administration from l’Université de Moncton (1997).For ten years, before returning to teach in the public system, Audrey served as an elected member of the Board of School Trustees for Moncton. It was during this period that human rights issues seemed to shape her raison d’être and she became an outspoken advocate for those whose rights had been denied.  In 1996, when local school boards were abolished, she was appointed to the first interim NB Provincial Board of Education.

Audrey is a recipient of a Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Center award for her years of devotion to combatting discrimination, intolerance and racism.  She was inducted into the Order of New Brunswick (2012), and into the Order of Moncton (2015).   From 2007 to 2010 she served as a commissioner on the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission and from 2009 to 2015, as a member of the Horizon Health Research Ethics Board.  In 2015 she was reappointed as a commissioner on the NB Human Rights Commission.

Audrey has motivated others and worked hard to build a better community by dedicating herself to such groups as the Greater Moncton Literacy Advisory Board,  CFUW Moncton, the Dalhousie University Women's Association, the Moncton East Boys' and Girls' Club, the Coalition Against Abusive Relationships and the Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.

Since 1973 Audrey has been a continuous member of CFUW Moncton and has served in almost all executive positions. One of her accomplishments during her year as Club President 1980-81 was to initiate an Investment Study Group, the outcome of which was the formation of Dabblers Investment Club.  Although Dabblers recently stopped investing, the group still meets socially several times a year over lunch or dinner because the members enjoy each other’s company and share a common interest in social, family and political issues.  


Mary Munro received from UNB her BA in Honours Psychology (’71), B.Ed (’93) and M.Ed in Adult Education (’96),  along with post-M.Ed certification in educational administration.  A certified psychometrist, her work is in Education, Human Resources,  and Health.  In 1999 Mary was awarded one of the first international human resources professional designations in Eastern Canada.    Mary is sole proprietor of Sunshine Creative Life Management for the 25th year,  and has several internet publications.   

During her years in Greater Moncton,  Mary has been involved with the Chamber of Commerce, Human Resources Association of NB, Girl Guides of Canada, Northrop Frye Festival, Atlantic Home-Based Business Network,  as well as various women's organizations.   She is presently a member of the Federal Superannuates National Association as a result of prior work as a program Admin supervisor with the government;   and acts as a NB Commissioner of Oaths. 

Mary joined CFUW Moncton in 1977 and became Club president in 1983-84 during the Bicentennial Year.  She has been Co-Chair of the Book Fair (and worked on 38 Book Fairs),  on Scholarship Committee,  and Investment committee.  She has shared her interest in Adult Education and Advocacy on women’s issues with the Club.    As Program Chair this year,  Mary is on the organizing committee planning activities for CFUW’s 100thAnniversary and CFUW Moncton 85thAnniversary celebrations.   


Wilma Evans graduated  from Mount Allison University with her BA in 1969.   After raising her family,  she started a new profession as a financial advisor with RBC Dominion Securities at 48 years old!    CFUW Moncton benefitted from Wilma’s expertise  as she handled the Club’s scholarship investment portfolio for over 20 years until her retirement in 2013.  

Throughout her life in Moncton Wilma  has  been involved in a variety of community associations.   She was the Chair of the Women in Business Committee of the Greater Moncton Chamber of Commerce;  Past President of Business & Professional Women of Greater Moncton;  on the Board of Directors of YWCA;  member of the Presidents’ Club of RBC-DS;  member of the Moncton Rotary Club;  and a long-serving volunteer with the Moncton Community Police.     She even ran a marathon in 2007! 

Wilma joined CFUW Moncton in 1988 and held many positions in the Club,  including Book Fair Chair and President 1992-93.    In Sept. 2017,  received Certificate of Recognition for 30 years of valued service to CFUW Moncton.



Karen Crandall Stroud,  a Moncton High grad of 1969,   went on to complete her BA in Anthropology & Archaeology at UNB 1973.   During that time she was one of the first guides at Kings Landing, NBs living history museum,   and had opportunities to participate in Augustine Mound archaeological dig.     In 1976 her path took her to Newfoundland  where she started her family,  and became very active in CFUW  as well as Status of Women.    She joined the Northcliff Drama Club  and won in Best Supporting Actress at the 1988  Newfoundland and Labrador Drama Festival! 

Moving back to Moncton in 1989,  she started  her own business for several years before returning to work for the government.   She re-designed her career path through Oulton College,  graduating with Honours from the Business Management Program in 1998.     Her book-keeping expertise has benefited many organizations since then,  including Moncton Industrial Development and Enterprise Greater Moncton where she stayed until her retirement. 

In Newfoundland Karen became President of CFUW Grand Falls,  and later when she was established in NB she became a member of CFUW Moncton in 1999.    Through the years she has been stalwart support for our annual Book Sale,   volunteered her expertise in reviewing the Club financial records,  and served as Club President 2016-18.    

Karen loves to sing – with her church Choir and formerly with the Moncton Metrotones -  and loves to read a good mystery.    Her joy these days is playing with her young grandson Anthem.


Aliciadeea ("Deea") Le Roc was born in France,  and moved to Moncton with her family in 2000.  She graduated from l'Université de Moncton with a Bachelor in Social Sciences, specialization in sociology (2009) and a law degree (2013).  

To pursue her law career,  with a focus on social justice,  she moved to Ottawa in 2014 and signed up for the new Law Practice program.  She was called to the bar in 2016 and began working at the Clinique juridique francophone d’Ottawa,  a Legal Aid Ontario clinic that serves only French speaking clients,  including many immigrants.       

Deea’s mom Gugi introduced her to CFUW through the Book Fair and in 2011 she joined CFUW as one of our first student members.  For the 80thanniversary year in 2013 she became Club President– the youngest in the history of CFUW !    

In 2018 she wrote  “CFUW Moncton initiated me not only to non-profit organizations, but also to advocacy and the importance of community education.”

Deea remained an online member of CFUW Moncton for many years.