75th Anniversary

75th ANNIVERSARY PROGRAM 2008 - 2009










CFUW AGM, Montreal

Historic Lobster

All Candidates Debate

President's Reception

Hands Up Expo

Atlantic Regional Council, Wolfville, NS

CFUW Writers, T. Quigley & M. Eaton

Christmas Dinner











Community Schools, Carole Murphy

Moncton Public Library, Chantale Bellemare

International Women's Day

NB Coalition for Pay Equity, Johanne Perron

Resolutions "Think Tank" with Kent & Sackville

75th Anniversary Celebration

47th Annual Book Fair, Beaver Curling Club

AGM Dinner

Scholarships presented

NB Women Get The Vote - April 17, 1919


  • Empowering Women and Girls

Founded in 1919, the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) is a voluntary, non-profit, self-funded bilingual organization of over 10,000 women. CFUW members are active in public affairs, working to raise the social, economic and legal status of women, as well as to improve education, the environment, peace, justice and human rights.

Members belong to 122 Clubs in every province in Canada. CFUW is one of the 78 member affiliates of the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) and its 140,000 members. CFUW is a non-government organization with special consultative status at the United Nations (Economic and Social Council) Commission on the Status of Women. CFUW sends a representative to the Canadian Commission to UNESCO Education Committee. CFUW, its Clubs and its members support the CFUW Charitable Trust, which awards fellowships for post-graduate education.

  • The right to speak and the responsibility to act.

The 2008 CFUW AGM was held in Montreal where incoming President Patricia DuVal announced to the crowd of more than 200 delegates that she will be continuing with Visible Voice as theme for her term. After much respectful and thoughtful debate, resolutions were passed on Psychological Harassment in the Workplace, Health-care Facility Acquired Infections, Student Debt and Improving Living Standards for Aboriginal Canadians. Special guest Retired Lieutenant General Romeo Dallaire spoke with passion about the child soldiers who are currently used for combat around the world - about 40% of these are girls. He left us with the thought: "The most important thing to do is the empowerment of women and the education of children."

Historic Overview

75th Anniversary: 1934 - 2009

CFUW members are active in public affairs, working to raise the social, economic and legal status of women, as well as to improve education, the environment, peace, justice and human rights.

These are lofty ideals, considering that women in Canada only became legal "persons" in 1929!

Women have come a long way since our 1934 charter was issued. We have taken off our white gloves and hats; we have found our own names (Mrs. Ralph Belyea is now Courtney Belyea!). There are now more women than men in university. Canada has had a woman Prime Minister and several women Governors--General. We have even sent a woman into space (Roberta Bondar - CFUW member). There should be no limits to what we can do. Yet we cannot sit back and be smug about yesterday's achievements because there are still many challenges for us to work on.

Over the past 75 years CFUW Moncton has made a significant impact on the community, especially in the area of supporting education of local women. Read the history of CFUW Moncton, decade by decade.

Each September the members gather around the table for a lobster dinner in Shediac.

CFUW Moncton participated in the 2008 ALL CANDIDATES DEBATE organized by a coalition of local women's groups, with local candidates for federal election addressing the issues of concern to women. Women worked many years across Canada to be allowed to vote nationally, provincially, and municipally. It is our responsibility to be informed about the issues and about the candidates who are hoping to represent us in all the levels of government. It is our right and our responsibility to VOTE

President's Reception

A beautiful wine and cheese reception at the new Moncton Press Club was a great occasion to gather the membership -- past and present - as well as many special guests, including Mayor George LeBlanc and his wife Kathy. We celebrated Women's History Month with a "Women We Should Know" quiz. The winner of our 75th Anniversary draw for a one-year CFUW membership was Karen Crandall-Stroud.

Hands Up Volunteer Expo

Canada's first ever volunteer expo & conference was held October 2008 at the Moncton Coliseum. CFUW Moncton was proud to be one of many volunteer organizations in the Greater Moncton area showcasing their activities. It was a great opportunity for us to have a "visible voice" and promote our Book Fair.

CFUW Atlantic Regional Council 2008

CFUW Moncton was a charter member of the Atlantic Regional Council in 1988. The ARC 2008 conference was held in The K.C.Irving Environmental Science Centre at Acadia University in Wolfville, NS on the occasion of CFUW Wolfville's 70th anniversary. Keynote speaker Brigitte Neuman, Executive Director of NS Advisory Council on the Status of Women, gave a brief history of the women's movement.

CFUW Moncton Authors

CFUW Moncton is proud to say that many of our members throughout the years have contributed to Canada's body of literature - be it history, poetry, children's books, outdoor life, academic treatises, and many published articles.

Among the more recent achievements are:

Gerry Dayton: A Monument to Faith, a history of St. John's United Church

Margaret Eaton: Painted Poems, Seeking Grace

Audrey Lampert: "The Electronic Information Highway: Implications for Schooling" article in The Canadian School Executive

Rosemary MacAulay: Sticky Fingers [artist]; Jellyfish, Seadragons & Fries on the Side: A PEI Fairytale [artist]

Louise Nichols: Quite a Curiosity: Sea Letters of Grace F Ladd

Brenda Parsons: Gramma's Rhymes of the Maritimes, Moncton's Civic Treasure: The Free Meeting House; On Foot to Fundy: The Dobson Hiking Trail [editor]

Theresia Quigley: I Cry for Innocence; Maritime Voices: Twentieth Century Stories by Women; Breaking Free in a Fresh Place: A Study of the Significance of Childhood in W.O. Mitchell's "The Vanishing Point"; Poetic Voices of the Maritimes: A Selection of Contemporary Poetry; Childhood in Limbo: A Study of Deborah Joy Corey's "Losing Eddie"; A Journey of Circles; The Child Hero in the Canadian Novel; Midlife Poems.

Helen Renouf: A History of the Town of Riverview (Editor)

Jean Taylor: "Spectrum Series Mathematics"

Therese Zwicker: "Crescendo", poesie

Canadian Mental Health & Food Bank

A tradition of helping the community, especially at Christmas time, was established early in the Club's history. Annual parties were held with the orphans of the Children's Home; gifts and donations are still offered to the "forgotten folks" with the Canadian Mental Health Association; non-perishable food items and donations are given annually to the local Food Bank. In this special 75th anniversary year, the Club gave an extra $75 donation to the Canadian Mental Health Association and $75 to the Greater Moncton Food Depot. tradition of helping the community, especially at Christmas time, was established early in the Club's history. Annual parties were held with the orphans of the Children's Home; gifts and donations are still offered to the "forgotten folks" with the Canadian Mental Health Association; non-perishable food items and donations are given annually to the local Food Bank. In this special 75th anniversary year, the Club gave an extra $75 donation to the Canadian Mental Health Association and $75 to the Greater Moncton Food Depot.


CFUW Moncton always has had an eye on the education system, particularly in NB and Moncton. An Education Study Group was formed early in the Club's history and members were keen to keep abreast of developments in education. Lobbying was done to have kindergartens in the school system in the 1950s; lobbying to create a Home & School Association; a presentation was made to government concerning Learning Disabilities; a brief was presented to NB Government's Non-Profit Task Force.

CFUW Moncton members are participating in the new Community Schools project directed by Carole Murphy. Volunteers help the children with reading in English and French, in groups and one-on-one. Math enrichment is provided in the form of Bridge!


In honour of our 75th anniversary year, the Club made a donation of $750 to the Moncton Public Library for their "Adopt-a-Book" program.

CFUW Moncton has been a staunch supporter of the Moncton Library since the beginning of the Club. Through the years, the Book Club donated their annual reading material to the Library, proceeds from the Club's "Bring & Buy" sales were donated to the Library; a national CFUW Reading Stimulation Grant was awarded to the Moncton Public Library; the Club helped establish the Friends of the Library Society. Lobbying was done for a new Library building, to have the sales tax removed from books, and to increase the city grants to the Library. Many of our Club members sat on the Library Board for years. Continuing even now, the Bridge Club donates the proceeds of their games to the Library.

supporting the efforts of the League of Nations Society and the Red Cross. The Club regularly sent food and clothing overseas. For almost 50 years, the Club gave annually to Mme Livia Fekete when she was teaching children in Germany after the war and then later in retirement until she died in 1998. Since then our support has been varied - Croatian University Women, the Stephen Lewis Foundation for Aids in Africa, the Romeo Dallaire Foundation for War-Affected Children, Rwandan University Women, WaterCan and CARE Canada.

We participate in the CFUW national March 8th International Women's Day fund-raising with our Club's "Toss-A-Toonie" campaign over a 3-month period.

Legal & Status of Women

Right from the outset, the ladies of the Club expressed their concern for inequities in pay, in taxes, in legal status and kept a focus on these issues throughout the years. The Club joined the efforts of the Local Council of Women to "band together to further the application of the Golden Rule to society, custom and law." Many of these efforts bore fruit and NB now enjoys the benefits of Family Court and Court Watch, policewomen and the Elizabeth Fry Society and we see many women representatives on provincial Boards and Commissions. In the 1970s the Advisory Committee on the Status of Women was created to advise on actions to improve the position of women in our society, and CFUW Moncton added their voice to the protest 30 years later when the Harper government cut funding to the program. In the words of Dr. Gwen Black: "We must examine women's problems in order to find a more acceptable balance in today's humanity"

In 2009 CFUW Moncton is a member of the NB Coalition for Pay Equity, and many of the same issues being addressed in 1933 are still on the discussion table.


Resolutions are proposals made by member clubs on wide-ranging topics of national concern. Each club's delegate carries her club's vote on the Resolution to the Annual General Meeting, where the Resolution is either adopted or rejected. As a result of our thorough and comprehensive resolution process and our history of informed decision, CFUW's voice is a respected one when it brings these important resolutions, now CFUW Policy, to the federal and provincial governments.

CFUW Moncton gets together with CFUW Kent and CFUW Sackville as a Think Tank for discussing the current resolutions. In 2009 the draft resolutions are concerned with Greenhouse Gas Emissions, a Canadian Department of Peace, Employment Insurance Reform, Promoting Financial Capability and Financial Literacy in Canada, and Reducing Environmental Toxins.

CFUW Draft Resolved Clauses 2009:

    1. Addressing Climate Change: Greenhouse Gas Emission (CFUW Victoria)

    2. Canadian Department of Peace (CFUW International Relations)

    3. Employment Insurance Reform (CFUW Legislation)

    4. Promoting Financial Capability and Financial Literacy in Canada (CFUW Montreal)

    5. Protecting the Health of Canadians by Reducing Environmental Toxins (CFUW Ottawa)

75th Anniversary Celebrations

We gather in April at La Teraz to celebrate the past and toast the future of CFUW Moncton. Our Charter members and all the Presidents over the last 75 years have much to be proud of.

CFUW National President Patricia DuVal and Atlantic Vice-President Grace Stapleton, as well as reps from other New Brunswick clubs, are joining the party!


University Women's Club of Moncton*

January 1934

* Club name changed to "CFUW Moncton" in 2004.


International Relations

CFUW's mandate extended beyond the confines of Canada, especially during WWII when all help was needed for

Bridge ClubSince the Club's inception there has been at least one Bridge Club playing behind the scenes at members' homes. Much of the init

ial funding for the Club's donations was due to the generous efforts of the players. Even in the new millennium, with 3 active bridge clubs, the camaraderie is high and the donations to the Library continue.

Book Fair

Our first Book Fair in 1963 earned $436 for our Scholarship Fund and it has grown approximate annual profits of about $15,000. Our annual Book Fair, combined with generous bequests from former members Elsie Crickard, Aurore Bourque and Phyllis Ross, provides the funds to sustain our Scholarship program. Partnered previously with the Moncton Professional Firefighters and now with the Business & Professional Women (BPW Moncton), the Book Fair has become a much anticipated tradition in Moncton.

In 2009 we hold our 47th Annual Book Fair at the Beaver Curling Club May 7-9.

We appreciate your donations.

We appreciate your purchases.

We appreciate your support of our scholarships.

2009 Annual General Meeting

CFUW Moncton winds down a hectic year of celebrations. We rejoice in our new and current members and celebrate the full lives of our deceased members. We welcome a new category of membership in 2009 - Students!

2008-2009 Executive Committee

2008-2009 Membership

Dorothy Allen, Jodie Babkirk-Massoudi, Myrna Balderston, Virginia Balloch, Shima Barrett, Lynn Belliveau, Suzanne Belliveau, Courtney Belyea, Bernadette Berube, Keltie Campbell, Angela Clarke, Shirley Cooper, Doreen Coulter, Karen Crandall-Stoud, Flora Dell, Gloria Drayson, Anne Marie Driscoll, Catherine Droesbeck, Karen Dunnett, Elizabeth 'Corrie' Eaton, Margaret Eaton, Wilma Evans, Jean Freimanis, Helen Gibson, Michelle Gignac, Wendy Goff, Francis Grondin, Kathleen Hart, Diane Hicks, Caroline Humar-Barrett, Hashmat Instrum, Patricia Jardine, Audrey Lampert, Joyce LeBlanc, Gugi LeRoc, Laura Leighton, Joan MacCallum, Helen MacFarlane, Judith MacPherson, Mary McAllister, Alcha McConnell, Patricia McGinn, Bertella McIntyre, Maureen Mills, Marion Mintis, Mary Munro, Linda Newman, Brenda Parsons, Marilyn Pollock, Roberta Pollock, Carol Proctor, Theresia Quigley, Janet Randall, Etta Reid, Edith Rosenow, Adelle Rubin, Lillian Schelew, KarraLynn Schreck, Joan Sichel, Kathy Smith, Nada Sparks, Margaret Steven, Bev Taylor, Jean Taylor, Helen Warren, Lois Weatherby.

Scholarships & Awards

The Club's first scholarship of $25 was awarded in 1944 to a MHS student. Over the last 75 years we have expanded our program to 6 local high schools in the Greater Moncton area, as well as awards to mature women of Westmorland-Albert-Kent counties who are going back to university either full-time or part-time. As of June 2008, CFUW Moncton has awarded a grand total of almost $300,000 to support the education of over 300 local women.

In honour of our 75th anniversary year, CFUW Moncton awarded 2 special scholarships of $750 each to students in a "non-traditional field of studies" at the local New Brunswick Community Colleges.

2008-2009 Annual Scholarships

    • "Greater Moncton Music Festival Award

        • 'The Elsie Steeves Award'

    • Moncton High School

        • 'The Georgie A. R. Clark Scholarship'

    • Harrison Trimble High School

        • 'The Margaret V. Belyea Scholarship'

    • cole Mathieu-Martin

    • Riverview High School

        • 'The Erma Fash Hicks Scholarship'

    • Bernice MacNaughton High School

        • 'The L. Bernice MacNaughton Scholarship'

  • École L'Odyssée

    • Mature Full-Time Studies

        • 'The Elsie Crickard Scholarship'

        • 'The Phyllis Ross Scholarship'

    • Mature Part-Time Studies

        • 'The Aurore Bourque Scholarship'

Historical Overview (Full)

In 1933 a dozen Moncton women, many of whom were teachers, met to organize a local Club, and in January 1934 the "University Women's Club of Moncton" was chartered, the second Club east of Montreal. The first President was Georgie Clark; the fee was $2; and one of the first issues under consideration was the "Need for Change in School Curriculum". A member represented the Club at the Local Council of Women each year, with Prison Reform under discussion. A Bridge club started in the 30s and has continued and multiplied for 75 years. It is still going strong. By 1939 the Club was donating books to the Library. Ethel Murphy served as National VP-CFUW.

In the 1940s, membership grew to 50 with $3 dues. During the war years the Club was active in the war effort, joining the League of Nations Society and Navy League, supporting the Red Cross and Lord Beaverbrook's fund for aircraft production, and helping provide entertainment for service men. Members did Refugee Relief Work by knitting and sending clothing overseas. At home, the Club helped to create the Friends of the Library Association, and petitioned the government to increase the grant to the Library. They donated books, urged the City to have a fireproof building and had a Club member on the Library Board each year. Efforts were made to address the Teacher Shortage and to have a Social Worker in Moncton and to have a female police matron. One of the inequities of the day was "the privilege of wives of taxpayers having the vote, but not unmarried women taxpayers". At Christmas, toys were given to the Children's Home.

In 1944 the first Scholarship was awarded at Moncton High School - the only high school at the time -- $25--which was raised mostly by the Bridge Club.


In the 1950s, membership rose to 70 and the dues to $4. It was a very active decade - our Moncton Club hosted the CFUW Maritime Conference in 1953; we "adopted" Madame Livia Fekete, a Hungarian headmistress 'displaced person' in 1956 as our special International Relief project. Our Scholarshipwas raised to $100, funded by a Book Auction and the Bridge Club. As always, Education was of prime interest to the members and studies included Federal Aid to Education, Qualifications and Licensing of Teachers, Educational Standards in Canada, the Problem of the Gifted Child, and the creation of the Home & School Association. Status of Women issues continued to be addressed, for example, there were the problems of Pay Equity, taxes for women and succession duties. In the 1951-52 AGM report, some of the issues under discussion were: the right of a wife separate to sell her property; the right of a married woman to be personally served in an action against her; that the article lumping women with minions and idiots be changed; that neither spouse can dispose of family home without the other's consent; that a wife be allowed life insurance.

Lobster suppers were held at members' cottages at a cost of $1 (if you drove a carload out to Shediac - it was free!)

Activity was strong for the Library, with recommendations to the City to have half the Library Board be women. There were letters to government to drop 8% sales tax on books, and we continued donating books.

Representatives from the club were on the board of Mental Health each year.

Among the Club Presidents in the 50s were Courtney Belyea, Corrie Eaton, and Janet Randall.


In the 1960s membership was up to 75 and dues were up to $6. Education concerns centered on the Math Curriculum, Slow Learners, Enrichment, and a new high school complex (which turned out to be Harrison Trimble). Moncton's first Citizenship Court opened and New Brunswick marriage laws were under review. Club members participated in Meals on Wheels and Miles for Millions. Madame Fekete was getting older and we continued our contributions to her.

In 1961 we had our first Lobster dinner at St. Martin's at Shediac Cape.

In May 1963 our first Book Fair raised $436! Our 2 Scholarships were raised to $200. As the decade progressed our Book Fair successes led to the creation of an Investment Committee!

There were active Book Clubs, Literary Groups, Legal & Economic Committees. Many of the CFUW members in this decade took long "unpaid maternity leaves"! Among the Presidents in the 60s were Doreen Coulter, Lillian Schelew, & Florence Akerley.


The 1970s brought our membership up to 110 and dues to $10. We continued our support for Mental Health, Meals on Wheels, and, of course, Madame Fekete. Moncton's newest school , a vocational one, was named after our own Bernice MacNaughton. Scholarships at now 4 high schools were $500 and there was a $100 Math Award to MacNaughton, and a $50 prize to the Music Festival. A Travel Fund was established to allow a Club representative to attend CFUW meetings. Lillian Schelew was the CFUW Provincial Director. The Provincial Advisory Council on the Status of Women was set up in 1977, and the Club studied the role of women in the economy. Education focus centered on Physical Fitness, Kindergarten, Teachers' Aides, Volunteering in Schools, with a brief to government on "Learning Disabilities" spear-headed by Laura Leighton. Carole Proctor was instrumental in the creation of Family Courts in NB. In 1973 our Book Fair moved into the Beaver Curling Club and has stayed there ever since! Among the Presidents in the 70s were Laura Leighton, Marilyn MacDiarmid, Bernadette Berube, Janet Randall, Pat McGinn, & Judy MacPherson.


In the 1980s membership averaged 67 members; dues ranged from $15 to $25. We started each year with a Lobster dinner at St. Martin's. The Bridge Club was going strong and we continued our International Relief support to Madame Fekete. Education topics being studied included Second Language Training, Teacher Pensions, Kindergarten, Adult Literacy, as well as "Religions & Racial Discrimination in Education" spearheaded by Audrey Lampert.

CFUW Resolutions were growing ever larger in scope. They now include Health Care, Environment concerns, and our Aging Population. Bernadette Berube was our CFUW Provincial Director. Three of our Scholarships of $1000, and the $500 Math Award were given new names to honour older members. The Atlantic Regional Council of CFUW was formed in 1987, with University Women's Club of Moncton as a Charter member.

Among the Club Presidents in the '80s were: Audrey Lampert, Maureen Mills, Etta Reid, Mary Munro, Karen Dunnett, & Margaret Steven.


In the 1990s membership remained steady at 68, with the new categories of "Dual Member" and "Associate Member". Dues rose from $30 to $43, with Club portion of $15 established to cover club expenses that had previously been "absorbed" by individual members. Club communications were brisk with our newsletter generated by Lynn Belliveau. In 1999 we had our Lobster dinner at Chateau Moncton, only the second time in 39 years it was not at St. Martin's. The Club continued its annual support for Mental Health and the Food Bank. The Bridge Club still donated their annual "play earnings" to the Library. In 1990, Moncton hosted the National CFUW AGM in honour of Moncton's Centennial Year. (This year, when I was in Montreal at the AGM, someone told me that they had gone to the Moncton AGM and would never forget the wonderful lobster party.) The Education focus was on French language programming, Adult Education at Community College, and the program to keep teen mothers in school. The local fire stations agreed to receive book donations for our Book Fair. CFUW Moncton celebrated their 60th anniversary as well as CFUW national's 75th anniversary with a new banner was created for the occasion. In addition to four $1000 high school Scholarships, and the $500 Math Award, we instituted a mature full-time student award of $1000 and a mature part-time student award of $500 in the name of Aurore Bourque. In 1997 Moncton hosted the Atlantic Regional Council conference. Anne Marie Driscoll served as the Regional Director for NB, then as CFUW Membership Chair, and also presented a paper at the International federation meetings in Graz, Switzerland.

Among the Club presidents in the '90s were: Margaret Steven, Wendy Goff, Wilma Evans, Edith Rosenow, Anne Marie Driscoll, & Pat McGinn.


We are now in the 2000s and have been trying to embrace the technology of the new millennium. We're learning to communicate with email, and we even have a website. Many thanks to Caroline Humar-Barrett, who tries to keep us from having a "CobWEB" site. Membership averages 64, and includes our first Associate Member Diane Hicks. Largely because of IFUW financial issues, dues are up to $78. We are proud to have 3 of our members named as members of the Order of Canada - Carol Proctor, and Flora Dell, as well as the late Leone Boudreau-Nelson.

The 3 Bridge clubs are healthy, with great thanks to Helen MacFarlane and Laura Leighton, and donations are still given to the Library. We are very pleased to be able to celebrate our 75th anniversary with the ladies of St. Martin's who have been sharing their Lobster with us since 1961!

The Education focus has spread out to include alternative education programs, Community Colleges, the Changing Faces of Today's University Students, and Community Schools.

Scholarships to now 6 area high schools are $1200 each, and we give 2 mature full-time student awards of $1000 and mature part-time student award of $500. In addition to the Music Festival award and annual donation to the CFUW Charitable Trust, our annual giving exceeds $10,000! Since the first scholarship of $25 in 1944, we have given out almost $300,000 to 300 local women to continue their education.

Thanks to the generous legacies of 3 devoted members, our Awards fund has increased by over $60,000 in the past decade - BRAVO to Elsie Crickard, Phyllis Ross & Aurore Bourque.

Under the guidance of our financial advisor Wilma Evans, our investments are beautifully organized and growing to a healthy high which may one day fully support our scholarship commitments.

Since the death of Madame Fekete our International Relief efforts have been varied -- donations have been made to University Women's project in Croatia, the AIDS program in Africa, the Rwandan University Women's Club, WaterCan, and CARE.

For the past 20 years the local clubs - Moncton & Sackville & later Kent - have been enjoying the annual Think Tank on CFUW Resolutions.

We are still working on Status of Women concerns like pay equity and the federal cuts to literacy, small museums, the Court Challenges, equality groups and we have become more visible on these issues.

In 2006 CFUW Moncton hosted the Atlantic Regional Council, and proudly displayed another new banner. Our successful "Women We Should Know" program garnered a national CFUW certificate of recognition.

We had fun with the year-long "Greatest Canadian Female" contest - won by Emily Murphy who declared "I am a person"!

Our own Karen Dunnett was Regional Director for NB.

Our annual Book Fair has evolved considerably since the first one in 1963. In 2003 we partnered with the Moncton Firefighters (until we wore them out!), and then in 2007 began a new partnership with Business and Professional Women of Greater Moncton. Thankfully the area fire stations are still the drop-off locations for our books. We continue to provide the community with inexpensive, gently used books of all kinds, while the net profit has gone from $436 in 1963 to over $15,000 in 2008!

Among the Presidents of the new millennium were: Joyce LeBlanc, Etta Reid, Bev Taylor, Bobby Pollock, & Bernadette Berube.


Women have come a long way since our 1934 charter was issued. We have taken off our white gloves and hats; we have found our own names (Mrs. Ralph Belyea is now Courtney Belyea!). There are now more women than men in university. Canada has had a woman Prime Minister and several women Governors--General. We have even sent a woman into space (Roberta Bondar - CFUW member). There should be no limits to what we can do. Yet we cannot sit back and be smug about yesterday's achievements because there are still many challenges for us to work on.

As the motto for this year's AGM in Montreal states, we have "THE RIGHT TO SPEAK --- AND THE RESPONSIBILITY TO ACT".

So let's become renewed in our quest to put our education to work for our community, our country and our world.

Let's challenge ourselves to "make a difference" before our 100th anniversary!

[Written by Lynn Belliveau - September 2008]