Translation in Transition:

Human and Machine Intelligence

October 15-17, 2020

Since its inauguration in Copenhagen (2014), Translation in Transition has become a central meeting point for empirical translation studies in Europe through successive editions of the conference in Germersheim (2015), Ghent (2017), and Barcelona (2019). The fifth conference (TT5) will be held outside Europe, at Kent State University (USA), to be—as before—a forum of discussion focused on empirical research in the fields of translation and interpreting.

As in the previous iterations, TT5 provides a forum for discussion to learn more about how human translators exercise their skill cognitively and also how computer programs can be designed to help human translators, by automatically translating written text, by recognizing and translating spoken utterances or—more indirectly—by logging translation events and analyzing recorded process data.

The special focus of TT5 is on human and machine intelligence. In times of increasing machine intelligence, translation aides and translation technologies change at a rapid pace, fundamentally transforming the status of translation and the translation profession. TT5 aims at discussing related questions, including: How can and do humans cope with developing machine intelligence, and how can machines adapt to the human condition? What are the fundamental mechanisms that underlie human translation performance? What is the effect of technology on the translation process, translation performance, job satisfaction, the translation product, and society?

We have invited a number of speakers who know all the answers to these questions, and much more, and we invite delegates to submit posters and abstracts that contribute to this discussion.

TT5 virtual

TT5 will need to be held virtually. Participation is free of charge but requires registration. Please read the guidelines concerning the virtual meeting How to Use Collaborate Ultra. A pointer to virtual conference meeting will be sent a day before the conference to registered participants.

The organizers intend to assure that the conference runs as smoothly and as lively as possible, to keep the community sharing and discussing thoughts and discoveries, and that every author, researcher or practitioner can attend either locally or remotely.

For any questions send a mail to:

Call For Abstracts

Participants are invited to submit approximately 500-word abstracts via EasyChair. Anonymous abstracts should be submitted by May 15 and formatted in line with this template. We will notify authors of acceptance by June 29. All accepted abstracts will be made publicly available on the conference webpage shortly before the conference. Abstracts should report unpublished research, employing a broad spectrum of empirical approaches (questionnaires, interviews, keylogging, eye tracking, brain imaging techniques, etc.), user or case studies, theoretical or methodological considerations, vision papers, etc.

Topics Include

    • cognition and translation

    • translation process research

    • reading processes (especially in translation)

    • writing, revision and post-editing processes

    • reception studies in human and machine translation

    • aspects of technologically extended and embedded translation

    • user and usage studies of machine translation, speech recognition and translation

    • translation quality in human and machine translation

    • computational modeling of human translation performance

    • translation expertise, in people and in machines

    • corpus studies in translation

Abstract Submission

Submit your anonymous abstract via EasyChair using this link. If you don’t already have an EasyChair account, follow the link, go through the account creation process, and then click on the link again to get to the submission page.

Only abstracts formatted according to this template will be reviewed. To ensure double-blind review, abstracts should not have the authors' names.

Presentation of Abstracts

The conference will be held virtually. A separate virtual space (i.e. a 'break-out room') will be provided by the conference organizers for each poster presenter to present and discuss their poster. Besides an abstract, each presenter should also prepare an approximately 3-5 minutes video clip to highlight the main ideas of their work. Interested participants can watch the poster-booster video clip before entering the break-out rooms so as to be in a better position to ask targeted questions. The poster-booster clips and the book of abstracts will be put online before the conference. They can be consulted during the poster-booster sessions.

More information concerning the virtual meeting are under this link: How to Use Collaborate Ultra.

Publication of Abstracts

The clip and the abstracts will be made publicly available on the conference website prior to the conference. A peer-reviewed volume with extended versions of the abstracts presented at this conference will be published. A call for papers will be sent to all participants prior to the conference.

Invited Speakers

Gregory Shreve

Kent State University

Andy Way

Dublin City University

Spence Green

Lilt, Inc.

Maeve Olohan

University of Manchester

Fabio Alves

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Natasha Tokowicz

University of Pittsburgh

Alon Lavie

Unbabel, Inc.

Antonio Toral

University of Groningen

Mirko Plitt

Masaru Yamada

Kansai University


Conference Schedule

Click on each invited speaker's name to access their bio and an abstract of their presentation.

Click on the link below each invited speaker's name to access a recording of their talk.

Additionally, you may access some speakers' presentation slides with this link.


Poster Sessions

Here is a link to the Book of Abstracts. In the table below, the titles provide a link to each individual abstract, and there are also links to a short video for each presenter.

We will watch presenter's video presentations during the Poster Booster sessions (15:30 to about 16:30), and then attendees will be able to move between different virtual rooms to interact with presenters. Please read the guidelines for the virtual meeting: How to Use Collaborate Ultra

All times EDT – Eastern Daylight Time (UTC -4 )


Important Dates

    • Submission of abstracts: May 15, 2020 new: June 5, 2020

    • Acceptance of abstracts: June 29, 2020 new: July 17, 2020

    • Final version of abstracts: September 11, 2020

    • Poster-booster video presentation: October 1, 2020

    • Conference registration: July 1 to October 12, 2020

    • Conference takes place: October 15 _17, 2020


Participants should fill this TT5 registration form before 12 October. A link to the virtual conference meeting will be sent to the email addresses of registered participants 1–2 days before the conference.

Program Committee

  • Chantal Gagnon

  • Daniel Gallego-Hernández

  • Dorothy Kenny

  • Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski

  • Federico Gaspari

  • Isabelle Delaere

  • Jennifer Fest

  • Joke Daems

  • Koen Plevoets

  • Marie-Aude Lefer

  • Oliver Czulo

  • Ralph Kruger

  • Silvia Hansen-Schirra

  • Sonia González Cruz

  • Stella Neumann

  • Éric André Poirier


  • Michael Carl

  • Isabel Lacruz

  • Kairong Xiao


Organized by:

In collaboration with:

Endorsed by:

and with support from the Department of Modern and Classical Language Studies (MCLS) at Kent State University

Translation in transition: Between Cognition, Computing and Technology (TT1) in Copenhagen (2014), ended CRITT’s 5-year ‘world-class’ grant at Copenhagen Business School (CBS). The fifth edition of Translation in transition: Human and Machine Intelligence (TT5) inaugurates the new location of CRITT@kent, where it expands to a new continent and to a new and a larger research environment.