TPR-DB Features

The CRITT TPR-DB contains a large number of features  (almost 400) which can be used to describe and model behaviour during translation. These features are continuously improved in order to make the TPR-DB as comprehensive, versatile and flexible as it is. The features are represented in 11 summary tables. Each of these tables represents a different aspect of the underlying raw data with different degrees of granularity. The tables can be generated via the management tool or via perl scripts. All tables are tab-separated text files.

A paper describing the features in the CRITT TPR-DB can be downloaded from here.

If you have questions about the features:
post your technical, methodological, and theoretical questions and comments here.

Below is an interactive table describing all the current features supported by the CRITT TPR-DB. You can search the table for specific features and filter for the respective table that you are looking for.