Why A Hawk?

Let me share a couple of experiences that involve my wife and I and our relationship with birds, specifically red-tailed hawks. Birds are one of God’s special creations. They come in all shapes and sizes and are arrayed in a variety of stunning colors. Some are hunters feeding on the meat of their prey, while others who feed exclusively on seeds provide us with wonderful song and visual beauty. We have always enjoyed maintaining birdfeeders wherever we lived, just to watch and marvel at the endless activity they bring to the backyard year round. There is always drama going on, from the hummingbirds chasing each other around my garden, to the bluebirds residing in the birdhouses scattered throughout the backyard. Even the red-tailed hawk and the turkey vultures circling overhead provide constant entertainment – which brings me to this remarkable testimony.

One night many years ago I had a dream wherein I was told that my guardian angel would manifest himself as a red-tailed hawk. Ever since that night, I seem to notice these beautiful creatures much more frequently than I had before the dream. Sometimes they are just sitting on a tree branch in the yard or on a high wire as I pass by. Oftentimes, I’ll even watch in amazement as one soars across the road in front of me while I’m driving. Red-tailed hawks have been a common sight in our yard, one always seems to be nearby. This is likely because of all the large hardwood trees resulting in a vast population of squirrels. I even have a wonderful collection of feathers that I have picked up from our yard over the years which our grandsons enjoy looking through when they are here.

One afternoon as I was strolling around the backyard, I noticed an adult red-tailed hawk circling high above me and making a great deal of racket. He continued to circle overhead as he gradually came in closer. I didn’t understand what was happening, but I cautiously walked back up to the house and stood on the back porch. As I continued to watch, the hawk soared down to the ground precisely where I had been standing, picked up a large snake, and flew off. As the hawk rose higher in the air, I could plainly see at least a foot or more of snake hanging down from either side of those deadly talons. I never saw that snake when I was standing there, but my guardian angel – a red-tailed hawk – did from high above. Did that hawk save me from imminent danger or just happened upon another meal?

My wife had another odd experience while driving home from town one afternoon. As she was driving, a hawk appeared to the right of her outside the passenger window and soared right alongside as she drove. Fearing that she might hit the creature, she veered a little to her left. Afterward, my wife glanced into her rearview mirror only to see a pile of boards next to the roadside that she had not previously seen. The hawk then flew up and away as she trembled with relief from averting a potentially tragic accident and harm to both herself and our vehicle. Was it just a coincidence that the hawk flew by when it did? I don't think so.

I believe the Lord used these beautiful hawks not only to protect us from possible harm, but also to demonstrate His awesome glory through these majestic creatures in nature. Consequently, we have chosen to use the image of a red-tailed hawk to represent our online ministry. Thank you Jesus for your faithfulness and watchful care over our family. 

As a postscript to this testimony, I would like to share a recent story involving another red-tailed hawk. This past summer while mowing our backyard, I notice a large shadow pasting overhead. I stopped the mower, and as I looked up, I notice a huge, beautiful red-tailed hawk sitting on a low-hanging branch at the edge of our property's tree line. As we sat there, me on the mower and the hawk on the branch, sharing at each other, I finally motioned for him to come forward. He immediately rose from the branch and flew over to within six feet of me and landed on the ground in front of the mower. He then picked up a small rodent and flew back to his tree branch and ate his lunch. Wow, what an amazing experience! Thank you Jesus for sharing with your servant these memorable encounters with nature, demonstrating that all of Your creation is still under Your sovereign control and provisional care. 
