

2014: HDR, Habilitation to supervise doctoral theses

2008: PhD in Ethology. Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France; 

           free University of Brussels, Belgium.    

2005: Master degree. University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg. With honours

2003: Bachelor of Organisms’ Biology. University 14USTL, Lille. With honours


Since2024: Full Professor, University of Strasbourg

Since 2021: Associate Professor, Lille Catholic University

2011-2024: Associate Professor, University of Strasbourg (Outstanding since 2021)

January-March 2022: Invited Professor, Kyoto University Institute for Advanced Study

July-August 2016: Invited Professor, Sun-Yat Sen University, China (Changjiang Scholar Program award)

2008-2012: research associate, Unit of Social Ecology, free university of Brussels

2010-2011: research fellow, Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University

2009- 2010 : research associate, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University

2007-2008: Lecturer in Ethology, Strasbourg University

Administrative Office:

Since 2023: Head of the National Research Group “Resodiv”

Since 2022: Representative for PCI Network Sci (https://networksci.peercommunityin.org/)

Since 2022: Member of the scientific council of the French Center for the 3R

Since 2022: Coordinator of the International Research Project/International associated laboratory “Animal behavioural complexity” with the CNRS and Kyoto University

Since 2021: Member of the scientific committee of ReworldMedia

Since 2020: member of the "Peer Community in" association / Board member of PCI Network Science / Editorial board member of the Peer community Journal

Since 2016:  expert for the evaluation exercise H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, European Commission

Since 2017: Fyssen Foundation Reading Committee member

Since 2014: member of the French National Committee for Animal Experimentation (arrêté du 24-8-2014 - NOR > MENR1401130A)

Since 2014: Member of the scientific committee of the Foundation Animal Right, Ethics and Sciences (LFDA)

2011-2018:  Head of the network SNAAS (Social Network Analysis in Animal Societies) of the French National Society of Complex Systems (RNSC)

2011-2016: Member of the Council of Supervision of PhD candidates at the department of Ecology, Physiology and Ethology, IPHC, Strasbourg, France

2012-2015: Member of the Council of the Complex System Society

2011-2014: Member of the council of the French Society for the study of Animal Behaviour, in charge of rehabilitation of laboratory’s animals

2011-2012: Member of the regional ethics committee regarding animal experimentation, Strasbourg

2010-2012: Administrator and member of the scientific council for the Graal, Association of reflection and action for animals.

2005-2008:  Member of the Scientific council and of the pedagogic council of the Doctoral School of The Sciences of Life and Health of Strasbourg

Honors - Prizes:

Best communication prize for the 2023 Aramos Congress (French Association for Applied Research in Healthcare Organization Management)

2023 Research.com Best scientist

Nominated member of the Scientific Research Honor Society Sigma Xi

World's top 2% of Scientists in the list created by Stanford University (2022)

2022 Research.com Best scientist

Adolphe Wetrems 2019 award from the Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium

Fellow of the “Insitut Universitaire de France” (2019-2024)

Primates Social Impact Award 2017

Changjiang Scholar Program award (2016, visiting professor at Sun-Yat Sen University, China)

Excellence Award from the French Minister of Higher Education and Research (PEDR, 2014)

Young scientist award from the French Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour (SFECA 2013)

3 papers among the top 5 cited papers in International Journal of Primatology (2012)

Fellow of the University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Study (USIAS 2012)

Marie Curie Fellow (Belgium Science Policy, CFP7 people-cofund-2008)

JSPS alumni (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2010)

Fulbright alumni (2009)

Prize of the Society of Biology of Strasbourg for the best thesis (2009)

Prize « Le Monde de la Recherche universitaire » for the best thesis (2009)

Member of the European Doctoral College of Strasbourg (2006-2010)


IdEx Sciences en société et en territoire (10k€, 2022)

IRP International Research project INEE-CNRS international (2022-2027, 50k€)

Nestlé Purina PetCare Global Ressources Sponsorship (29.3k$)

Idex AAP Exploratory Research, Université de Strasbourg (2021-2023 ; 10k€)

Interdisciplinary project CNRS MITI 2020 (PI : C. Sueur, 130k-€)

Interdisciplinary project CNRS INSHS 80|Prime 2020 (PI : E. Garine, 150k€)

INNOVEHPAD, Projet Résilience Grand Est (2020, PI : Christophe Humbert, 258k€)

Fellow of the “Institut Universitaire de France” (2019-2024, 75k€)

Grant of the French Homeland Ministry, Direction of road security (2019-2023, 196 k€)

CNRS Interdisciplinary mission grant “Cognitive and Social Sciences for Collective Behaviours” (2018, 24k€)

PICS CNRS Japan INDINET (International Project for Scientific Collaboration, 2017-2019, 23k€)

CNRS Interdisciplinary mission grant “Cognitive and Social Sciences for Collective Behaviours” (2017-2019,61k€)

Grant from the ALCA Region to hire a PhD student (50k€, 2016)

Misha Open call (Maison des Sciences de l'Homme – Alsace, 10k€, 2016)

CNRS Interdisciplinary mission grant “Cognitive and Social Sciences for Collective Behaviours” (2016, 14k€)

Grant for the RNSC, French National network on Complex Systems (2015)

Idex Initiative d’Excellence Sciences and Societies “Japan: monkeys and human beings” (2015, PI: Cédric Sueur, 19k€)

French national Research Agency Grant, Collaborative Research  HANC (2015-2018, PI : C. Sueur, 412k€)

Internship and mobility grant from the Research group “Statistical Ecology” (2015)

Mobility funds Egide PHC Tournesol (2015)

Idex Initiative d’Excellence MOOC (massive open online course) « Advanced Introduction to Complex Systems » (PI: Pierre Collet, 2014, 16k€)

Grants for the RNSC, French National network on Complex Systems (2014)

“Top Global University Project  “ Mobility funds Strasbourg-Kyoto exchange (2014)

Research grant CAPES (Brazil) for PhD student (Romano V., 2013)

Research grant FRQS (Fonds de Recherche Santé Québec) for PhD student (Naud A., 2013)

Research grant from the Fyssen Foundation (2013)

Grants for the RNSC, French National network on Complex Systems (2013)

French national Research Agency Grant ‘ANR Blanc’ DROSONET (2012-2016, PI : F. Méry)

Exchange funds Egide PHC TOURNESOL FR (2012)

Postdoctoral fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS, 2010-2011)

Postdoctoral study grant of the Fyssen Foundation (2009-2010)

Fulbright grant from Franco-American commission (2009)

Research bursary for Excellence of Wallonia-Brussels International (2009)

Conference grant of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB, 2008)

Conference grant of the French Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour (2008)

Scholarship of the European Doctoral College of Strasbourg (2008)

Lavoisier scholarship of Excellence of the French Ministry of foreign affairs (2007)

Scholarship of the SFECA, French Society for the study of Animal Behaviour (2007)

Scholarship of the European Doctoral College of Strasbourg (2007)

Scholarship of Mobility of the French Ministry of Education and Research (2006)


Editing and conference organization:

Advisory editorial board member of the journal Primates.

Member of the Editorial Board of Animals Journal

Member of Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology

Recommender and member of Peer Community in Ecology

Co-editor of the special issue “Perceptions of Human-Animal Relationships and their Impacts on Animal Ethics, Law and Research.” in Frontier in Psychology, December 2020 

Co-editor of the Joint Special Feature “Animal Social networks” in Journal of Animal Ecology and Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

Co-editor of the special issue “ Social networks analysis in primates, a multilevel perspective” in Primates, May 2019

Program committee member for NetSci2018

Co-organiser of the Symposium "Social Network Analysis in life science" at the XXXVIII Sunbelt Conference from June 26 to July 1, 2018

Editor of the book “Les réseaux sociaux dans le règne animal” (Social networks in animal kingdom), 2015, Editions Matériologiques, Paris, France

Organiser of the second workshop  SNAAS (Social Network Analysis in Animal Societies), April the 24th, 2015, SFECA Congress, Strasbourg, France

Co-organiser of the first meeting for lab animal rehoming, June 20, 2014, Strasbourg, France

Organiser of the workshop SNAAS (Social Network Analysis in Animal Societies), July 3-4, 2013, Strasbourg, France

Organiser (with Valérie Dufour). "Behaving with a social network in mind". Symposia, European Congress of Behavioral Biology 2012. July 20th-22nd, Essen, Germany.

Organiser (with Andrew J King). "Where next? Group coordination and decision-making in primates". Dual symposia, The 23rd Congress of the International Primatological Society. 12-18 September 2010. 

Editor of a special issue on social networks in primates. Published in American Journal of Primatology, vol 73 issue 8, August 2011.

Editor of a special issue on group coordination and decision-making in primates. Published in International Journal of Primatology, Vol 32 issue 6, December 2011

Scientific Evaluation Associate at the European Science Foundation (Life/Biomedical Sciences)

Scientific Evaluation Associate at the Franco-American commission Fulbright

Editorial Board member for Scientific Reports

Review editor for Frontiers in Psychology

2012-2015: Academic editor for PLoS One

External referee for the French Ministry of Research, the Belgium National funds for Scientific Research, the Excellence Initiative from Toulouse University, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Leakey foundation and several scientific journals (Current Biology, Proceedings of the Royal Society, Plos Computational Biology, Plos One, Animal Behaviour, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, American Journal of Primatology, International Journal of Primatology, etc.)

Other skills:

Scientific consulting for artists

Modelling, Network metrics: SOCPROG, Ucinet, Acna, Pajek, Netlogo, ArgoUML,

Summer school "Modelling and multi-agent systems in the Social Sciences", Mèze, France. 8-14 April 2007

Language: French, English

Animal experimentation training (level 1) and animal experimentation permit

Hygiene, safety and legislation training


Seminars and invitations:

Ferren P, Sueur C. 2021. Et si l'environnement était partie prenante dans les décisions de développement de territoire ? Agora des Colibris, 17 novembre.

Desvallon MB, Picq P, Sueur C. 2021. Droit des animaux : l'humain est-il (vraiment) un animal comme les autres ? Conférence LVMH Usbek&Rica, 29 octobre.

Sueur, C. 2021. Les mutations contemporaines du droit animal. Colloque Université Aix-arseille, 6-7 octobre.

Sueur, C. 2021. L’amélioration des systèmes de vote à travers l’intelligence animale et l’intelligence artificielle. 27 janvier, Université Catholique de Lille

Sueur, C. 2019. Combiner l’espace d’activité et l’analyse de réseau dans la recherche en gérontologie sociale. Réunion CNRS de restitution S2C3, Sciences Sociales et Cognitives des

Comportements Collectifs, 17 avril, Paris

Sueur, C. 2019. Comportements culturels chez les macaques japonais, Institut Jane Goodall France, ENVA Maison Alfort, 16 avril

 Sueur, C. 2018. Les données de l'écologie, de la biologie, de l'anthropologie et des neurosciences et leur impact sur la compréhension du monde animal. Droit et animaux, Rencontres de la Société de législation comparée : dialogue franco-italien. 21 septembre, Paris.

Sueur C. 2018. Evolution of animal social networks. Invited speaker. Teikyo University, Uenohara, Japon, August 3rd.

Sueur C. 2018. Evolution of animal social networks. Invited speaker. Primate Research institute, Inuyama, Japon, July 30th.

Sueur C. 2018. Evolution of animal social networks. Invited speaker. LEGS, CNRS, Paris, May 5th.

Sueur C. 2018. Evolution of animal social networks. Invited speaker. University College of London, February 27th.

Sueur C. 2017. Evolution of animal social networks. Invited speaker. 4th Forum of Primatology and Evolutionary Anthropology. Sun-Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China, July 10

Sueur C. 2017. Evolution of animal social networks. Invited speaker. 4th Summer School in Ecology and Evolution. Sun-Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China, July 18

Sueur C. 2017. Evolution of animal social networks. Invited speaker. Primate Insights into Congress Human Behavior and Society, Hefei, Anhui Province, China, July 22

Pasquaretta C, Klenschi E, Pansanel J, Battesti M, Mery, F,  Sueur C. 2016. Interaction network dynamics and information transmission in drosophila. Journées SUCCES, Rencontes Scientifiques des Utilisateurs de Calcul Intensif, de Cloud et de Stockage. Paris Novembre, 27.

Sueur, C. 2016. Understanding the how and why of animal network dynamics. Plenary speaker, seminar aggregation, Université Libre de Bruxelles, November 18

Sueur, C. 2016. Social tolerance affects group network structure and decision-making in macaques. International Primatological Society Congress, August, 21-26, Chicago, USA.

Sueur, C. 2016. Understanding the how and why of animal network dynamics. Workshop Dynamic networks, Toulouse, June 22-25

Sueur C & Pelé M. 2016. Importance if the environment for the welfare of captive animals: Behaviours and enrichment. Animal Welfare International Congress, Dour, Belgium, May 28-29

Sueur C & Pelé M. 2015. Importance if the environment for the welfare of captive animals: Behaviours and enrichment. Animal Welfare, From Science to Law. December 10-11. UNESCO, Paris.

Sueur C, King AJ, Méry F, Pasquaretta C & Deneubourg JL. 2015. The influence of social networks on information transmission and collective decision-making. Göttinger Freilandtage, December 8-11, Goettingen, Germany, Invited speaker.

Sueur, C. 2015. Structure and function of social networks. Animal Social Networks in Behavioural Research, 27-28 April 2015, Neuchâtel University. Séminar/workshop

Sueur, C. 2014. Structure and function of social networks. Bristol Centre for Complexity Sciences, November 11th, seminar

Sueur, C. 2014. From individuality to group to population. Allenvi meeting, CIRAD, October 7th, seminar.

Sueur, C. 2014. Structure and function of social networks. Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse, May 16th, seminar

Sueur, C. 2014. Social Networks as a Trade-Off Between Efficient Information Transmission and Reduced Disease Transmission. LIP6 laboratory, Paris, March 27th, seminar

Sueur, C. 2014. Structure and function of social networks. University of Strasbourg, Institute for Advanced Study, France, February 17th, seminar

Sueur, C. 2013. Decison-making and leadership mechanisms in animal societies. Plenary lecture, Congress of French Society of Animal Behaviour, November 19th-22th, Dijon, France

Sueur, C. 2013. Structure and Function of Social Networks. Opening lecture, Workshop SNAAS, July 3-4, Strasbourg, France.

Sueur, C. 2013. Patterns and coordination of collective movements in animals. Invited Speaker. 6 June, Journée Ecologie du déplacement, Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, Montpellier

Sueur, C. 2013. Politics in animals : studying collective decisions in animal societies. Seminar. 6 May, Maison Universitaire Franco-Japonaise, Strasbourg

Sueur, C. 2012. Optimal decisions as a result of social network properties: evidence in primate species. 1st November. German Primate Center, DPZ, Goettingen, Germany. Seminar

Sueur, C. 2013. Structure and Function of Social Networks. Invited speaker, Closing Lecture, 9th Ecology and Behaviour Congress, 22-26 April, Strasbourg France

Sueur, C. 2010. Group fissions in macaques. Oral communication, invited speaker. INCORE meeting, 14-18 April, Liverpool, UK.

Sueur, C. 2010. Affiliation and self-organized processes in primates. Oral communication, invited speaker. Groupement de Recherche 2822 Ethologie, 29-30 March, Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, Toulouse, France.

Sueur, C. 2009. Influence of nutrient requirements and social network on group decision and cohesion. Oral communication. Seminar. Nov, the 12th. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton university, Princeton, USA.

Sueur, C. 2009. Influence of group size on group cohesion and decision-making: a field study in baboons. Oral communication. Seminar. May, the 17th, Wildcliff nature reserve, South Africa.

Sueur, C. 2009. How can social network analysis improve the study of primate behaviour. Oral communication. Seminar. March the 26th, Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionnary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany.


International congresses :

Restoy S, Sueur C, Martinet L, Pelé M. Influence of culture on self-drawing in children aged 2-15 years. Online Student Course in Behavioral Biology, 2/3 Dec 2021, Institut Francilien d’Ethologie, Paris, France

Liénard A, Pelé M, Thomas G, Beltzung B, Shimada M, Sueur C. 2021. Intra and interindividual differences in orang-utan drawings (classical method and AI). Online Student Course in Behavioral Biology, 2/3 Dec 2021, Institut Francilien d’Ethologie, Paris, France

Fancello G, Chaix B, Sueur C, van lenthe F, Vallée J. 2021. L'espace de sociabilité : spatialiser le réseau social pour analyser les mécanismes du vieillissement en santé. Rencontres Géographie de la Santé, Feb 4-5

Beltzung B, Sueur C, Martinet L, Pelé M. 2020. Application de l'intelligence artificielle à l'étude de l'apprentissage et de l'évolution du dessin chez les Hominidés. Iamgineecology, rencontres GDR Ecostat, nov 16-17

Kalcher-Sommersguter, E., Levé, M., Hirata, S., Sueur, C., Matsuzawa, T., Preuschoft, S., 2017. Early Maternal Loss Affects Social Grooming Similarly in Wild-Caught and Captive-Born Male Chimpanzees. European Federation of Primatology Congress 2017, Strasbourg. Folia Primatologica 88, 98.

Letang, B., Rietkerk, F., Szànthò, J., Mulot, B., Britton, L., ter Meulen, T., Guéry, J.-P., Sueur, C., 2017. How Does Castration Change Integration of Immature Males in Their Familial Group Network in Captive Western Lowland Gorillas? European Federation of Primatology Congress 2017, Strasbourg.Folia Primatologica 88, 177.

Puga-Gonzales, I., Ostner, J., Schülke, O., Sosa, S., Thierry, B., Sueur, C., 2017. Proximate Mechanisms Underlying Primates’ Complex Social Networks: A Modelling and Comparative Approach. European Federation of Primatology Congress 2017, Strasbourg.Folia Primatologica 88, 126–127.

Sosa, S., Beisner, B., Balasubramanian, K., Sueur, C., Zhang, P., McCowan, B., 2017. A Mathematical Model to Predict Hierarchical Rank in Macaca mulatta and M. sylvanus. European Federation of Primatology Congress 2017, Strasbourg.Folia Primatologica 88, 99.

Naud A., Kestens Y., Sueur C. (2017) Combining activity space and social networks in research on healthy aging: Describing the socio-spatial environment of older adults residing in Québec, Canada. 17th  International Medical Geography Symposium .4th of July. Angers, France. Oral communication

Lazarus, T., Elliott, K., Sueur, C. 2016. Turn! Turn! Turn! To everything there is a reason: Finding where animals turn with the change-point test algorithm. 2016 Quebec Center for Biodiversity Science Symphosium. 15 - 16 Dec.

Masaki SHIMADA, Cédric Sueur "Juvenile Japanese macaques not only groom each other but also play socially to strengthen their social ties" in 36th Annual conference of Japan Ethological Society, November 11 -13, 2016, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan

Romano, V., Duboscq, J., Sueur, C., MacIntosh, A.J.J. 2016. Social networks as a trade-off between optimal information transmission and reduced disease transmission: simulating epidemics through primate social groups. The 5th International Symposium on Primatology and Wildlife Science, September 12-14, Inuyama, Japan

Pelé, M., Bonnefoy, A., Sueur. C. 2016. Interspecies sexual behaviour between a Japanese macaque male and a sika deer female. International Primatological Society Congress, August, 21-26, Chicago, USA.

Romano, V., Duboscq, J., Sueur, C., MacIntosh, A.J.J. 2016. Social networks as a trade-off between optimal information transmission and reduced disease transmission. International Primatological Society Congress, August, 21-26, Chicago, USA. Poster

Shimada, M & Sueur, C. 2016. Short-term biological function of social play for juvenile wild japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). International Primatological Society Congress, August, 21-26, Chicago, USA. Poster

Rat, M., McKechnie, A., Sueur, C. Cunningham, C. 2016. The impact of elevated temperatures on social networks of a communal passerine, the Sociable Weaver Philetairus socius. 6th North American Ornithological Conference, Washington DC, USA.

Puga-Gonzales, I., Sueur, C. 2016. Social Networks in an individual-based model of primate social behaviour. Complex Networks conference, Marseille, France.

Ramos, A. & Sueur, C. 2016. Collective decision making process during group movements of European bison (Bison bonasus). 8th European Congress for Behavioural Biology, Vienna, Austria

Naud A., Kestens Y., Sueur C. 2016. Social Networks within the Built Environment: Implications for Healthy Aging. 22nd International Union for Health Promotion and Education World Conference, Curritiba, Brazil,

Naud, A., Kestens, Y, Sueur, C. 2015. A tool to measure social networks and activity location. IMGS 2015 | 16th International Medical Geography Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, July 7

Kestens, Y & P. Gerber, B. Chaix, M. Després, L. Gauvin, O. Klein, S. Klein, B. Köppen, S. Lord, A. Naud, M. Patte, H. Payette, L. Richard, P. Rondier, C. Sueur, B. Thierry, J. Vallée, R. Wasfi. 2015. Understanding the Role of Contrasted Urban Environments on Healthy Aging:  An International Study of Daily Mobility and Active Living Using Wearable Sensors Across cohorts; ERA-AGE Conference; November 9, London, United Kingdom

Kestens, Y. & P. Gerber, B. Chaix, M. Després, L. Gauvin, O. Klein, S. Klein, B. Köppen, S. Lord, A. Naud, M. Patte, H. Payette, L. Richard, P. Rondier, C. Sueur, B. Thierry, J. Vallée, R. Wasfi. 2015. Understanding the Role of Contrasted Urban Environments on Healthy Aging: An International Study of Daily Mobility and Active Living Using Wearable Sensors Across cohorts; JCRA Conference 2015, November 10, London, United Kingdom

Viblanc VA, Pasquaretta C, Sueur C, Boonstra R & Dobson S. 2015. Kin-selected social networks: effects of directed aggression on individual fitness. Göttinger Freilandtage, December 8-11, Goettingen, Germany.

Meyer X., MacIntosh A.J.J., Kato A., Chiaradia A., Mattern T., Sueur C., Ropert-Coudert Y. 2015. Shallow divers in deep waters : does bathymetry lead to behavioural stochasticity ?  2nd World Seabird Conference, October 26-30, Cape Town, South Africa, Oral Presentation.

Romano, V., Duboscq, J., Sarabian, C., Thomas, E., Sueur, C., MacIntosh, A.J.J..  2015. Modelling infection transmission in primate networks to predict centrality-based risk. XXXV Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) June 23–28, Brighton, UK.

Duboscq J., Romano V., MacIntosh A., Sueur C. 2015. A social network perspective on macaque social styles. The 38th Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, June 17 – 20, Bend, USA.

Duboscq J., Romano V., Sueur C, MacIntosh A.. 2015. Investigating infection risk and sociality: centrality interacts with seasonality to predict lice load in free-ranging female japanese macaques, Macaca fuscata. The 38th Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, June 17 – 20, Bend, USA.

Naud, A. Kestens, Y. Sueur, C. 2015. Social networks within the built environment and healthy aging. 16th International Medical Geography Symposium (IMGS 2015). July, 5-10

Morino, L., Sueur, C. MacIntosh, A.J.J. 2014. Gibbon songs and intergroup dynamics: a community-level network analysis. SFDP Congress, France, November 4-7.

Petit, O., Bret, C., Deneubourg, J.L.,  Sueur, C. 2014. Social credibility index: a new approach to explaining leadership processes. International Primatological Society, Hanoï, Vietnam, 11-16 August

Bret, C., Sueur, C., Deneubourg, J.L., Petit, O. 2014. Do we need to reconsider social status in male mandrills? International Primatological Society, Hanoï, Vietnam, 11-16 August

Sueur, C. 2014. Information transmission efficiency in primate networks. International Primatological Society, Hanoï, Vietnam, 11-16 August

Romano De Paula, V., Duboscq, J., Sueur, C., Macintosch, A.J.J. 2014. Modelling disease transmission in primate networks to predict epidemics. Poster, International Primatological Society, Hanoï, Vietnam, 11-16 August

Duboscq, J., Romano De Paula, V., Sueur, C., Macintosch, A.J.J. 2014. Pseudoectoparasites: a promising tool for the study of parasite transmission in relation to social networks. International Primatological Society, Hanoï, Vietnam, 11-16 August

Bret, C., Sueur, C. Deneubourg, J.L., Petit, O. 2013. Does personality influence collective decision-making in macaques? International conference on individual differences, 20th KNDV Zoological conference, 1-3 Novembre, Groningen, Pays-Bas.

Bousquet, C. Sueur, C. Petit, O. 2013. Information transfer and leadership in the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). International conference on individual differences, 20th KNDV Zoological conference, 1-3 November, Groningen, Netherlands.

Petit O., Bret C., Sueur C., Verrier D. & Deneubourg J.-L. Social structure of a semi-free ranging group of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx): what role for central individuals? European Federation for Primatology meeting, Anvers, Belgique

Levé, M. Sueur, C. Petit, O. Hirata, S., Matsuzawa, T. 2013.  Grooming network in a group of captive chimpanzees: effect of the wild or captive origin of members. Poster, European Federation for Primatology meeting, Antwerpen, Belgium

Polizzi di Sorrentino, E., Bergstrom, M., Crofoot, M., Fedigan, L., Izar, P., Tokuda, M., Petit, O., Perry, S., Thierry, B., Tiddi, B., Verdenare, M., Wheeler, B., Sueur, C. 2013.  Comparing affiliative relationships of Cebus and Sapajus species: a social networking approach.  European Federation for Primatology meeting, Antwerpen, Belgium

Canedoli C., Sueur C., Brambilla A., von Hardenberg A., Bassano B., Bogliani G. 2013. Social network dynamics of Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) at the Gran Paradiso National Park. Poster. Workshop SNAAS, July  3-4, Strasbourg, France.

Bret, C., Sueur, C., Verrier, D., Deneubourg, J.L., Petit, O. 2013. Social structure of a semi-free ranging group of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx): which role for central individuals?. Workshop SNAAS, July 3-4, Strasbourg, France.

Battesti, M., Pasquaretta, C., Moreno, C., Joly, D., Sueur, C., Méry, F. 2013. Diffusion of social information within drosophila group : Natural genetic variation for social transmission. Workshop SNAAS, July 3-4, Strasbourg, France.

Pasquaretta, C., Battesti, M., Moreno, C., Joly, D., Petit, O., Sueur, C., Méry, F. 2013. Social Network Analysis in Drosophila. Workshop SNAAS, July 3-4, Strasbourg, France.

Canedoli C., Sueur C., Brambilla A., von Hardenberg A., Bassano B., Bogliani G. 2013. Social network dynamics of Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) at the Gran Paradiso National Park. Poster. 9th Ecology and Behaviour Congress, 22-26 April, Strasbourg France

Bret, C., Sueur, C., Verrier, D., Deneubourg, J.L., Petit, O. 2013. Social structure of a group of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx): which role for central individuals ? 9th Ecology and Behaviour Congress, 22-26 April, Strasbourg France

Canedoli C., Sueur C., Brambilla A., von Hardenberg A., Bassano B., Bogliani G. 2013. Social network dynamics of Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) at the Gran Paradiso National Park. Poster. Complex Network Dynamics workshop, 25-26 March, Montpellier, France

Shimada, M. & Sueur, C. 2012. The social network that wild chimpanzees form through social play. Congress of the Japan Ethological Society, 23-25 November, Nara, Japan.

Sueur, C., King, A.J., Pelé, M. Petit, O. 2012. Fast and accurate decisions as a result of scale-free network properties in two primate species. European Conference on Complex Systems. September 3-7, Brussels, Belgium.

Matsuda, I., Zhang, P., Swedell, L., Mori, U., Tuuga, A., Bernard, H. & Sueur, C. 2012. A comparison of intra-unit relationships between colobines and the cercopithecines with multi-level social systems: Effects of female dispersal patterns. The 24rd Congress of the International Primatological Society. July 12-17, Cancun, Mexico.

King, A.J., Sueur, C. 2012. Embedded leadership in primate groups.  The 24rd Congress of the International Primatological Society. July 12-17, Cancun, Mexico.

Matsuda, I., Zhang, P., Swedell, L., Mori, U., Tuuga, A., Bernard, H. & Sueur, C. 2012. Comparisons of Intra-Unit Relationships in Non-human Primates Living in Multi-level Social Systems. Congress of the Japan Society of Primatology, July 6th-12th, Nagoya, Japan.

Sueur, C., Deneubourg, J.L., Petit, O., Couzin, I.D. 2010. The influence of nutrient requirements on activity budget and movements patterns in primates. Oral communication. 23th  International  Primatological Congress, 12-18 September, Kyoto, Japan.

King, A.J., Sueur, C., Cowlishaw, G. 2010.  A follow-a-friend” rule determines baboon collective movement. Oral communication. 23th  International  Primatological Congress, 12-18 September, Kyoto, Japan.

Sueur, C., Deneubourg, J.L. 2010. Self-organization in biological systerms: from individual decision to population structure. Oral communication. 23th International Primatological Congress, 12-18 September, Kyoto, Japan.

Sueur, C. 2009. Self-organization underlies decision-making in macaques. Oral communication. 31st Congress of the International Ethological Society, 19-25 August, Rennes , France.

Sueur, C. & Petit, O. 2008. Shared or unshared Consensus in Macaques.  Oral communication. 22th Congress of the International Primatological Society, 3-8 august, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Sueur, C. & Petit, O. 2008. True votes to choose the direction to move in Tonkean macaques. Oral communication. 4th biennial European Conference on Behavioural Biology, 18-20 July, Dijon, France.

Sueur. C & Petit. O. 2006. The influence of the social system of the Tonkean macaque on the organization of their collective moves. Oral communication. 2nd Congress of Ecology and Behaviour, Strasbourg, France. 17-20 mars.