Call for Nominations Opens for 2016 Migratory Bird Stewardship Award

If you are a federal agency or partnering with a federal agency on a project that benefits migratory birds, you may be able to apply to compete for this year's Presidential Migratory Bird Federal Stewardship Award!

The Presidential Migratory Bird Federal Stewardship Award annually recognizes a single project or action conducted by or in partnership with a federal agency that meets the intent and spirit of Executive Order 13186 by focusing on migratory bird conservation. Project nominations may involve actions to reduce existing or potential adverse impacts to migratory birds and their habitats; restore or enhance migratory bird habitat; or incorporate migratory bird conservation actions into agency policy, guidance or activities. Winning projects demonstrate innovation, successful partnerships and effective results in migratory bird conservation. They also demonstrate leadership in inspiring and assisting others to further migratory bird conservation (e.g. developing and implementing best-management practices, a policy action, or research).

2016 will be the sixth year for presentation of the award. This will coincide with the Migratory Bird Treaty Centennial, which will bring heightened awareness to migratory bird issues. In addition to the usual recognition through e-mail blasts and postings on the award website, and USFWS Twitter (@USFWSBirds) and Facebook accounts, projects may also be showcased in other ways as part of the Centennial celebrations.

Over the past five years, nomination submissions have included over 20 migratory bird related conservation projects exemplifying the great work federal agencies are doing to benefit migratory birds. To view descriptions of past nomination submissions, visit the Presidential Award webpage. To view the nomination application criteria and information about how to submit a nomination, please see the Call for 2016 Award Nominations announcement.