Pestera Polovragi

Pestera Polovragi is located in the vicinity of the Pestera Muierilor, in the left side of the Oltetul Gorge. It is a multi-level cave with a total length of ~10 km. The touristic sector is ~500 m long and was opened in the ‘960s by blasting. This sector has suffered serious degradations following occasionally uncontrolled visits that led to vandalism and the usage of incandescent bulbs that favored the formation of lampenflora. However, the cave still attracts ~30000 visitors/year. Polovragi is a typical example of a show cave where the original environment has been disturbed by the enlargement of the entrance, the inappropriate lighting and the bidirectional visitor flow (tourists enter and exit the cave through the same point). However, the cave has still pristine passages that may be developed for tourism and a renovation and extension project is planned for the next future. Polovragi caves shelters bat colonies and is part of the ROSCI 0128 Natura 2000 protected area.

The entrance in Polovragi. Note that the former entrance was much smaller and the current porch has been

opened by blasting during the construction of the road.

The main passage in Polovrage. Note that the cave is not paved and the floor is totally disturbed by the visitors.

The current lights are still favoring the lampenflora as it is visible in the passage ceiling on the left.

Despite the decades of uncontrolled access Polovragi still preserve the most robust speleothems.

The electrical fitting is rather primitive, with all cables and conections on display.

Corroded electrical connections in Polovragi.

Polovragi was vandalized along the years. Here, "the Death" - one of the "attractions" of the cave.

Another example of vandalism - walls soiled with cave mud and red paint.

The "eco" bulbs also allows abundant lampenflora growth.