
Comments on this Summary:

The purpose of this Summary is to give the potential reader an idea of what the NOTES contain and perhaps generate enough interest to learn these Truths. The NOTES consist of two books: “NOTES from Ignatian Retreats – an appeal to the heart and the will” (book 1) and “NOTES on Apologetics – an appeal to logic and reason” (book 2).

For clarity’s sake, in this “Summary” it was sometimes necessary to be blunt. To be blunt when necessary, is not being mean, but is an act of Charity (love). There should be no doubt as to what is really True – particularly on the vital issue of Salvation. We must take an interest in our Salvation and the Salvation of those whom we may influence (if we truly love them). For example, suppose a strong willed child wanted to play with the pretty camp fire or a sharp knife and was heading for these dangers. Would those around him let him go ahead and learn the hard way, or would they love them enough to stop them, even though they know the child will thereby throw a fit because they are unaware of the danger.

Today there are many dangers to Salvation – attacks on Truth, presented to their (unwary) victims by those whom they trust. Is it not truly an act of love to answer these errors (defend Truth) to those we care about even at the risk of making them angry at us for doing so - because their Salvation is at stake? Failure to be firm because we desire to be “nice” is actually not being nice at all. It’s true, that coming on too strong – with someone who is not ready yet - can also drive them away and there are many that will react this way – no matter how much we dilute Truth. Diluting Truth however may fail to reach those who want and need it. I, myself, have too often been guilty of failure to push the Truth when the occasion arouse, out of the false concept of thereby being “nice” – much to agony of conscience later on. Granted – it can be a delicate balancing act – particularly with family and loved ones and with those who have learned that being emotional causes those who disagree with them to back off – kind of like a temper tantrum in a child.

Some suggestions when talking with others (not in the NOTES):

1. Try to be Sweet and Nice as possible - as well as Firm J .

2. Never, never, never get angry, our emotion (if any) should be one of pity – not anger – no matter how belligerent they are to us. Remember, “There but for the Grace of God go I”. Anger is the refuge of someone losing a debate - it kills logic in favor of emotion – and thereby ends productive discussion (and that is often Satan’s goal). Satan uses Pride to generate anger to halt discussion to keep those in error from knowing Truth.

3. Try to head off their anger with humor and keep the discussion light and friendly if possible. Remember “The Salvation of Souls is our Primary Goal.” - “not blowing them out of the water”. Complement them on the points they make or the questions asked – when possible – then give a friendly response. Even apologize when you have hurt their feelings – even when you have done nothing wrong – humility on your part encourages it on their part.

4. Often they are more interested in asking questions or making a point, than listening to a Catholic response. (They are convinced that they are right and you can have no meaningful response worthy of their consideration). Their mind therefore is on their next question or point and the Catholic response does not register in their brain (they are not listening to you). Unless controlled, the conversation goes from one subject to another without any real depth - as they probe for a subject that you may be weak in. We have to help them listen. Four things that will help them listen are:

(1) When they change the subject, tell them that they make a good point and are looking forward to talking about it also, but ask for a little patience as we go a little deeper in the current subject before going on to the other. Goal à Get them to understand and agree with the points you are trying to make before moving on.

(2) When responding, try to change your “answer” into a question. A statement can be easily ignored and often not even heard. Questions however require thought and a response and their attention. For example: Q: Where is Purgatory found in the Bible? A: Instead of giving the various Biblical passages (see pages 171 – 173 in Book 2); pick one or two of the passages and ask them how the concept of Purgatory can be deduced from them?

(3) Try to avoid hurting their Pride - by not attacking them personally (don’t call them an idiot or a liar). You are responding to the error of those who have misled them. Be careful with sarcasm. A little sarcasm may add a little humor if directed towards the false idea or false “teachers”. Never direct it at the person you’re talking with – Pride is usually hard to overcome.

(4) Once you prove to them the Catholic Truth of one point, ask: “Is it not possible then, that whoever taught you this error, may also be wrong in other areas?” It may help them to open their minds a little more. We all must “seek to find”; “knock before the door is opened”; “ask to receive”. Therefore, pray for the Gift of Faith and dig deeper into knowing and understanding Catholic Truth.

(5) If you become stumped on a particular subject, there is no need for an immediate answer. Tell them that you would like to dig deeper on that issue and get back to them later. Then check with a good Catholic Priest or the NOTES or some other Catholic source and be sure to get back to them.

Hence these NOTES are a pursuit of TRUTH, as to what is necessary for Salvation. It is not my intent to offend anybody – although that may sometimes be the case.

The Importance of Apologetics:

There is no neutral ground. Those who are not with Him (Christ) are against Him. The Fate of us all is either Heaven or Hell. In order to avoid Hell we must actively believe all that He taught us, do all that He commanded us, and take advantage of the Mercies He offers us.

See: Book 1, Chapter I: Why did God Make You? page 4; - Kind of important to know – Duh.

Book 1, Chapter II: The Seriousness of Sin, page 16; - How will He judge you! L Think about it.

Book 2, Chapter V: What is Necessary for Salvation?! Why Should We Care, page 47. “Speak Lord, Thy servant heareth.”

Book 2, Chapter XI: Confession, page 111. Those who refuse this tender offer of Mercy during life must face Judgment without the Mercy they refused. See also Book 1, Chapter V, pages 45-56 for an awesome Examination of Conscience.

“Fear of Hell is the first sign of wisdom”. Therefore, fear of Hell is a good thing – it motivates us to try to avoid it. See book 1, Chapter III: The Pains of Hell, page 27.

Matt. 18:3 “Amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Matt. 12:30 and Luke 11:23: “He that is not with Me is against Me; and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth.”

Hence Salvation is very important and worthy of our consideration. The only other alternative hurts like Hell! L

The Problem! Why do so many have a hard time seeing the obvious?

Question: Are you one of the “poor souls” described below? – Think about it.

Many are not interested in TRUTH. The problem is in the heart. The brain is not allowed to consider logic and reason or data or miracles, until the heart wants it to.

Some poor souls are content in their error and have no desire to seek Truth.

Some poor souls don’t want the hassle from those close to them if they become too Catholic.

Some poor souls have been taught to hate the Catholic Church with lies and half truths by Her enemies.

Some poor souls are just too lazy to care. “The tepid will be vomited out of His mouth.”

Some poor souls are proud and lustful and not interested in these Truths.

Such as these suffer from one or more of the following Biblical curses:

The hard of heart are blinded so that they will not understand and be saved. They will not even accept miracles! They love the Glory of men. See John 12:37-48 and Acts 28:25-27.

The lustful, proud, worldly will have their foolish hearts darkened. See Rom.1:21-32.

The wicked will not understand. See Dan. 12:2-10.

The sensual will not understand. See 1 Cor. 2:14.

The lukewarm will be vomited out of His Mouth. See Apoc. 3:16.

Question: Are you one of the “poor souls” described above? – Think about it.

The Subject however is critical because IT concerns your and my Salvation and the Salvation of those whom we may influence. Since we cannot see a person’s heart we must try to alert them when we can. Hard hearts may eventually be softened by prayer – sometimes many years of prayer. Also, persistent firmness, bluntness, good example and much kindness from a friend may get them to thinking again.

Even the Teacher of all teachers – the Miracle Worker of all workers – could not soften the hearts of those who‘s hearts would not be softened – and they crucified Him.

The Truth – Important talking points covered in the NOTES.

1. There really is a God. This can be deduced from logic, scientific evidence, and even miracles.

See book 2, Chapter I: Proofs for the Existence of God, page 5.

2. Christ is God and the 2nd Person of the Blessed Trinity. He fulfilled the Old Testament Prophecies; His miracles were not denied – even by His enemies; Jesus Himself claimed to be the expected Messiah. For proofs of this see book 2, Chapter IV, page 38.

3. Christ established His Church (not churches) and It will be “The Pillar of Truth” and “The Gates of Hell will not prevail against Her” and “Behold I’ll be with You, even to the consummation of the world.” See book 2, Chapter VI: Which is The Church Established by Christ, page 55.

4. He commanded His Church to teach the whole world all that He passed on to Her. He made the Apostles His first Bishops and Priests. He gave Them Seven Sacraments to administer for us – these are to be the main conduits for “His Free Gift of Grace”. He gave them Powers to Offer the Sacrifice of the Mass and to bless articles.

5. This Church, established by Christ, is the Catholic Church and no other. Of all the churches calling themselves “Christian” only the Catholic Church has a proven existence from 33 AD when Christ established Her to the present day. The first Pope was St. Peter (d. 67 AD); The Second Pope was St. Linus (67-79); ….. The 267th Pope is Benedict XVI (2005 - ?). See book 2, Chapter VI: Which is the Church Established by Christ, page 60 for the complete list of Popes – The Catholic Church’s “deed to authenticity”. See also page 62 – How old is your Church? J

a. One Church cannot be as good as another because they contradict each other in many beliefs. The Holy Ghost would not “inspire” people to believe contradictory things. Our duty is to determine which is This Church that Christ established and join Her.

b. There is therefore only One True Church – The Catholic Church established in 33 AD by Christ.

c. Those who claim She was created later than that ignore proven history.

d. Those who claim that She fell from Truth handed down, in the same breath accuse Christ of lying when He promised us that She would be the “Pillar of Truth”, the “The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against Her”, that He would be with Her “till the end of the world”. Of course Christ is God and would never lie, therefore The Catholic Church is This (His) Church and no other.

6. Outside the Catholic Church there is no Salvation because only She has the Mass and Seven Sacraments and the continuous Priesthood handed down through the Centuries. Only She has the full Truth handed down from Christ.

7. A “Christian” is one who believes all that Christ gave and taught us. “To reject one Truth is the same as rejecting them all.” We cannot therefore pick and choose what we shall believe. Those who “pick and choose” are not therefore truly Christian. All Catholics are “Christian” and all Christians are Catholic because only She has the fullness of Truth – think about it.

8. This Truth handed down to us through the Church is found in both the Bible and Tradition (written and oral).

a. “Therefore brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word or by our epistle.” See 2 Thess. 2:14

b. We must also keep the Ordinances given us. See 1 Cor. 11:2

c. Through the Centuries, whenever a question came up on a point of Doctrine, The Church searched Her records as to what was the continuous teaching of The Church to determine the Truth of the matter. Then if the Holy Father thought it necessary He would make an infallible declaration on the Matter.

d. Since The Church is “The Pillar of Truth”, She cannot contradict Herself. Those within the Church, even those in position of Authority, who teach or allow teachings that contradict what The Church has always taught, speak only for themselves, and not for The Church. See book 2, Chapter VIII: The Crises in the Church, page 87.

e. Those who claim the The Bible alone is the sole rule of faith, believe something that is not in the Bible! – a contradiction. Also the Bible tells us that It does not contain all we must know. See John 20:30

f. The Bible Itself claims that private interpretation of It is forbidden and leads to destruction. See 2Pet. 1:20 and 2Pet. 3:16.

g. For more information see book 2, Chapter III: Holy Scripture and Apologetics, page 23.

9. “By their fruits you shall know them. A bad tree cannot bare good fruit and a good tree cannot bare bad fruit.

a. Protestant fruits: Hundreds of bickering sects all falsely claiming “inspiration of the Holy Ghost” – an impossibility. Satan inspires non-Catholic religions to keep good people away from the Mass and Sacraments and is very successful at it.

b. Vatican II fruits: Doctrine changed, new Mass and Sacraments (even Confession and Holy Orders!) in many cases are of doubtful validity, vocations falling, Churches closing, many Catholics leaving the Church, Mass attendance falling, Catholics ignorant of how to defend the faith, many haven’t been to Confession for years, so called annulments up, etc. See Chapter VII page 87.

c. SSPX (Society of St. Pius X) fruits: seminaries full and overflowing, Chapels increasing and expanding, Ignatian Retreats on a regular basis, Confession lines long every Sunday, The Mass of the Saints (the Traditional Latin Mass), Organized Pilgrimages all over the world to various Shrines, over 2.5 million Rosaries for the Holy Father – to restore the Traditional Mass – which he recently did, etc. Pope Benedict XVI directed that the faulty translation of the FORM for the Consecration be corrected. Perhaps he is slowly trying to correct the errors introduced into The Church after Vatican II. Deo Gratias. He and The Church need all of our support to force our liberal clerics back to being Catholic.

10. The NOTES cover many other subjects. Look at the Tables of Contents or the Indexes for other areas of interest.


1. Carefully read the NOTES in the areas of interest.

2. Pray for the Gift of Faith and a sense of urgency to ACT for yourself or for others.

3. Take Catholic Instructions and get Baptized ASAP if needed.

4. Fallen away and tepid Catholics, go to Confession ASAP during an Ignatian Retreat if possible. See the Examination of Conscience book 1, Chapter V, page 45

5. Study the NOTES and train yourself to help others see and accept the Truth of the Catholic Church.