Ch. III The Pains of Hell p 27 - 34



The Reality of Hell!

Hell is a real place, full of fire and pain all the time. The modern world has lost its sense of God, sin and Hell. Most modern men do not believe in Hell. Why? Because God is Good, Merciful, Nice, Sweet and Loves us. Therefore no Hell. God is also Just! What is Justice? What does a Just judge do when there is a crime? He punishes it. The criminal must pay or there is no Justice. God created Hell out of Justice. Therefore Justice demands that we pay for sin.

With modern man there is no corporal punishment to children. The kids aren’t disciplined and therefore act like animals. We are creating beasts, not rational men. It is not Just or Justice to fail to train children. We must love our children. We must be Just and follow the example of The Master who made Hell. God is Merciful, he gave us the Sacraments. Baptism removes Original sin (the sin of Adam and Eve). Penance removes Actual Sin (our own sins). These Sacraments repair our Friendship with God.

Think of Hell in order to avoid it. We fear a snake in a room with us and try to avoid it. Therefore think of Hell and avoid it.

The reality of Hell does not depend on whether you believe in it or not. The scoffing and ridicule of esteemed worldlings does not diminish the severity of Hell a bit. They desperately try to convince themselves and others, that there will be no everlasting consequences for their sinful acts. Hell is real! The suffering of each person in Hell, will be intense and in proportion to their sins and know no end….forever….and ever….and ever …and ever!!

Through their own fault, most of mankind will end up in Hell. Few make it to Heaven because they reject the many helps (the Mercy) our Redeemer offers us (The Mass, Sacraments, Rosary, etc.). THIS IS REALITY! His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson speaks of this in his letter to Friends and Benefactors dated January 1st, 2002:

“We come to a second consequence of an eternity depending on our brief stay on earth – souls cannot be as unaware of God as they may like to appear. God is just, and cannot possibly consign a soul to eternal Heaven or Hell for a choice of which that soul is unaware.. Therefore deep down, the soul is aware. And since life is so short, then, logically, at each moment of their fleeting lives souls must be aware. If God is apparently nowhere in their lives, they must be continually shutting him out…..even in today’s world, souls know what they are doing. If they fall into Hell, it will only be because they wanted to!”

Holy Scripture often speaks of the reality and the pains of Hell. God is also JUST, therefore Hell exists. Those who reject His offers of Mercy will face His Justice without His Mercy! Since you already exist, you now have only two choices: Heaven or Hell. Live like a Saint and love God Who loves you and gave you so much or live like a weakling and a slave to passions and Lucifer who hates you and never did anything for you.

Fear of Hell is a good thing:

Knowledge of Hell motivates many to amend their lives and become Saints. It leads many back to The Church and The Sacraments. This fear of Hell often leads to frequent use of The Sacraments and increase in prayer life. This often leads the soul into a true Love of God. The soul is eventually motivated out of Love rather than out of fear. The path to Love of God often begins with a realistic Fear of Hell. Many great sinners therefore became Great Saints. Famous examples are St. Augustine and St. Mary Magdalen.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Psalm 110:10

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“In the fear of The Lord is confidence of strength, and there shall be hope for his children.”

Proverbs 10:26

It is also due to the Great Mercy of God that Hell is Eternal. It takes a great fear and reality of Hell to motivate many to strive for Heaven. Without the Fear of Hell most would not even bother to strive for Heaven. For this reason, it is a Great Evil to play down the torments of Hell. It is a Great Evil to fool people into believing that the suffering in Hell is not forever and ever. Church leaders that do this are not friends of God but tools of Satan. They steal from their victims, sufficient fear of Hell, to bring them back into the Catholic Church and The Sacraments. They lull their victims into a false sense of security and dull their awareness of the great danger they are in.

“But the security of the wicked arises from pride and presumption; and will end in deceiving themselves.” From My Imitation of Christ, by Thomas a’ Kempis, Book 1, Chapter 20.

The most common of these errors are:

1. One Religion is a good as another! This is obviously false. Various “Religions” contradict each other. Contradictory things can’t all be true. God will not, and cannot contradict Himself. False ideas do not come from God. He established only one Church and that is the Catholic Church and no other. For proof of this see any good book on Catholic Apologetics.

2. Christ has already “saved” me and without my help. This is also false. Christ has Redeemed you without your help. He will not Save you without your cooperation. Only those who die in the State of Grace (no Mortal Sin on their souls) will go to Heaven.

3. I have no need for Sacraments. This is totally false. Christ established seven Sacraments not just to waste His time. He knew we needed them to save our souls. Through the Sacraments we receive special necessary Sacramental Graces. God knows better than we do what we need. That is why He gave us these Sacraments and He expects us to use them. The Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion should be used frequently. These seven Sacraments are found only in The Catholic Church.

4. I have no need for the Traditional Catholic Mass. This idea is also false. The Traditional Catholic Mass has proven Its worth by all the Saints that have been formed by It over the Centuries. It gives Grace. It is Holy. It is God centered rather than man centered. It is a Sacrifice more than a

“memorial meal”. If you want to be a Saint then pray like the saints prayed.

5. There is no need to live Catholic. This is also false. Outside the Catholic Church there is no Salvation. Even the many “Catholics” that don’t live like Catholics will be damned.

Fear of Hell is therefore a good thing. It gives us the motivation to resist the above errors and any other errors “The Master of Deceit” will try to tempt us with. Hell is reality. We should know about It and fear It.

Be sure to be ready to take notes on any inspirations or thoughts during this meditation.

Meditation on Hell

A good meditation should literally scare the Hell out of us. This would be a good thing, even for children. Just keep in mind that it is not hard to avoid Hell when we make frequent use of The Sacraments.

Let us place ourselves in the presence of God and humbly adore Him.

Oh my God please grant me the Grace that all of my actions, all of my intentions and all of my works may be directed purely to the service and praise of Your Divine Majesty.

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Let us pray for a deep sense of pain which the lost suffer and have the desire to avoid It at all costs.

Let us pray for the Grace to see our souls as God sees them (this is REALLY scary!).

Let us pray for the Grace to amend our lives so as to avoid Hell and become Saints.

A Meditation on Hell is not pleasant. It is not funny. It is very necessary and serious.

First, visualize the place. Where is Hell and what does it look like?

God, to aid our faith, permits at intervals, the truth of Hell to be manifested in a sensible (visual) manner.

Our Lady at Fatima actually showed the three children (ages 10, 9 and 7 years) a vision of Hell.

(Actually they only saw the surface of Hell!)

Our Lady said to the children at Fatima, “If people do what I tell you many souls will be saved and there will be peace.” Our Lady asked us at Fatima to pray and make sacrifices for sinners. She said that many souls go to Hell because they have no one to pray for them and make sacrifices for them. Lucy describes the vision of Hell as follows:

“We saw as it were a vast sea of fire, in which were plunged, all blackened and burnt, demons and souls in human form like transparent embers. Raised into the air by the flames they fell back in all directions, like sparks in a huge fire, without weight or poise, amidst loud cries and horrible groans of pain and despair which caused us to shudder and tremble with fear. The demons were distinguished by the horrible and repellent forms of terrible unknown animals, like embers of fire black yet transparent. This scene lasted an instant, and we must thank our Heavenly Mother who had prepared us beforehand by promising to take us to Heaven with her; otherwise I believe that we should have died of fear and terror.” Our Lady said: “You have seen Hell where the souls of poor sinners go, to save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart.”

Afterwards, their lives were more prayerful and holy. It was the start of their spiritual life. They now had a deep understanding of the consequences of sin. They now had a strong desire to save souls. The first soul we must save is our own. God will not bless the work of those who will not pray!

“The question as to the place where Hell is situated has been a matter of conjecture among the Fathers of the Church and theologians. Many think that Hell is situated within the earth itself. Saint Jerome deduces this from a passage in the book of Numbers (Num. 16:31-33). Here is described the fate of Dathan and Abiron who were precipitated into hell, falling into a chasm which opened under their very feet. At the same time a great flame burst from the earth and killed two hundred and fifty men who were accomplices in their sin. Moreover, in many passages of Sacred Scripture, the word ‘descend’, is used in reference to hell, indicating that hell is situated in the bowels of the earth.” From “What Will Hell Be Like” by Saint Alphonsus Liguori.

The sensual pain in Hell is intense and eternal.

The fire of Hell is real and physical and is much hotter than the fire we are familiar with. The fire of Hell is not for man’s use, it’s for his punishment! It is said that the fire of Hell is more intense than the fire we know than the fire we know is hotter than a picture of a fire. The fire in Hell is a special kind of fire, created to torment spirits (fallen angels, damned souls and after the General Judgment – their bodies also).

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With our resurrected bodies, all of our senses will be acute, including our sense of feeling. The damned feel intense burning pain all of the time – no relief! Think about it. . . . . .!

Imagine an electric stove with the burners turned up so much that they are cherry red. Now imagine what it would feel like if someone forced your hand down hard on these red-hot burners and held it there for ten long minutes! Immediately the flesh begins to burn down to the bone. The pain and the smell would be horrendous. You can’t stand it but must because your tormentor will not let your hand off for t e n l o n g m i n u t e s! You would likely pass out from the pain. You would likely try your best not to displease someone who has such power over you. Yet this pain is nothing compared with the pains of Hell.

In Hell you can’t pass out. In Hell your whole body and soul suffers, particularly that part of your body that offended GOD. If you were in the habit of cursing, blaspheming, telling dirty jokes, slander, calumny, etc. then the tongue would be selected for special torment. Likewise a thief’s hands, a glutton’s stomach, a drug addict’s brain, etc.

St. Alphonsus Liguori says: “The appetite shall be tormented by hunger. So great will be their thirst, that the water of the ocean would not suffice to quench it; and yet never shall they obtain even a drop of water.”

Your body is not consumed. Intense pain, no relief, forever and ever! Think of what you would do to avoid having your hand put on that red-hot burner. Yet how much effort do we put out to avoid Hell which is much, much worse? Think about it. How long has it been since your last good Confession?

Oh but God is a good, loving and merciful God, He could not be so cruel! True, God Loves us and wants all of us to go to Heaven. But nothing defiled can enter Heaven (if it could then Heaven would not be Heaven). When we sin, we defile our soul and deeply offend God who loves us so much. He knows we are doomed to Hell unless we repent. He will not take away our free will and force us to go to Confession. If we want his Mercy all we have to do is ask for it. All we need to do is ask for Mercy and our loving God will readily grant it. We ask for it by first receiving the Sacrament of Baptism. For sins after Baptism we receive the Sacrament of Confession. It’s that simple. Nobody need go to Hell. Yet, most refuse these tender offers of Mercy. Those who refuse His Mercy, when it is offered, choose of their own free will to be judged without Mercy. These are the poor damned souls who hear those awful words: “Depart from me you cursed, into everlasting fire!” There is no time limit, the clock has no hands. An eternal NOW!

Why are the pains of Hell so intense? Why are the pains of Hell without any end?

Justice requires that the punishment fit the crime. God is JUST. If He were unjust, He would not be God. But God is GOD and He is Just and the punishment will fit the crime. Now a crime against your brother is very, very bad. A crime against your mother would be worse yet. A crime against one of Christ’s holy Priests would be even more sinful. In other words, the higher the offended one is, the greater will be the sin. God is infinite. A sin against GOD is therefore an infinite EVIL. Justice requires an infinite punishment for an infinite evil. God is JUST, therefore Hell has to be eternal – infinite punishment for an infinite evil – it is Just. God is Just. He can’t help it. God is Merciful. Go to Confession - often!

The Smell of Hell:

With our resurrected bodies, all of our senses will be acute, including our sense of smell. What are the worse smells you can think of? Are there any smells that you can’t stand? Think about it. . . . Some smells even make us gag and throw up. Vomit, cesspools, diarrhea, smelly bodies, decaying or burning flesh, sulfur, all are in Hell – big time, up close and personal. St. Bonaventure says, that if the body of one of the damned were driven from hell, the stench would be enough to destroy all men. Some sinners laugh at Hell and brag that they will have plenty of company. Believe me this will be no comfort in Hell! All the damned are thrown together like a pile of corpses, but all will be alive emitting smells in every way possible on those around them. Their insides in intense pain from heaving and gagging and gasping for breath. You do not want to end up in Hell! It is a very bad place.

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The Taste of Hell:

With our resurrected bodies, all of our senses will be acute, including our sense of taste. What are the worst tasting things you can think of? Think about it. . . .! The foul smelling grud all around the damned will also enter their nose and mouth, causing intense nausea. Hell is an awful place to be.

The Noise of Hell:

With our resurrected bodies, all of our senses will be acute, including our sense of hearing. What are the worse sounds you can think of? Think about it. . . . ! The loud roar of a fire so close by that splits your ear drums, the continuous cursing and screaming and foul language of angry people, the moaning, crying or screaming of someone in pain, all…. and more are in Hell. The damned will hear their children cursing and hating them because they failed to teach them (particularly by example) how to save their souls. Those in Hell, that were closest to you, that you maybe sinned with, will hate you and curse you and blame you for your bad example to them. No rest, no quiet, intense nerve racking screeching noise of all kinds, all around you forever and ever without end. Hell is truly a very bad place!

The Sights in Hell:

With our resurrected bodies all of our senses will be acute, including our sense of sight. What are the most ugly, hideous grotesque, or frightful things you can think of? Think about it. . . .! Burning, filthy people, intense anger, intense hatred, intense pain and suffering all will be visible in Hell. No relief, never ending, forever and ever. Amongst these putrid bodies will be horrible demons, fallen Angels, who will mock and hate us.

The damned sinned through the five senses, therefore they suffer through all five of the senses. The punishment in Hell is in proportion to the guilt. Many damned souls piled mortal sin on top of mortal sin, for many years. The punishment in Hell is fixed forever. Prayers for the souls in Hell don’t help. God is Just. But all these pains of the senses are not the worst of the sufferings in Hell.

The Worst Suffering in Hell – Sense of Loss!

The pain of loss! The loss of God …..for all eternity!!!!

Let’s make some comparisons with things we can understand.

Consider the child that is growing up with a puppy. The puppy and the child are always together. There is a deep love and bond between them. Suddenly the puppy is killed or stolen! Oh the sense of loss for the child. However there is always the option of getting a new puppy that he can learn to love.

Or worse yet what if the child loses his parents! Or the loss of a spouse or a child, particularly if the loss is sudden or unexpected. The loved one is gone for the rest of their life! Oh the sense of loss. Some mourn for many many years. Although the loss is great, there are often others that can be loved that will help offset and heal the loss a bit.

In Hell the damned have lost everything of value. They have lost the people they loved. They have lost all their riches and material things. They are alone with no one to love and to help reduce their intense sense of loss. Oh the remorse of conscience when they realize the loss so easily avoided!

“Abandon HOPE all ye who enter here!” Dante.

Consider the hierarchy of losses: The loss of an ice cream cone on a hot day, the loss of air conditioning on a hot day, the loss of good health, the loss of an arm, the loss of your eyes, the loss of a fortune, the loss of a loved one, the loss of GOD.

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The loss of God is the greatest suffering of the damned. God is infinite goodness. The loss of God is infinite pain of loss. Our END is to praise, reverence and serve God. We were created for this only! Hell separates us from this!! At death, all distractions are gone. We see our END – God. But the damned are DAMNED! The soul wants God but hears those awful words: “Depart from Me you cursed into everlasting fire!” The pain of the senses is very small compared to the pain of loss.

The soul is in intense agony. God alone can fill our desire, at the same time Pride refuses. God is my END but I have refused to serve. The damned don’t want God. They hate God. They see His Goodness but hate God! Their souls are torn apart. This sense of Loss is no longer distracted by trifles. OH! The remorse of conscience (their “worm” that dieth not.”). For a few hours of pleasure…Damned forever! I’m in a fire like fish in water. It’s all my fault! I got exactly what I earned! God was Fair, Just and Merciful. In spite of good teachers, parents, priests, retreats, and all the other helps through out life – I end up in Hell through my own fault! I, a small creature offended infinite Goodness! Remorse forever and ever.

The souls in Heaven have supernatural happiness. An Eternity in Heaven is different than an Eternity in Hell. With an Eternity in Heaven there is no movement needed for Perfection (an eternal NOW). An Eternity of Hell is an eternity of succession with a “before” and “after”…. endless.

So let’s try to visualize what Hell is like. Here we are in the center of the earth! Feel the intense heat from the lava, burning hot yucky oil, tar and pitch. Oh, the awful smell of sulfur and H2S. There is superheated steam burning our flesh and lungs. There is even destructive radioactivity all around. Oh the extreme pressure! It’s hard to breathe due to the lack of air and poison gas. Our lungs are screaming for fresh air! See all the others suffer: children, parents, spouse, friends, and great men. The roar of the fire is like thunder only louder and continuous. Feel the shear forces and the concussion forces! Hear the screams of the damned, cursing, wailing, weeping, gnashing of teeth, gasping for breath, drowning, wheezing, hissing of steam, explosion of gas. The terrible body odors all around us urine, feces, sweat, liquefied body parts, etc. You have a headache, an earache, a stomachache, back ache, toothache and cramps.

Judas has been in Hell for over 20 centuries and he is just beginning. The souls in Hell cannot die. They said no to God. No! I will not convert. I will not go to Confession! Beware, beware, the pain of loss in Hell. You refused to embrace the Catholic Faith – you are Lost. Your children are lost because you didn’t teach and show them how to be good Catholics, use the Sacraments, save their souls! Your spouse is lost because of your bad example. Your spouse will HATE you because you were not strong in your Catholic Faith. Your children’s children are all lost due to the bad choices that you started. Your children and your children’s children, deprived of their Catholic Heritage will HATE you because now they are in Hell. They were denied proper instruction and example. They will all HATE you in Hell! Oh the sense of LOSS! Oh fallen away Catholic, come back, come back! Too much damage has already been caused to those you love. Come back while there is still Hope! After Death – Hope is no more forever and ever and ever and ever.

“Gloom, despair, agony…Oh me! Deep dark depression, excessive misery!” Hell is HELL! Meditation on Hell is a real a downer! L

You really, really, really don’t want to go there! Fear of Hell is a very good thing. As long as you are alive, you know that God has not given up on you. There is still Hope. Do not waste the time you have left. Make good use of all the Graces He offers you. One day you will be on your death bed ….and then what?! Think about it…….!

Pray for the Grace to understand what it would mean to lose God. Beg for fear of sin. Give me the strength to do whatever it takes to avoid Hell!

The first step: I need to grow in sanctity. Until this happens, I am useless to help others.

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Can a Spiritual Soul Feel Fire?

Man is composed of a body and a Soul. When a man is alive, all five of his senses are active. He has eyes that can see. He has ears that can hear. He has a body that can feel. He has a nose that can smell. He has taste buds that can taste. When a man dies, his soul leaves his body. At the same time his body still has all these organs but none of them function. Therefore we know the ability of the five senses to work depends on the soul perhaps even more than the body. In other words, the body is just a box that houses the soul. The soul has all the attributes of life. At death, the body goes into the grave and the soul, which is the essence of a man, is Judged and goes to Heaven, Purgatory or Hell. In Hell the soul therefore suffers as the body will suffer when it is re-united with the soul at the end of Time.

St. Alphonsus Liguori says: “ is it possible for corporeal fire to torment the spiritual soul? In answer to this question, we can only say that we know that it can be done. Perhaps the answer lies in this explanation of many theologians. The material fire of hell will be given an extraordinary power by God, whereby it will be able to bind the spiritual soul to its place or torment, thus causing the soul untold humiliation and pain.”


Claire and Annette were two girls working for a firm in southern Germany. Claire confessed openly that she was a Christian and considered it her duty to instruct her colleague and to call her charitably back into line when she treated matters of religion lightly or superficially.

Thus they spent some time together until Annette married and gave up her job to go and live elsewhere.

That was in 1937. In the autumn of the same year Claire was spending her holiday beside Lake Garda when, towards the middle of September, her mother wrote from home with the sad news that Annette had been killed in an automobile accident and had been buried the day before.

Claire was horrified by the news, knowing as she did how little her friend had cared about her religion. Had she been ready to appear before God? What had been the state of her soul at the moment of her unexpected death?

The next morning Claire heard Mass, offered her Holy Communion for her unfortunate friend and prayed fervently for her soul. But that very night, ten minutes after midnight, the following vision came to her.

“Claire,” said Annette, “don’t pray for me. I am damned. I have come to tell you that and to speak to you at length about it, but do not think I am doing it out of friendship. We who are here in this place, we do not love anyone ANYMORE. I am doing what I am doing because I am forced to. To be honest I would like you too to be cast into this place where I am to spend eternity. Do not be surprised that I should say that. Here we all think that way. Our will is irrevocably directed towards evil—at least what you call ‘evil’. Even if we do happen to do something good as I am doing now by letting you know what goes on in HELL, we NEVER DO IT WITH GOOD INTENTION.”

Annette continues: “I used to praise you for your ‘love of your neighbor’. How ridiculous! Here we know of no goodness in anybody.

If my parents had had their way, I should never have been born. Oh, if only I never had been born!! Why can’t I just stop existing now and get away from these torments? But I have to go on existing. I have to exist like this, the way I made myself, an existence I wrecked!”

“My father and mother stopped going to church. They got friendly with other non-churchopers. My mother never really taught me how to pray. Those words – ‘pray’, ‘Mass’, ‘religious instruction’, ‘Church’ – I find it unspeakably revolting to utter them. I loathe it all. I hate people who go to Church. In fact, for that matter, I hate everybody and everything.”

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“The fact is that everything is a source of pain for us. Everything we learned before our death, every memory of things we saw or knew is like a cruel flame. And in every one of these memories we see the graces that were offered to us, the graces we SPURNED. OH WHAT AGONY! We don’t eat, we don’t sleep, we cannot walk upright. We are spiritually in chains, and we look with horror, with ‘weeping and gnashing of teeth’, on the ruins of our lives. All that is left for us is hate and torment. Above all we hate God, and I will tell you why. The elect, in Heaven, cannot help loving Him, because they see Him unveiled in all His dazzling beauty. That gives them indescribable happiness. We know it and that knowledge drives us into a fury. The man to whom God comes like a hurricane, a Chastiser, a Righteous Avenger; the man whom God has rejected as He did us, that man can only hate Him eternally with all the audacity of his ill-will. Even now we would not wish to change it, nor shall we ever wish to do so.”

“Do you understand now why Hell is eternal? It is because our obstinacy will go on forever.”

“God was merciful in not giving us time to do all the evil that our ill-will would have had us do. Had we done it, it would have added to our faults and so to our punishment.”

“You warned me once, ‘Annette, if you do not pray more, you are headed for Hell.’ Well, you were right when you said I did not pray much, and when I did it was in a casual sort of way. You were all too right. All of these now burning in Hell were people who did not pray, or did not pray enough. Prayer is the first step towards God, and it is always the decisive step, especially prayer to HER WHO WAS CHRIST’S MOTHER, and whose Name we never speak.”

“It is true that up to the moment of death one can always return to God or turn away from Him. But it does happen that the habits a man has followed during his lifetime all too often affect his behavior at the point of death. Habit becomes second nature to him and he goes to his grave still following it.”

“That is what happened to me. For years I had been living far from God, and because of that, when I heard that final call of grace, I turned away from Him. “

“Only one thing could have shattered my stubbornness – one lasting and deep sorrow. But it didn’t happen. Now do you understand the meaning of the saying, ‘GOD PUNISHES THOSE HE LOVES.’?”

“I gave free rein to my bad temper, especially on the subject of certain medieval paintings of Hell in cemeteries and other places showing the Devil roasting souls over glowing coals while his companions dragged other victims down with their long tails. OH CLAIRE! People might make mistakes in the way they depict Hell, BUT THEY NEVER EXAGGERATE!”

“I assure you that the fire the Bible talks about is not just the torment of conscience. It is real fire. When He said, ‘Depart from Me, ye accursed, into everlasting fire.’ He meant it literally – Yes LITTERALLY!!”

“You will say to me, ‘How can spirits be affected by material fire?’ But on earth, doesn’t your soul suffer when you put your finger in the fire? The soul doesn’t actually burn, but what agony your whole being goes through.”

“Our greatest torment is the certain knowledge that we shall never see God. How can that torment us so much when we were so indifferent about it on earth? It is now that we are actually feeling the loss of God, whereas before we only thought about it.”

“CATHOLICS who are damned suffer more than members of other religions because usually they have been offered and have refused more graces and more enlightenment. The man who had more knowledge in his lifetime suffers more severely than the one who knew less. If one has sinned through malice one suffers more cruelly than if it had been through weakness. But nobody suffers more than he has deserved. Oh, if only that were not true! Then I should have a reason to HATE!”

Pray an “Our Father” to Our Lord in thanksgiving for the grace to complete this meditation. Pray a “Hail Mary” to Our Lady (the Mediatrix of All Graces) in thanksgiving for her help.

Did you take any notes during this meditation? If you did you may want to review them now. If not, you may want to record any thoughts you had. You may want to go through this meditation and take additional notes. They will be helpful to review sometime in the future.

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