Ch. XXVII Mormon Myths P 260-276



“But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there shall be among you lying teachers,

who shall bring in sects of perdition, and deny the Lord who bought them,

bringing upon themselves swift destruction.” 2 Peter 2:1

“For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine;

but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

and will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth,

but will be turned unto fables.” 2 Tim. 4: 3-4.


Seems like every couple of years or so there is a knock at the door. There stand two nice young men dressed in white shirt, black tie and black pants. They are Mormon missionaries. They particularly like to seek out Catholics because most modern Catholics are very ignorant about their Faith, Its history or how to defend it. They are easy prey. Many Mormon converts were former Catholics, who were lied to and bought into these lies. Often these young men are the children of these misguided Catholics.

This Chapter will give you some information about Mormonism to share with these poor misguided but sincere souls at your door.. Invite them in, you may be the instrument that helps them to question their brainwashing and to think about the Catholic Church. You want to convert them and they want to convert you, so you will have lots to talk about.

Of course you do not want to talk to them or read their literature, if it will be an occasion of sin for you. This will surely be the case if you are another one of the many Catholics that are ignorant about their Faith and how to defend it. If ever you develop any questions or doubts about the Catholic Faith, be sure to seek the advice of one of our Traditional Catholic Priests of The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX)!

The danger is that their apparent very wholesome and family oriented lifestyle will attract many. Particularly vulnerable are those who are seeking “wholesome” marriage partners and so far only have contacts with “worldlings, duds or scumbags”. Those who fall into their trap, will be separated from the main sources for “God’s free Gift of Grace”: the Mass, the Sacraments, the Sacramentals, the Priests that administer them – much to the glee of Satan the Master of Deceit. They trade the sure path to Salvation for themselves their spouse and their children and likely generations of descendents, for the façade of a temporary “wholesome” life. This is the same danger with the other “fundamentalist” non-Catholic religions such as the Seventh Day Adventists, Baptists, Moslems, etc.

“For such false apostles are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

And no wonder; for Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light.” 2 Cor. 11: 13-14.

Not every one that saith to me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven,, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. Many will say to me in that day; Lord, Lord have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy

name, and done many miracles in thy name; And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you; depart from me, you that work iniquity.” Matt. 7:21-23

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Most of the information in this Chapter came from:

1. “Mormon Mythology” by The Brothers of the Society of St. Pius X

Jesus & Mary Brothers Novitiate

2401 West Yandell Drive

El Paso, Texas 79902

2. “A Christian Looks At Mormonism” by William J. Mitchell

3. “Oddities of Mormon Theology” A Catholic Answers Tract

4. “Problems With the Book of Mormon” A Catholic Answers Tract

5. “Mormonism, Shadow or Reality?” by Jerald & SandraTanner

6. “The Changing World of Mormonism” by Sandra Tanner

7 “Archaeology and the Book of Mormon” by Jerald and Sandra Tanner

These last five references can be obtained from Catholic Answers

PO Box 17181

San Diego, California 92117

Jerald and Sandra Tanner both grew up as members of the Mormon Church. They had access to many of their historical documents. They found, that the teachings of the Mormon Church, was so inconsistent, that they eventually left it and wrote these books in order to warn other Mormons of the danger.

We are deeply grateful to the authors of the seven references above, for most of the information in this Chapter. The reader is encouraged to consult them for a more detailed analysis and additional references.

Four major sources that the Mormons use, are:

1. The Book of Mormon

2. Doctrine & Covenants

3. Pearl of Great Price

4. The King James Version of the Bible


The Mormons call themselves “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” (LDS). They are a religious sect founded by Joseph Smith in 1823. After the death of Joseph Smith they broke into two groups.

One group, headed by his widow (he is said to have had 27 wives!), went to Independence, Missouri. They are known as the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. All of Joseph Smith’s descendants belong to this group.

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The other (larger and better-known) group headed by Brigham Young (he had 25 wives!) went to Utah in 1847. Their headquarters is in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Reorganized Church denies Joseph Smith’s doctrines of many gods, polygamy, and baptism for the dead - all major teachings of the Utah Church.

Their beliefs are a combination of Catholicism (Jesus Christ), Protestantism (King James Bible), Hinduism (many gods), Freemasonry (secret rites) and imaginations of Joseph Smith. They borrow also from the Seventh Day Adventists. They look upon Joseph Smith and all their leaders through the years, as Prophets. Their belief in these men is a matter of “Faith” – for most, unquestioned. For Mormons, “Prophet” = “Leader” and “Leader” = “Prophet”. I realized this, the other day, while talking to “two visitors at my door”. They asked me if I thought John-Paul II was a Prophet. I was puzzled that they asked such a question and they were shocked when I said, “No. While the Catholic Church has had her share of ‘Prophets’, they were not necessarily a Pope”. At the time I was thinking of the many appearances of the Blessed Virgin and Her many warnings of things to come, if we do or do not pray. From the look on their faces, I think that they thought they had made an important point in their favor. It wasn’t until later that I realized the strong Prophet – Leader connection in their mind.


The Mormons claim to be Christians, but they are not. True Christianity holds clear Doctrines such as: One God, The Trinity, creation, Jesus Christ, Redemption, Resurrection, etc.

The Mormons say that Jesus is a god, but not THE God. They also believe that Lucifer and Jesus are brothers and that there is no fire in Hell!

The Mormon missionaries use the same terminology as Christians do but with an entirely different meaning. Ask them to define the Christian words they may use, particularly words like God, Heaven, spirit, resurrection.

For example the Mormon will say Jesus is Lord but in the Mormon mind Jesus is only one of many Lords and gods!


Joseph Smith Jr. was born on December 23, 1805, the son of a Vermont farmer. He apparently became quite a scheming, conniving con man. He claimed he could find gold by using a peep stone (like a crystal ball) inside a hat! J … In 1826 he was brought to trial and found guilty of fraud for these activities, by his neighbors.

Joseph claimed that three years earlier, in 1823, an Angel appeared to him and revealed to him the location of three golden plates, which Joseph was to unearth and translate into the Book of Mormon. This was supposedly his second vision. The first was when he was 14 years old. We just have to take his word for it though, because he was alone when they happened. The Angel however told him that he couldn’t dig up the plates for four years (1827). …. Why? This already sounds very fishy, particularly from a convicted con man.

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Joseph Smith drew up three hand-written accounts of the first vision:

In one, only the Lord appeared and Joseph was 16 years old.

In another, many angels appeared and Joseph was 14 years old.

In a third account Joseph claimed two persons appeared, The Father and The Son.

…..Come on Joseph, make up your mind, which one was it?

So Joseph Smith established the Mormon Church, said it was based on Golden Plates given to him by an Angel, translated into the Book of Mormon using magic stones. Smith then claimed he was a Prophet of God (even predicted the world would end in 1890) and convinced his naive followers to give him 10% of their income!


If the Book of Mormon contains “the fullness of the gospel message”, why did Joseph Smith become a Mason in 1842, 12 years after he published The Book of Mormon? Why does the Mormon rite so much resemble the Masonic rite?

…..Could it be that con man Smith thought that the addition of mysterious ritual would help attract more victims and he became a Mason to get some ideas on how to do it?

Smith claimed that God revealed to him some of the secrets of outer space. For example Smith reported:

“The inhabitants of the moon are of a uniform size than the inhabitants of the earth, being about six feet in height. They dress very much like Quaker style and are quite general in style or the fashion of dress. They live to be quite very old coming generally near thousand years.”

From Journal of Oliver B. Buntington, a devout Mormon contempory of Smith. Copy at Utah State Historical Society Vol. II p. 166)

At the time neither Smith nor those he conned knew that we would land men on the moon and be able to check this out. Smith loved to awe his trusting victims with such myths that couldn’t be checked out during his lifetime. They believed every thing he said because he claimed to be a Prophet of God.

Smith had a good thing going, until he brought destruction upon himself when in revenge, he ordered a printing press destroyed. It was owned by Mormons, who opposed his teaching on polygamy and that there were many gods. He went down in a hail of bullets as he fired his own six-shooter at his enemies. Amazingly other “Prophets” continued the con, which still works quite well on sincere but misguided followers….. Oh how sad …. very sad!


According to Smith, the plates were thin, about eight inches square and bound together with three big rings. A strange writing was engraved on them. Smith called it “reformed Egyptian”. Now why would the descendents of “good Jews” from Palestine write in Egyptian? The Jews hated the Egyptians. The Jews spoke Hebrew. Why were the plates not in Hebrew? For a Jew to write a Holy Book in pagan Egyptian would be a Sacrilege! ….I guess Smith had to have the plates in a language that only he could translate otherwise others could read the plates and check his translation..

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There were also two magic stones with the plates, called Urim and Thummim, which Smith was to use to translate the writing on the plates into English. …. Yea, sure we can believe this from a con man already convicted of fraud by using a peep stone.

Wow! The writing must have been very small, to fit all of the Book of Mormon, on just three 8 x 8 inch plates (384 square inches if both sides used). My copy of the Book of Mormon is about 4.5 x 7 inches but contains 531 pages of very small print (Index not included) (16,726 square inches)! . . .Well, maybe Joseph elaborated on it a bit …and he did have those “magic stones”. J


Smith’s mother, Lucy, never saw the plates because Joseph warned her that to look at them meant instant death.

Emma Smith, his wife, said she “saw” them but they were under a cloth.

Martin Harris, who was Joseph’s secretary in writing down the translation, never saw the plates, although the two men worked in the same room. Joseph warned him that the wrath of God would strike him down if he tried to see the plates! ……Why??? Why would God care?

One day Joseph claimed that he received a revelation from God that he must have three witnesses to prove the authenticity of the plates. He chose Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris and David Whitmer. He took three men into the woods where supposedly an Angel showed them the plates. Later upon questioning, Martin Harris said that he did not see them with his bodily eyes but saw them with the eyes of faith. All three men told different stories as to what actually happened in the woods. All three men quarreled with Smith and left the Church. Joseph described them as liars, forgerers, slander bearers and thieves.

Later, Joseph produced eight more witnesses who were too close in his family circle to impress an honest investigator.

In a sermon by President and Prophet Brigham Young in the Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, June 5, 1859 the claim for the actual existence of a set of gold plates from God is further weakened:

“Some of the witnesses of the Book of Mormon, who handled the plates, and conversed with the angels of God were afterwards LEFT IN DOUBT AND TO DISBELIEVE THEY HAD EVER SEEN AN ANGEL.” (Journal of Discourses Vol. 7 p. 164)


Smith claimed that an angel took them back to heaven. Why??? Heaven didn’t need them. Their physical existence on earth would help prove their authenticity. ….Likely they never existed in the first place and he had to explain their absence to his victims, somehow.


According to David Whitmer, Joseph would place a seer-stone into a hat, and putting his face into the hat, drew it tightly around his face to exclude the light. In the darkness a spiritual light would

shine. The writing would appear on something like parchment. The English translation was given

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beneath the strange writing, or the Reformed Egyptian as Smith called it. Martin Harris confirmed the use of the seer-stone.

No mention is made of the two magic stones Urim and Thummim. Joseph said these had to be used to translate the plates. Later, Smith claimed he did use them for the first 116 pages of the Book of Mormon. After Harris lost these pages, Joseph simply used the seer-stone he found in a well … convenient!. What happened to Urim and Thummim?!

I guess you don’t have to be a good con man when the people are naive and trusting. Kind of pathetic – poor souls! Read again the Biblical quotes at the top of this Chapter.


The Book of Mormon claims to be a history of two ancient Christian civilizations which existed on the American continents.

The first of these left the tower of Babel in 2,250 BC and came to Central America. They were called the Jaredites and were destroyed as a result of corruption and apostasy.

The second group were good Jews, supposed to have left Jerusalem around 600 BC. Their leader was Lehi. They crossed the Pacific Ocean and landed in South America (Peru). They split into two groups: The Nephites (the good guys) and the Lamanites (the bad guys). They were in constant warfare with each other.

The Book of Mormon describes how Jesus Christ visited the Nephites immediately after His Ascension and set up His true Church again on the American Continent – so the Book claims.

Now the Nephites and the Lamanites were in South America. At the request of the Nephites, the Lamanites agreed to have their final battle on a hill called Cumorah, in Palmyra, New York! ??

……Yea, sure! The Lamanite leader agreed to move all these people from South America, all the way up North, over mountains, and rivers, through forests and swamps just to have that final huge battle in New York where the Nephites were annihilated by the Lamanites in a great battle in about 385 AD.

The last Nephite leader gave the golden plates containing the history of his people, to his son Moroni, who buried them in the hill Cumorah. In 1823, an Angel told Smith where to find them. He dug them up in 1827.


1. Almost 10% of the Book of Mormon (buried around 425 AD) is a direct quote or paraphrase (plagiarized) from the King James translation of the Bible (1611 AD)! Some examples:

“the same yesterday, and today and forever”. Heb. 13:8 vs. II Nephi 27:23

“Work out your own salvation wit fear”. Phil. 2:12 vs. Alma 34:37

“O wretched man that I am”. Rom. 7:2 vs.II Nephi 4:17

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These are only a few of hundreds of possible examples. …..Obviously The Book of Mormon was composed many years after the 17th Century and cannot be a “translation” of an ancient text.

2. The Book of Mormon indicates the existence of the cow, ox, ass, and horse on the American Continent around 600 BC, when the Nephites arrived. According to the Encyclopedia Brittanica, such animals did not exist in the Americas at that time.

3. In Ether 2:3 the Book of Mormon claims that bees were introduced into the New World around 2000 BC. Scientist have demonstrated that honey bees were brought to the New World by Spanish explorers in the fifteenth century.

4. The Book of Mormon also describes the use of the Mariner’s Compass, which hadn’t been invented yet.

5. In Alma 7:10 it is prophesied that Jesus would be born in Jerusalem instead of Bethlehem.

6. In Jacob 2:23-27 polygamy was abominable in the sight of God. In Doctrine and Covenants 132: 1-4 and 37-39 God commands it to be practiced and says it is righteous.

7. In Alma 46:15 believers are called Christian in 73 BC! In Acts 11:26 they were first called Christian at Antioch about 42 AD.

8. Joseph Smith claimed that the Book of Mormon contained the fullness of the gospel message from heaven. Absent however are the Mormon doctrines of: celestial marriage, baptism for the dead, that Adam became God or universal salvation.

9. If such great civilizations existed in the Americas they should have left artifacts. Evidence of their “Reformed Egyptian” language, their great temples, their cities, the names of prominent people, their remains from their huge battles, etc. ….. Something ….anything… to indicate they were ever here…..there is nothing. Such evidence has been found for other ancient civilizations. Despite extensive efforts to find something to support the Book of Mormon, we are left empty handed. The Jaredites, the Nephites, and the Lamanites never existed. The are just figments of Joseph Smith’s imagination.

10. The Book of Mormon claims that the Indians are descendants of the Jews (the Laminites who annihilated the Nephites). The Smithsonian institute however tells us that the science of Ethnology (the study of the races of people) shows that the American Indians are considered to be mongoloids who likely came to the Americas by crossing the Bering Straits and not by sailing from Palestine.

11. Much of the Book of Mormon was plagiarized from a novel written by Solomon Spalding, a Congregationalist minister.

12. Why did Cowdrey, Davis and Scales three main “witnesses”, leave the Mormon Church and write a book: “Who really Wrote the Book of Mormon?” ?

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The “visitors at your door” will tell you that the Book of Mormon is supported by archeological evidence. I don’t think most of these visitors are lying, in that they really believe this. They have been lied to and they believe the lies. It is a sad thing when sincere people are lied to by those whom they trust.

Quotes from Mormon anthropologists:

“The statement that the Book of Mormon has already been proved by archaeology is misleading. …. That such an idea could exist indicates the ignorance of many of our people with regard to what is going on in the historical and anthropological sciences.” (Christensen in U.A.S. Newsletter, No. 64, January 30, 1960, p.3).

“Many times, Mormon missionaries have told their investigators that such late-period ruins as Monte Alban (periods III-V), Yagul, and Mitla were built by the Nephites and that the archaeologists would confirm this. Both claims are untrue.” (Joseph E. Vincent in U.A.S. Newsletter, No. 66, May 7, 1960, p.2)

“…confident claims of tangible proof of the Nephite civilization were now uttered only by the uninformed.” (Mormon writer David Bitton in Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon thought, Autum 1966, p. 123).

We conclude, therefore, that the Book of Mormon remains completely unverified by archeology. The claims Mormon missionaries have made are fallacious and misleading. Many honest and sincere people who have no background or training in the field of archeology have been converted to Mormonism at least in part because of their false conviction that American archeology has verified the Book of Mormon record.” (Archeology and the Book of Mormon, by Hal Hougey, Concord, California)

The Book of Mormon claims that for a period of over 200 years after Christ, a Christian civilization prevailed all over both continents, especially in South America. There should be traces of these magnificent temples and sanctuaries erected by Christian people for the worship of the True God.

Records were indeed sought for and many records have indeed been found!

All of the records that have come down to us in ancient America, show that the people were idolatrous and thoroughly heathen, worshiping idols, the most hideous in form, with barbarous human sacrifices. For more than 3000 years it was one unbroken record of superstition and human slaughter. Not a trace of the mythical civilizations described in the Book of Mormon.

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The Kinderhook Plates were made by Robert Wiley, Bridge Whitton and W. Fugate (non-Mormons) out of brass in the mid 1800s. There were six plates with etched hieroglyphics on them. They were treated to make them look old. They were buried (about 13 feet deep) in a mound with a skeleton in Pike county, Illinois. Wiley told everybody that he dreamed that treasures could be found in the mound. Men investigated and “found” the plates. The Mormons among them were overjoyed at the find. Eventually they made it to the Mormon Prophet, Joseph Smith. Now we all know the plates were frauds, yet Mr. Smith said: “I have translated a portion of them, and find they contain the history of the person with whom they were found. He was a descendant of Ham, through the loins of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and that he received his kingdom from the Ruler of heaven and earth.” (History of the Church, Vol. 5, p. 372).

Unfortunately for the Mormon position, it was later discovered that the plates were forgeries, made for the purpose of tricking Joseph Smith.

“Only a bogus prophet translates bogus plates. Where we can check up on Smith as a translator of plates, he is found guilty of deception. How can we trust him with reference to his claims about the Book of Mormon? If we cannot trust him where we can check him, we cannot trust him where we cannot check his translations.” (The Book of Mormon?, by James D. Bales, Old Paths Book Club, 1958, pp. 95,97,98 and 99).

Well enough said on this subject. The Tanner’s book goes into great detail on various false “relics of the Nephites” and how they were proven to be just wishful thinking of over anxious Mormons or outright frauds.


The Book of Abraham is included in the Mormon’s fourth Scripture: “Pearl of Great Price”.

Smith got them in 1833 from a traveling salesman and showman, Michael Chandler. Chandler had an exhibit of Egyptian mummies and other curios. Among them was an ancient roll of papyrus. After examining it Smith immediately said that it was a written by Abraham himself, 4000 years ago. Smith proceeded to translate the strange Egyptian symbols on the papyrus. Smith called it “The Book of Abraham”.

Mormons consider the Book of Abraham a most sacred work. In it are the doctrines of polytheism and the curse and inferiority of the black man.

The Book of Abraham proved to be a disastrous blunder by Smith. Dr. James H. Breasted, a

world renown expert in Egyptology, read the facsimiles of the Egyptian documents found in “The Pearl of Great Price” and found that they had nothing to do with Abraham, polytheism or the black man. They were simply concerned with Egyptian funeral rites!

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Dr. Breasted observed that Joseph Smith’s “translation” clearly shows that Smith was totally unacquainted with the significance of these documents and absolutely ignorant of the simplest facts of Egyptian writing and civilization.


1. Mormons say that Christ’s Truth was lost when the Apostles dispersed and no one had the truth for over 1800 years. That God enlightened Joseph Smith in 1823.


When Christ established the Catholic Church in 33AD He made Peter the first Pope when He said:

“And I say to thee: That thou are Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matt. 16:18

“…and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.” Matt. 28:20

Now, either Christ lied to us and the Gates of Hell did prevail against His Church as Smith said, or Smith lied. If Christ lied then he isn’t God, for God cannot lie. But He proved He was God by His many miracles. See Chapter IV for a more detailed proof that Christ is God. Therefore we must conclude that Smith is a liar and the Mormon Church teaches lies to their victims, much to the glee of Satan.

Furthermore, the Bible, and writings of the Primitive Church all support current Catholic beliefs. There has been no change since the Apostles. The Catholic Mass, all Seven Sacraments (including Confession and Holy Eucharist which many non-Catholics reject.), veneration of the Saints, etc. All are found in Holy Scripture and early Church writings. For proof of this, see this or any other of the many books on Catholic Apologetics. Christ has not abandoned His Church.

Since the Mormons believe the King James Version of the Bible, where do they think the Bible came from? The Holy Ghost inspired the Catholic Church to gather and select the writings included in the New Testament and this happened hundreds of years after “the Apostles dispersed”. Therefore if “no one had the Truth” after the Apostles dispersed, then what is their authority for the truth of their Bible. The truth of the Bible depends on the Holy Ghost guiding the Catholic Church through the Centuries. If the Catholic Church was guided by the Holy Ghost then, it was because She was the Church of God – and therefore still is because nothing has changed. See Chapter III for a more detailed discussion on Holy Scripture.

2. Joseph Smith taught that there were many gods with bodies made of flesh and bone like man and that they were once mortal men. See Teachings of the Prophet, Joseph Smith 1974 pp345-346 & 370-372.

Brigham Young taught: “How many gods there are I do not know. But there never was a time when there were not gods and worlds.” Discourses of Brigham Young 1954 pp.22&23.

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The Mormon belief of many gods is clearly contradicted by their own Book of Mormon!

Alma 11:22 “If thou wilt deny the existence of a SUPREME BEING.”

Alma 11:28-29 “Now Zeezrom said: ‘Is there more than one God?’ and he answered ‘No’.”

Nephi 31:21 “And now behold this is the doctrine of Christ and the only true doctrine of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost which is one God without end.”

In the front of the Book of Mormon there is the testimony of the three witnesses concerning the golden plates. The last sentence reads: “And the honor be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, WHICH IS ONE GOD.”


Either the Book of Mormon is in error. A book Smith claimed to be the most correct of any on this earth because it was translated by the direct power of God and contained the fullness of the everlasting gospel.


The “Prophets of God”, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young are in error for they contradict their “holy book” on only one God.


The truth is that some of what they all teach is Truth but much of it is a lie. Liars often contradict each other and even themselves.

Since Smith is the source of these contradictions, nothing he says can be believed unless confirmed by a more truthful source. He is after all a convicted con man.


One of the great revelations of the Old Testament given to mankind is that there is only one, true God and no one else besides Him. He is a Spirit without matter. The Second Person of the Blessed Trinity took on flesh for the Redemption of mankind at the Incarnation.

“The Lord our God is one Lord.” Deut. 6:4

“Thus sayeth the Lord the King of Israel….I am the first and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.” Isaiah 44:6.

“I am the Lord and there is none else, there is no God beside me.” Isaiah 45:5

“God is spirit.” John 4:24

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3. The Mormons believe that the god of this earth (and the only one with whom we humans have to deal with) is Adam!!!!

Here is what Brigham Young taught as doctrine!:

“When our father Adam came into the Garden of Eden, he came into it with a celestial body,

and brought Eve, one of his wives with him. He helped to make and organize this world. He

is Michael, the Archangel, the Ancient of Days about whom holy men have written and

spoken.. He is our Father and our God, and the only God with whom we have to do.”

Journal of Discourses Vol. 1 pp. 50-51.

“I have learned by experience that there is but one God that pertains to this people, and He is the God that pertains to this earth – The First Man.” Journal of Discourses Vol. 4.p.1


Well now, Holy Scripture tells us that God formed Adam out of “the slime of the earth” and Eve from Adam’s rib. He also said: “Remember man that thou art dust and into dust thou shalt return.”

Adam is not St. Michael! Adam was a man. St. Michael is an Archangel.

Also note that Mormons think the first sinner (Adam) is God, the only god we have to contend with! God cannot sin. A sinner cannot be God!

NOTE: When a Mormon is praying to God, he is not praying to God The Father, Son and Holy Ghost, he is praying to Adam!!!!?????…….How sad, how very sad. Pray for them.

4. Joseph Smith taught that all Negroes are descendants of Cain and that the curse of the descendants of Cain for killing his brother is their dark skin and that they are therefore unclean. Mormonism, Shadow or Reality pp. 275-279 by Jerald and Sandra Tanner.

It is rooted in the prejudice of the black man which existed in the early days of the Mormon Church. Today many Mormons deny that there was any prejudice against the black race. The writings of their “Prophets of God” show otherwise.

N. Eldon Tanner, Counselor to one of the Presidents of the Mormon Church stated:

“The Church has no intention of changing its doctrines on the Negro…it is a law of God.” Seattle Magazine December 1969

“Prophet”, Brigham Young: “Shall I tell you the law of God with regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty under the law of God is death on the spot. This will always be so.” Journal of Discourses Vol. 10 p. 110.

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“Prophets” Joseph Smith’s and Brigham Young’s prejudice against black skin is contradicted by The Book of Mormon.

!! Nephi 26:33 “…and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake his goodness, and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembered the heathen, and all are alike to God, both Jew and Gentile.”

Another Mormon Dilemma:

Either The Book of Mormon which Smith said was from God and the most correct book on earth, is in error concerning that all men are alike to God.


The Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith was lying when he taught that he had received a divine revelation about a curse upon the black man.

Since Smith is the source of these contradictions, nothing he says can be believed unless confirmed by a more truthful source. He is after all a convicted con man.


On June 9, 1978, Spencer W. Kimball, President and Prophet, Seer and Revelator of the Mormon Church, announced to the world that he had received a few days earlier a “direct revelation” the news that the Negro of African descent can now receive the full blessings given through the LDS Church.

This shows that the LDS are capable of changing doctrine that is socially unacceptable.

Their anti Negro stand directly opposes the clear command of Jesus to His Apostles:

“Go ye therefore and teach all nations (black, white, red, brown)…baptizing them ….and teaching them all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” Matt. 28:19-20

St Peter taught:

“God hath showed me that I should not call any man common or unclean.” Acts 10:28

“… every nation, he that feareth him (God) and worketh righteousness, is accepted by him.” Acts 10:34.

5. The Mormons believe in baptism for the dead. They believe they can save their dead non-Mormon relatives by being baptized in their name. Hence the Mormons are noted for their extensive records of family trees. The Mormons justify this by quoting St. Paul in 1 Cor. 15:29

“Otherwise what shall they do that are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not again at all? Why are they then baptized for them?”

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This is a classic example of taking selected passages out of context to prove a preconceived idea. In this passage Paul was not indorsing “baptism for the dead”, but defending the Catholic Doctrine of the “resurrection of the dead”. Evidently some of the Corinthians needed convincing of it. Some of them also evidently uselessly baptized themselves again for their dead non-Catholic relatives. In passage 29 Paul was simply asking – why do get baptized for the dead if there is no resurrection of the dead? He was in no way indorsing the useless baptism of the dead.

6. According to Joseph Smith God revealed to him on July 12, 1843 His divine plan for plural marriage or polygamy. It was kept secret for ten years. President Grant threatened to send troops into Utah if the practice was not ended at once. Then on September 24, 1890 Wilford Woodruff, suspended the practice. Today it is forbidden by the Mormon Church…… errr, I guess Grant forced the unchanging God to change His mind!? After all we are told that all Mormon leaders are Prophets and that God speaks through them. J


This again shows that the LDS are capable of changing doctrine that is socially unacceptable.

Question: Why would the Mormon god reveal to mankind through Smith a practice so socially repulsive. If God revealed polygamy as so essential to heavenly glory, why was it denied and kept secret for ten years by the LDS authorities? Why would god order such a practice under threat of eternal damnation when he knew all along that in a few years Mormons would not be allowed to practice it and be excommunicated if found in it?

Holy Scripture has many references to Marriage between one man and one woman, till death do them part. For example:

“….they shall be one flesh.” Matt.19:5

Marriage is till death do them part. Romans 7:1-3

7. The Mormons claim that it is absolutely essential that the True Church have today Twelve Apostles. They then argue that since their church today alone has twelve apostles, it must be the Church of Christ.


The Twelve Apostles were a unique group and not a perpetual institution. Acts 1:21-22 gives two conditions for membership:

1. Personal experience of the Jesus while He was here on earth.

2. A witness to His Resurrection.

Matthias was chosen to replace Judas because he could fulfill these two conditions. Judas was replaced because of his desertion, not because of his death. The Twelve Apostles died one by one and were not replaced. The last Apostle to die was St. John. The Apostles did however ordain Priests and consecrate Bishops in various locations to continue their work through the Centuries and throughout the world.

The Mormons have many other bizarre beliefs concerning Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Ghost, etc. Please consult the references cited for a more detailed discussion of these.


Only God has the right to found a Church. Jesus Christ, the long awaited Messiah, founded the Catholic Church in 33 AD. Prior to the coming of Christ, the Jews were the “Chosen People”. After Christ, His Church was opened to all people and became “Catholic” (Universal). Many Jews accepted their (our) Messiah and became Catholics. The Jews that refused to accept Christ as their Messiah, at that point, left God’s Church. Of all the churches calling themselves “Christian”, only the Catholic has a continuous existence from 33AD to today.


It is obvious that Joseph was a con man and he had no right to start the Mormon Religion in 1823.

Neither for that matter did:

Mohammed and the Islamics in 610 AD;

Martin Luther and the Lutherans in 1517;

Henry VIII and Church of England in 1534;

John Knox and Presbyterianism in 1560;

Robert Brown and Congregationalism in 1582;

John Smyth and the Baptists in 1606;

Mishaelis Jones and the Dutch Reform Church in 1628;

Mrs. Baker Eddy and the Christian Scientist in 1628;

Samuel Seabury and Episcopalianism in 17th Century;

John and Charles Wesley and Methodism in 1744;

Theophilus Lindley and Unitarianism in 1744;

William Booth and the Salvation Army in 1865;

Etc., etc., etc!

All non-Catholic Religions keep poor misguided souls from the main source for “God’s free Gift of Grace”: The Mass, The Sacraments, The Sacramentals, Good Catholic Priests….much to the glee of Satan…..Think about it!

Page 274


Apologetics: Chapter XXVII – THE MORMONS

Write your name at the top of the page so I can read it.

1. Circle “T” or “F” when the following statements are True or False. (20 points)

T F Only talk “Religion” with the Mormon visitors, when you know the errors of what

they believe and how to answer them.

T F The Mormons are OK, look at the good and wholesome lives they live.

T F Mormonism is evil because it separates sincere people from the Mass and


T F The Mormons were started by Joseph Smith in 1823 and call themselves The

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

T F The Mormons believe in Jesus Christ and can therefore be called Christians.

T F Joseph Smith predicted the world would end in 1890.

T F Joseph Smith said that the moon was inhabited by people 6 feet tall.

T F The Book of Mormon has been verified by Archeology.

T F Joseph Smith claimed he could translate Egyptian writing on golden slabs using a

peep stone.

T F The Mormons believe there are many gods.

2. A Mormon tells you that the Faith Christ established was lost when the Apostles dispersed. What would you say? (20 points)

Page 275

3. Give two examples of beliefs of the Mormons that The Book of Mormon either contradicts or doesn’t mention. (20 points)

4. List two difficulties with the Book of Mormon. (20 points)

5. Give two examples where Joseph Smith was caught in a lie. (20 points)

Page 276