Ch. XXIV "The Rapture" ? p 241-246



The Catholic view of the “End Times”.

The specifics of the events around the End Times has not been clearly revealed to us. However we do know that our personal “End Time” is at the moment of death (when the Soul leaves the body) when we undergo the Particular Judgment. We should therefore be more concerned about our own Salvation than speculation about the End Times. The Soul then goes to Heaven, Purgatory or Hell, depending on the results of the Particular Judgment. Then sometime (perhaps soon) there is going to be a Great Chastisement on Earth. The good and the bad will suffer all kinds of wars, plagues, famine, bad weather, bad guys, whatever. These “times” will be cut short for the sake of the elect. Then a period of peace will be granted (perhaps a generation, only God knows for sure) then people will become evil again and Christ will come to Earth in all His Glory, the dead will be reunited with their souls and both body and soul will go to either Heaven or Hell forever and ever (after the General Judgment).

While speculation and prophecies about the details of the End Times are interesting, we should not get too caught up in it. It is better that we spend our efforts and prayers getting ready for our own personal end time and that of those whom we may influence. Spend time growing is sanctity, doing our daily duties and “preparing for the finals”.

Non-Catholic view of the “End Times”:

Many non-Catholic fundamentalists believe they are already “saved”. They therefore have no motivation to seek out the Truth of the Catholic Church (a great tragedy for them). They certainly see no need to go to Confession to a Catholic Priest or to prepare for the Particular Judgment. They read in Holy Scripture about the Great Chastisement and Tribulation. Their preachers then assure them that they (the elect) will not go through these terrible times because they will be “Raptured”. Their bodies and souls will be taken up to meet Christ in the air before the Tribulation Times. After the Tribulation, they will return to Earth that is now free of all the bad guys and reign with Christ for 1000 years. They are all looking forward to being “Raptured”. Many books have been written on the subject like “The Late Great Planet Earth” by Hal Lindsay.

These speculations seem to be peculiar to American Protestantism and started to become popular around the turn of the Century.

The danger of this non-Catholic view to Catholics and non-Catholics:

1. Their ministers are very articulate and act as Biblical Authorities “proving” their private interpretations. The danger is that even some Catholics may also believe them to be reliable Authorities.

2. They may believe that those who aren’t “Raptured” are lost. Thus the agents of Satan have planted the seeds of despair, to take root whenever these poor victims think they are damned because they find themselves (not Raptured) facing a major disaster - whether or not its “Apocalypse Now”. In addition, the hatred instilled into them by their blind leaders for The One True Church, will keep most from fleeing to the only help around.

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Analysis of Protestant arguments supporting the theory of The Rapture:

Some years ago, I wrote the various popular TV Evangelists and ask for their Biblical justifications for The Rapture. Upon studying their arguments, it becomes apparent that the confusion centers on what is meant by those Scriptural passages which say the Faithful will escape “the wrath of God”. They all assume that “the wrath of God” is only earthly chastisements. Heck what about Hell? Maybe that is “the wrath of God” that the Faithful will escape.

It is obvious from Her history and from Holy Scripture, that The Church will not and has not escaped Earthly chastisements. Many Christians have and will suffer martyrdom, which is called the seed of Christians. The Faithful are to be in the thick of it, to be a guiding light to any that would be saved.. The Faithful will not be Raptured before the Tribulation as many American Protestants think. Those Saints that go through the Tribulation, will receive much, much needed Grace. They will of course be saved from the ultimate “wrath of GOD” - Hell. What earthly Chastisements the Saints are shielded from, depends as always to the Will of GOD.

Scriptural passages sited to support the fable of a pre-Tribulation Rapture:

1. The Faithful will escape GOD’s wrath:

1 Thess. 5:9 “God hath not appointed us unto Wrath (Hell) but to Salvation (Heaven).”

Comment: “Salvation” is obviously “Heaven”. The opposite of Heaven is Hell. Therefore the word “Wrath” refers to Hell and not earthly chastisements during the Tribulation.

Apoc. (Rev.) 3:10 He will keep the Faithful form “Hour of Temptation”, which shall come upon the whole World. This undoubtedly refers to the Temptation to reject the Truths of the One True Church, that will be so, so prevalent at that time, because the very next verse tells how to avoid it.

Apoc. (Rev.) 3:11 Avoid the “Hour of Temptation” by holding fast to what you have (the Traditions of The One True Church), the Traditional Mass and Sacraments.

1 Thess. 1:10 Jesus hath delivered us from the wrath to come (Hell).

Rom. 5:9 We shall be saved from the Wrath (Hell) through Jesus.

Luke 21:36 Pray that you be found worthy to escape things to come (Hell) and stand before the Son of man (in Heaven).

Matt. 24:13 He that perseveres to the end (of his life) shall be saved (from Hell not from Tribulation).

2 Thess. 2:7-8 Satan shall be held back till His restraints are removed. Comment: These “restraints” are not the “Raptured Faithful” but the restraints of God, possibly the True Mass and Sacraments which have been removed from almost all Parishes.

2. At the END of the World, the Soul is reunited with the body, the saved meet Christ in the air and go to Heaven. The damned go to Hell. The blind prophets, place this event before Armageddon instead of after it. This is their so-called “Rapture”.

1 Thess. 4:12-17; 1 Cor. 15:51-57 At the Second Coming of Christ, the dead will rise. The living will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet Christ.

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1 Thess. 2:3-19; 4:15; 2 Thess. 2:1 We will be joined with Christ at His Second Coming.

Matt. 24:40-41; Luke 17:34-35 Two in the field - one taken (to Heaven), one left (for Hell).

3. During the Tribulation:

Apoc. (Rev.) 16:21 Men will blaspheme GOD. Probably furious because they weren’t “Raptured” as promised by the blind “interpreters” of Holy Scripture.

4. The Church will be on the Earth during the Tribulation (not “Raptured”):

Matt. 28:19-20 Christ promised to be with His Church to the END of the World.

Apoc. (Rev.) 12 Refers to The Woman (The Church or Mary) and Her seed (The Faithful) during the Tribulation.

Apoc. (Rev.) 7:3 Servants of GOD signed in their foreheads.

Apoc. (Rev.) 9:4 Hurt only those who have not the sign of GOD on their foreheads. Comment: therefore the Faithful will be on earth during the Tribulation.

Apoc. (Rev.) 6:9; 6:11; 17:4-6; 20:4 Many to be martyred for the Faith. (During the Tribulation)

Apoc. (Rev.) 13:7 The Beast makes war with the Saints. Comment therefore the Saints will not be “Raptured” but in the thick of it.

Apoc. (Rev.) 17:14 Some of the Faithful will come through (survive) the Tribulation.

Matt. 24:21-22 For the sake of the Elect, these days will be cut short. Comment: therefore some of the “Elect” will be in the middle of the Tribulation.

Apoc. (Rev.) 11:13 The Faithful giving Glory to GOD during The Tribulation.

1 Thess. 3:13; Zacharias 14:3-5 At His Second Coming, Christ returns “with His Saints”. These are undoubtly Souls in Heaven coming to be reunited with their Bodies, at the end of the World (i.e. St. Augustine, St. Theresa, St. Paul, St. Pius X, etc.). The blind prophets, however claim that these passages refer to “the Raptured” Church returning to earth.

There is NO Scriptural evidence that The Church will be “Raptured” before the Tribulation. Those who embrace this fable, do so out of wishful thinking, and the sweet, teaching of the blind leaders so prevalent among us today. GOD have Mercy on them whose trust is being so exploited.

The Catholic Church will be a guiding Light at all times, even till the End of the World.

5. Additional Comments in Holy Scripture about the “Latter Days”:

Luke 17:25 The One True Church will be rejected by this generation (in and out of The Church).

Matt. 24:11 Many false prophets seduce many. (With fables about the Rapture).

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2 Thess. 2:10 In the latter days they do not love Truth and will believe lying.

2 Thess. 2:14 They will therefore cast aside Traditions (Truth).

2 Tim. 3:2 They will be proud and disobedient to Parents and be wicked.

:3 Without affection.

:4 Lovers of pleasure more than GOD.

:5 Have the appearance of godliness (false “Christian” Religions), but denying His power

(Few believe in eternal punishment Hell anymore.).

:7 Ever learning and never attaining knowledge of Truth. (Study anything but the Truths

in the Catholic Church.)

:8 Will resist Truth. (Don’t want to learn Catholic Truths.)

:12 Will persecute the Godly. (Attack the Traditional Mass and Sacraments.)

:13 Evil will grow worse and worse. (Look or listen or read today’s news.)

1 John 2:22 The Anti-Christ denieth The Father and The Son.

1 Tim. 4:1-4 The False prophets abstain from various foods. (Many sects won’t eat meat.)

2 Thess 3:4 The Second Coming of Christ will be after The Great Apostasy (which we are likely in now) and The Anti-Christ revealed (don’t think this has happened yet).

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1. Write your name so I can read it. (10 points)

2. Give a brief description of what the Protestants mean by “The Rapture”. (15 points)

3. What are the dangers of the Protestant teaching on “The Rapture”? (15 points)

4. What assumption do the Protestant Fundamentalist who believe in “The Rapture” make in regards to the phrase “The Wrath of God”? (15 points)

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5. A non-Catholic quotes 1 Thess. 5:9 and tells you that “God hath not appointed us to Wrath” and that this proves that the Faithful will be spared going through The Tribulation. What would you say? (15 points)

6. A non-Catholic quotes 1 Thess. 4:12-17 that the living will be caught up in the clouds with Christ and this proves “The Rapture”. What would you say? (15 points)

7. Quote some Scriptural passages that prove to a non-Catholic, that the Faithful will still be on Earth during the Tribulation and not “Raptured”. (15 points)

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