Zoo Keeper for a day

With my love of animals and wildlife I tend to watch a lot of

Wildlife and Zoo programmes on the TV.

Seeing an advert at London Zoo to be a keeper for a day

I jumped at the chance.

They provided us with uniforms and started us off with the muckiest job

Clearing out the Zebra sheds

The animal poo and sawdust has to be swept out and disposed of, and then the floor washed.

Finally we put down new sawdust and straw.

I fed a giraffe

We next went to the aquarium and behind the tanks and cleaned the tanks of some VERY large fish

We saw live corals which had been confiscated at customs and baby seahorses

We then went into the animal kitchens and prepared food for the bearded pigs, there were menus for each animal and enrichment activities on the boards.

Chopping up the food for the Bearded Pigs

On the way to the lemur cages the otters recognised our uniforms and were screaming at us to feed them, however on this particular day this had been reserved for a VIP and so they had to wait.

Here they are standing on their hind legs anxiously demanding food. I had never heard otters make a sound before.

The Lemurs were very sweet gentle creatures and we got inside the cage with them to feed them.

This photo was taken from outside the cage by my daughter who brought the grandchildren to watch Nanny being a Zoo Keeper.

We fed the meerkets but were not allowed inside the cage as apparently they have a very nasty bite.

Note the tiny baby meerkat in the picture.

Cleaned out the camels and Alpacas, and met a friendly penguin

But I guess the highlight of the day has to be...........

Going behind the scenes and feeding a Sumtran Tiger.