Trinidad and Tobago


Tobago 2008

National Bird

Night Heron

Mot Mot


In 2003 I took a VHS video and I have now managed to transfer this to a DVD. However when originally taking it I had not worked out how to take the "display" off, so all the images have data of some sort on them.

The following pictures many are "screenshots " from this video and in some cases will show lines when there is fast movement and in particular where I had zoomed in a lot.


Close up of irridescent head

Capuchin Monkey

In the woods on the East side of Trinidad. We also saw and heard Howler monkeys in this area, but they were far too shy to film

Black Vulture

We passed this vulture along the roadside where there was a dead animal.

There was a whole flock of vultures circling around


this snake was in the mangroves where we were in our boat going out to see the Scarlet Ibis flying in to Roost in the Caroni Swamp

Our boat was in the mangroves right beneath this snake

Scarlet Ibis

Very difficult to film this from a moving boat. hundreds of them flew into the mangroves over a period of 40 minutes and the mangroves looked like they were a field of poppies

A captive Scarlet Ibis we saw earlier


on a lake

Holding wings out to dry


At the sewage plant (where there were lots of interesting birds there, and our birwatching guide knew that which was why he took us there.


Yellow Oriele

(by our hotel)

Yellow headed Crows

at the sewage plant


Very large birds ......

and their suspended nests

White Bearded Manakin

Asa Wright Centre


Green Honeycreeper

We were so lucky to see this stunning bird at the Asa Wright Centre in Trinidad

It's female is a duller green

Our hotel was on the side of a mountain in Trinidad and on one side we had stunning views of the Caroni basin and on the other side we had forest which led up the mountain. Every day the hotel would put out fruit onto the feeders so we could see the amazing birds feeding.

Blue and Palm Tanagers

Palm Tanager and Bananaquit

Silver Beaked Tanager

Humming Bird

Possibly the White Necked Jacobin

Seen in the Rainforest in tobago

Blue Backed Manakin

Also seen in the Rainforest in Tobago

It moved very fast and was difficult to capture

Birds on the beach by our hotel in Tobago - (Turtle Beach Hotel)

Tropical Mocking Bird

Ruddy Ground Dove

We stayed at the Turtle beach hotel because Leatherback turtles come onto the beach at night to lay their eggs. Many an evening the hotel bar was deserted because we were all on the beach watching the turtles (overseen by conservationists). We were not allowed to use flash photography so we didn't startle the Turtles, so we were very lucky when a turtle came up on the beach 3pm one afternoon and I managed to film the whole event.

These are some screenshots taken from the video. The Leatherbacks are huge with a fin span of about 9' and about 6' long.

Digging the hole

Digging the hole

Still digging

A hatchling accidentally dug up by the turtle

We escorted it to the sea, but not sure if it was in good condition

Laying the eggs

Close up on the eggs

Covering the eggs

Heading back to sea

Almost there

Back in the sea

The whole process took about an hour, the conservationists said the turtle was lucky it was a cloudy day as they can get sun burnt when they come up in the day time.