
I took up snorkeling after a holiday in Barbados some years ago. I have so far snorkelled in the following countries:

Barbados, Tobago, Kenya, Cyprus, Spain (Isla de Tabarco)

Island off Margarita(Caribbean), Los Roques (archipelago near Aruba)

Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park - Borneo

Thailand(Phi Phi Islands), Turtle Islands - Sulu Sea, between Borneo & The Phillipines

Grenadine Islands (Caribbean), Australia (Great Barrier Reef)

Various Caribbean islands in 2016 whilst on a Caribbean Cruise, such as Barbados and St Marten.

Agincourt Reef Great Barrier Reef:

Hook Island (Great Barrier Reef)

Knuckle Reef (Great Barrier Reef)

Plate corals - Knuckle Reef

Turtle Islands - Borneo & Manuken Island South China Sea

Parrott Fish - Not sure

where I took this as I've

seen them in lots of places

Thailand - Phi Phi Don

A few fish I did manage to catch in Turtle Islands - Borneo - Manuken Island South China Sea in the Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine National Park

Sea Urchins in the Grenadine islands (Caribbean)

These Urchins have 3 dots on them, and they are brightly irridescent, in 3 colours. as I recall there was Red and turquoise, and can't remember the 3rd colour. I have no idea what the dots were maybe there were to attract prey?? Shame they don't show up very well on the photo.

Other divers around me in the Great Barrier Reef.