Passenger Cars


Colour of CA-built cars


Cherry Stain

Turkish rouge


Locomotive 414 was painted this colour to match the cars. 1888-08-03 Ottawa Free Press. Thanks to Colin Churcher. Apparently Turkey red is from the dye made from the madder plant, and was used in cosmetics and dying textiles. Its use in textiles is strongly linked to the Vale of Leven, Scotland. By 1914, it was replaced with cheaper synthetic dyes.




CA 6 - GTR 1811

Did CA 6 become GTR 1811?

CA 27

What happened to this car?

CA 51

What happened to this car?



Canadian Railway and Shipping World. Available from the National Museum of Science and Technology


Official Railway Equipment Register. Not every occurence of the car is enumerated. The first occurence in my collection is noted, as is the first absence; usually these will be within about a year of the first and last listing in the ORER. Other significant listings (for example after the car was thought to have been destroyed) are also noted.

MG31,A10,Vol 1, File 6

Public Archives of Canada, Merrilees Collection

MG31,A10,Vol 3, File 26

PAC, Merrilees Collection. This undated listing of GTR passenger cars was printed no earlier than 1909, as it lists 2555
