!#PDF The Rise of The Jotuns (The Asgardian Exchange) Mark Bryan

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Details Of Books :

Author : Mark Bryan

Pages : 289 pages

Publisher : Amazon

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : B083B9JBZ6

ISBN-13 :

Descriptions :

Ragnarok. A thousand years ago, the Nine Realms burned and the gods were driven to the brink of annihilation. To save themselves, a deal was struck with the Fates of Asgard: every hundred years, their powerful magick and unique gifts would be removed and gifted to others so that the worlds could live on. And so, every hundred years, mortal boys and girls become the Favoured who inherit and wield each gods' power in service to the Nine Realms.Join Amanda West as the newest Favoured in this YA fantasy written for readers of all ages as she travels to Asgard, where she discovers all is not well in the Golden Realm. An outbreak of deadly, fell magick is spreading throughout the realm, bringing with it rumors of an invasion. But there is still the deeper mystery of what Amanda's claiming means. What is her connection to the wild, mysterious enchantress sealed away in a hidden tower? The Nine Realms have tried to forget her because once, a thousand years ago, the lone goddess that shares .

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