~*PDF Dragon (Histories of Purga, #1) Rustin Petrae

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Details Of Books :

Author : Rustin Petrae

Pages : 194 pages

Publisher :

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : B00A0P2UGM

ISBN-13 :

Descriptions :

I read Dragon and liked it - Piers Anthony, bestselling author of the Xanth novels.Rooks have embraced science and technology, inventing microscopic robots called nanos to create any machine they need. The Terraquois are their opposite. They embraced the spiritual and developed a deep bond with nature. This bond allows them to shift into the animal that resembles their true inner selves.These two races have fought each other with brutal savagery for centuries, but a new threat called the Blak Army has emerged and its evil is matched only by its ruthlessness. With insidious, ancient power at the fingertips of their mad leader, Wilhelm Coran, their victory is nearly assured. The only threat to his plans are a Terraquois girl named Keiara and the Rook Prince, Rone Varlamagne. When Rone crashes near enemy lands after he is shot out of the sky, Keiara is the one that stumbles upon him. Instead of leaving him to die, she saves his life. It is one conscious choice but it sets in motion a .

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