~>PDF Above the Line: Living and Leading with Heart Stephen Klemich

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Details Of Books :

Author : Stephen Klemich

Pages : 304 pages

Publisher : Harper Business

Language :

ISBN-10 : 0062886835

ISBN-13 : 9780062886835

Descriptions :

A leadership consultant and neuropsychologist identify the universal habits of the heart and mind?the keys to unlocking our true potential, creating our best selves and?eliminating behavior patterns that hold us back.?Why is it so hard for leaders to coach employees who are struggling? Why do we repeat the same mistakes and negative behaviors?Common wisdom says you always have a choice in how you react or respond. But, as corporate consultant Stephen Klemich and clinical psychologist Mara Klemich contend, until you recognize why you make choices, and how the heart and the brain work together to shape your behavior, you can?t change long-ingrained patterns and discover your best self.The Klemichs have developed a model backed by extensive research and data, and paired it with character-led personal development, to help you answer the "Why?" and eliminate behavior that is ?below the line.?In Above the Line, they argue that that the quality of your life flows from the attitudes of your .

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