@^PDF The Oyster Thief Sonia Faruqi

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Details Of Books :

Author : Sonia Faruqi

Pages : 368 pages

Publisher : Pegasus Books

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 1681777916

ISBN-13 : 9781681777917

Descriptions :

?It took her a journey across the ocean to learn what she knew of love and fear and hate, but the essence of it came to her in an instant, as she succumbed to the churning black depths of the deep sea.?Coralline is a shy mermaid in the Atlantic Ocean whose idyllic life is ruined by an oil spill that gravely sickens her little brother. Desperate to save him, she embarks on a quest to find a legendary elixir.She encounters a human man, Izar, who's left his life on land behind to find a cure for his dying father. He doesn?t tell her that his family runs Ocean Dominion, an enemy corporation whose ships plunder her waters daily.Fate pushes the two of them together, even though their worlds are at odds. Accompanied by a colorful troupe of animals, Coralline and Izar travel through coral reefs and seabed cities, trailed by murderous adversaries and warring ships. Their secrets threaten to tear them apart, while a growing attraction adds to the danger. Ultimately, each of them faces an .

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